Part 59

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"What's up Ry?"
I said hearing a hint of concern in her voice.
"I-..I found something.."
"We're in our way."
Tensei said. She wasn't far ahead from me and Joke so we nodded at each other than ran. We saw her standing in front of a alley way in horror. I placed my hand on her shoulder and she jerked around. She noticed it was me and held onto me.
"I-...they killed him!"
I looked at her confused. Joke took her as I walked down the alley way. I saw a bloody body on the floor than a hooded figure. He looked right at me his eyes glowing red.
"Who are you?!"
I yelled going over to the guy checking if he had a pulse.
"He's already dead. You can't save him now."
No pulse. I looked up seeing he had two other people. I backed up a bit before stopping and stood my ground. The guy in the middle raised his hand. The two dropped causing me to get ready to use my quirk. They pulled there hoods off seeing the two guy that attacked Shota. What the fuck.. they both disappeared as I watched in confusion. The guy dropped to the floor too and pulled off his hood.
"Oh? You know who I am?"
"The question is why do you know who I am?"
He smiled.
"Aren't you my son's husband?"
"Even so! Why would you attack him?!"
"Me? Oh no no no.. that's wasn't me."
"It was your stupid guys that work for you guys!"
"So? Wasn't me~."
"There was kids in the house!"
"Hm? Kids? No, there were no kids in the report."
"You have two grandchildren. If you stop all this now you can see them."
He froze.
"Yes.. stop this now. Come with me and everything will be fine!"
It was silent for a moment. I walked closer to him before he pulled out a gun and pointed at me. I raised my hands and stopped.
"I said fucking no!"
I ran I grabbed the gun pulling it out of his hands throwing it to the side. I punched his stomach than he elbowed my face. I pushed him to the floor and elbowed his back. He pulled his arm back hitting me off of him. He reached for the gun but I pulled him away. I hurried and stood up as he did the same. He through a punch but I blocked it not seeing the one headed for my stomach. I held it in pain and backed up a bit. I pressed my watch than held my hand out.
"Al.. you don't have to do this ok.. you can stop this and I can help you get to both your sons."
"Really?... I mean shut the hell up!"
He picked up the gun and pointed it at me. He pulled the trigger as I closed my eyes waiting for the impact that never came. I looked to see Joke took the bullet. I ran over to her making sure she was ok. I looked up seeing him looking at us surprising. Than he laughed.
"Whoa.. she took the bullet?!"
I picked her up and backed up.
"I needed you to stay alive to see your family..."
She said quietly. I set her down in the corner and took off my jacket wrapping it around her leg where the wound was at. I stood back up looked at him.
"You know.. I really don't like you that much.. kinda strong. Makes all this ten times harder."
"Shut up..."
"Hm.. you actually think you can beat me hero.."
"Hell yeah I think so."
I held up my fist as he laughed.
"Fists against a bullet? Hahaha!! Tell me who do you thinks gonna win!"
He pointed the gun at me as I got ready to activate my quirk.
"Pull the trigger and find out."
He smirked.
"You really wanna die huh.."
I started yelling. He dropped the gun and covered his ears. I ran over to him taking the gun before slamming his head against my knee. He backed up than charged after me. He tackled me causing me to drop the gun. I kicked him off of him. I got on top of him and punched his face. He stopped the next one and pushed me off of him. We both stood up and looked at each other. We heard sirens in the distance. He smiled.
"Damn.. you were close to wining but that's my second reminder I need to run. This was fun Hizashi."
He started to run off but I started to follow. I saw Tensei behind me. I held out my hand waiting. Than I felt his grab mine. He held me under is arm kinda and ran. We got closer to him as I yelled. Tensei started to get slow so he let go. I almost got him but missed. I kept running getting pretty close to him. I finally got him and pushed him against a building. His face against the wall as I held him like that. I felt a sharp pain through my back. I turned to see the two guys. They grabbed a knife and held it against my neck. They turned to the police and everyone else.
"Let our hero go and we can talk this out!"
I heard Noamasa yell though a speaker.
"No!.. I think He'll stay!.."
He said turning to me. He pulled out a knife he had and played with it.
"I could kill him right now and you guys wouldn't even be able to stop me.."
He said smiling.
"Let him go!"
I heard Noamasa say again.
"No.. I think I'll kill him just for the hell of it!!"
He placed the knife on my chest.
"Should I?! I think it'll be fun to see all your little reactions!"
It went silent.
"Fuck it!"
He pulled the knife back and than pushed it into my chest. I gasped out as I felt the sharp pain.
Was all I heard before everything went dark.

(Totally forgot time mention this, but if you haven't noticed, Aito works with Noamasa and is a detective😂. Also help- I've been trapped by the evil being my brother-, he forced me into nails and now I can barely type~!)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now