Part 33

315 12 26

(Pls don't play song yeah I know there were a couple of these, I promise there won't be a lot anymore)

I turned around and saw Nemuri come through the door.
"He's upstairs. What's up Nem?"
"Just came to visit you two~!"
"Mhm? I doubt that.."
"Come on! I can't visit my best friends!"
She came over and hugged me as I hugged back.
"Did you become taller?"
I said laughing.
"Sure.. Anyways what are you doing?"
"Just finishing the dishes. So you are not here for a specific reason?"
"Oh. And no I am not.. can I not see my friends!"
"It's just, Out of nowhere I guess.."
I sat down as she did the same. Soon Shota came down with wet hair and no shirt.
"Oh hey Nemuri."
"...hello. You just walk around without a shirt on?"
"It's my house, and no ones home. I don't really care."
He said laughing as he squeezed some of the water out of his hair on the towel.
"*Sigh* I miss teaching.."
"I don't.. goodbye little brats!"
"Until next year."
"Don't remind me.."
I said laying my head on the table as the two laughed.
"Hey, you guys wanna go out tonight?!"
"There it is.."
"I knew you came over for something."
"He's right ya know."
"Not even!"
I got a message on my phone as I looked at it.
'Make sure you say no to Auntie Nem and dad says yes!'
'You guys are planing something aren't you..'
No reply.. I sighed and looked up to see the two looking at me.
"Who is it?"
"I-it's um, Kai. Ya he was just wondering about tonight."
"What's tonight?"
"He, um... he has this one person he wants me to meet. I don't know. Why don't you two go? Shota and Nemuri time, ya know."
"Maybe. Where would we go Nem?"
"How about the cat café?!"
We all laughed at Shota's response.
"What?! I like cats ok... leave me alone."
"You didn't even think about it!"
"I know cause I like cats! Whatever let me go get a shirt on.."
I glared at Nemrui as soon as he walked out of the room.
"Your planning something.."
She smiled and reached her hand in her pocket than pulled out a small black box.
"Here you go. Everyone pitched in for it. Good luck."
I opened the box, seeing the ring. My eyes went wide as I looked up at her.
"Mhm, soon your be Mr. and Mr. Yamada or Aizawa I don't know."
"B-but... h-hold on.. I'm nervous.."
"Everyone is. Just I know he'll say yes."
I held the small box in my hand before hearing him walk down the stairs. I stuffed it in my pocket, panicking.
"Alright I'm ready."
I looked over to see what he was wearing. All black again...
"Really Shota.. that's what you going to wear? Wear some color!"
"Do you want me to go?"
"Fine. Let's go then. I'll see you in the car. Bye Hizashi."
"Good bye Nem."
She walked out as I stood to go over to Shota.
"She's right ya know, wear some color in your life."
"Black is a color."
"How about, red? Or blue, or green, or purple, or even yellow."
I said smiling as I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I think you're the only person I know who can pull of a 'yellow' look."
He said smiling.
"Hm? Is that's so? Maybe I can do other colors as well."
"I would like to be there when you do."
I leaned in for a kiss as he kissed me.
"Now Nemuri's impatient. I'll see you later Sho."
"Ok, love you bye."
"Love you too."
I left go as he speed walked out the door with his keys in hand. I smiled to myself and looked at my phone once more. I tapped on Aito's contact.
"Your a part of this... aren't you."
I heard him laughed.
"Ya, ya I am Hizashi. I'll be over soon."
I sighed to myself then responded.
"Ok... your telling me the plan cause you guys kinda just did this without me."
"I know, that's why I'm coming over dip shit. I'll see you soon."
He hung up as I grabbed the ring out of my pocket. I opened it and looked at it. Someone must have the other one.. after a while of waiting Aito came through the door.
"I swear some people don't know how to knock.."
"Your right I don't."
He came over to me with a smirk.
"Here's the plan.. Nemuri just left with Shota and the kids. Where were the kids? They were outside waiting for Nemuri to come out. When she did they talked and then when Shota came out he invited the kids to go with them. They agreed. Yagi, Tensei, and me went to a forest and got everything set up. I came back down and waited for you call. I got it knowing it was the time to start. The other ring. And flowers. Shota likes purple dahlias."
He held the ring in one hand the a bouquet of flowers in the other.
I sat and thought for a second. Processing everything. So basically... the first 'plan' Jiro listed that one time..
"Ok! I'll leave this to you!"
He set the stuff down on the table and started to walk out.
"Hold up! You can't just leave me! What do I do right now?! I don't have anything nice to wear.."
"Oh that's right! We need to get you and Shota suits. Come on now! Get your shoes on, we don't have all day."
"Hurry now. I'll see you in the car."
I put my shoes on and grabbed the other ring putting it on just for now. I got a vase and filled it with water and put the flowers in. Anything else?... my hair! I grabbed a simple beanie that I left on the couch and put it on. I grabbed my keys and left the house locking the door. Than got in Aito's car.
"Your already wearing it, how cute."
"Ya, because I have no where else to put it. How does it fit so perfectly?"
"Cause I picked it!"
He laughed as we started driving.
"Ok where are we going?"
"To get your suits."
"Ya but like, where?"
"Eh, I know a guy who owns a store not that far from here. It's by a café so maybe we can stop there and get a coffee or something."
"I though 'we didn't have all day' and Shota went to a café are you sure it's not that same one?"
"Could be, now that means we have to be stealthy."
"Stealthy.. right."
We pulled up to a small building. We got out and walked in.
"Aito! Come in, you said you were looking for two right?"
"Yes, I have my first one, my other couldn't come today because it's a surprise but I can tell you his size."
"Alright I can due with that."
The guys smiled at me.
"Ok, sir, what kind of color are you looking for?"
I looked over at Aito.
"This is you, not me."
I thought for a second.
"What colors do you have?"
"Velvet, red, blue, purple, white, maroon, and some light blue ones. The one I like the most are either the maroon ones or the light blue ones."
We walked me over to a rack pulled two up. Soon my head was pushed down.
"*Whisper* I guess you were right.. Shota's in that café.. do you have some place where people outside can't see us, and to where he can try these on?"
"Hm? Oh yes come with me!"
He started walking away as me and Aito followed. I turned back and saw Shota talking with Nemuri and the kids.
"Don't look back.."
Aito said smacking my head.
"Ouch! Sorry~!"
We got to a small hallway with three or so changing rooms. It had old wallpaper over the walls as well.
"It's might not be the fanciest but it gets the job done right?"
"Oh, that's alright, this is perfect actually."
"Now whats your size?"
After I told him mine and Shota's he was off to go look. There was a velvet seat in the hallway that Aito sat on.
"What's up with you?"
"Well one, you didn't tell me this had to be today! Like I'm not.."
He chuckled a bit as I stopped myself.
"You were going to say you weren't ready.. Right?"
I nodded.
"We all know that's not true. You've been in love with my brother since you saw him, Hizashi. It's not that your not ready, it's that your scared of his response. Correct?"
"Ya... I guess.."
"You'll be ok. I promise."
They guy came back interrupting out conversation.
"Alright here are two suits. You can see which one you like more."
I took them from his hand and thanked him.
"Of course I'll be at the front if you need anything."
"Thank you."
He left as I walked into the dressing rooms. They were old but cleaned up nice. They had a place to hang up the suits so they wouldn't wrinkle. I hung the up and took off my shirt. I put the suit on and looked in the mirror. It's not a bad color.. kinda like it.. I switched to the maroon color. Huh I really like this one.. I folded it down. Soon there was a frantic knock at the door. I opened it confused see Aito. He pushed me in and got in too.
"What are you do-"
He put his hand over my mouth and shut the door. He put his finger to his mouth signaling me to be quite. He moved his hand as I stood there in confusion.
"S-Shota, maybe not. Come on let's go!"
"Nemuri your the one who wanted me to come in here?"
"It's was a joke!"
"Ya come on dad! Can we go to the park?!"
"Uh.. sure.."
"Yes! Come Jiro and Hitoshi!"
I heard the little chime that signaled someone was leaving. Aito sighed and then walked out.
"I like that one. Sorry."
"It's fine.."
I looked down than in the mirror once more.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now