Part 92

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I set Shōta down as he immediately fell asleep. I kissed the top of his head before leaving the room. I went to Aki's room knocking on the door. After a moment I opened is seeing her with a cut across her arm.
I walked into the room as she dropped her head.
"Me and the group were attacked by a couple thugs. We were able to escape, I didn't realize I got cut."
She had bandages and stuff scattered of the bed.
"I didn't know what would work."
I shut the door behind me and sat on the bed.
"What first aid did you get into?"
"The one in the hallway closet."
I picked up a bandage that would fit her arm and the stitches.
"Next time use the one in the downstairs bathroom. It has the better bandages since me and your dad tend to continue buying more after we use them."
I said looking up at her with a small smile. I tilted my head.
"Think you can deal with the stitches?"
"I think so.."
She turned so I could do her arm.
"Ok than."
I started on her arm as her face clenched tightly. Once I was done I cleaned up the blood around her arm. Than I picked up the bandages and started to wrap her arm.
"Remember, only use these for wounds that's been stitched. If you use it on an open wound than you'll infect the wound. Got it?"
I looked back up at her seeing her nod. I smiled slightly going back to wrap her arm.
"All done."
I ripped off the bandages. We put everything back together.
"What did they look like?"
I said looking over at her.
"There were four. A blue haired, brown haired, and blonde haired guy. And the red headed girl."
My eyes went wide before I stopped.
"What did they want? Did any of them touch you?"
"I don't know what they wanted. They didn't say a thing. Just came after us. And no, Kota, Eri, and Katsuma kept them away from me and Mahoro."
I nodded and set my hand on her shoulder.
"I guess I need to thank them. Also, if they're ever come up to you again. Call me ok?"
She nodded before I ruffled her hair.
"Now get some sleep."
I picked up the first aid and walked out.
She yelled before I shut the door.
I left the room and put the first aid in the hallway closet. I walked back to our room seeing Shota cuddled up with the two kittens. I smiled slightly and laid down next to him. Yin came up and laid near my face as I pet her slightly. I kissed the top of Shota's head before slowly falling asleep.

It was the afternoon already. Shota has been sleeping in later. I asked Aki to watch over him while I went out. I was patrolling. I usually wouldn't but I can't sit back and wait.
I looked over seeing Kai with a girl.
"Oh hey."
I said with a small smile.
"I would say I'm surprised to see you. But it's no surprise."
I laughed slightly and shrugged.
"Yeah guess so."
"Hm, here let me introduce you. This is my friend, Lily."
He said with a smile. I looked over at her before backing up in shock.
"Nice to meet you."
She said with a smile as she bowed slightly. I bowed slowly.
"Here Kai, can I talk to you about something?"
"Uh... yeah sure. Here go on ahead. I'll catch up."
She nodded and waved before walking away.
"You're making it obvious."
He said through his teeth.
"I'm aware it's her. I just met her. Let me gain her trust alright."
"I get it. I'll be safe."
I nodded before he waved.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later."
I scratched the back of my neck after he walked away. What the hell am I supposed to do. There was a call on my phone as I pulled it out of my pocket.
"Aki? You ok?"
"The guys. There here!"
"What?! I'm coming hold on."
I shoved my phone Into my pocket and started to run home. I finally got there and ran inside. Three guys were standing in the living room.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Get the hell out of my house!"
"Your being irrational. If you let us talk-"
"I don't care. Leave my house now. Before I make you."
I said gritting my teeth. They sat down in unison.
"Do you know who Shota Aizawa is?"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I texted Noamasa before putting my phone back.
"Was that him?"
"Yeah. It is."
I lied trying to hold myself back from just fighting these guys right now.
"I'll be back. You there guys better not fucking move."
I walked upstairs seeing Aki's door open. But ours was closed. I walked in seeing Aki sitting next to Shota holding her hand up read to use her quirk.
She jumped up and hugged me.
"Make them go away please."
"I will.. stay here. With him, ok?"
She nodded before sitting with Shota again. I walked out shutting the door behind me. I walked downstairs seeing them standing up again.
"I want you to leave my house. What is your business with Aizawa?"
"Our boss died because of him."
"And who would your boss be?"
Could it be?..
"You work for Al?"
"Yes, he was an old Aizawa before his divorce."
I gritted my teeth.
"You guys are assholes. What is your guys deal with going against Shota Aizawa."
"Don't know. Boss just said so."
I clenched my firsts before the door opened. Aito and Noamasa came in with a couple other cops.
"Who the hell are you?!"
The guys yelled as Aito stepped forward.
"Names Aito Aizawa. Your trespassing on my brother property!"
One said going after me. I punched him in the face before he could reach me causing him to pass out.
"Eh?!... well that was a bit pathetic.. I was hoping for at least a little fight.."
I said picking him up by the back of his shirt. They put him in cuffs taking him to the police cars.
"Thanks Aito and Noamasa."
The two nodded. Noamasa went out as me and Aito talked.
"Is Shota ok?"
"I hope. Here he's upstairs."
We went upstairs and to our room. Aki was using her quirk on Shota as I went over to her quickly.
"What's going on?!"
"His body is taken over! He tried to.. he sat up and apparently you guys have a pocket knife in you night stand!"
He tried to stab her?!
I walked up to Shota seeing him trash around. I took the knife he had and handed it to Aito.
"What are you doing?!"
"Step out of the room."
I said as Aki stopped using her quirk. He stood there staring at me. She fell to the floor as Aito helped her.
"Leave the house."
I said as he nodded. He took her out and shut the door behind him.
"That's me."
"I'll kill you than your husband!"
He charged after me as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the ground. I twisted his arm behind his back as he groaned.
"Your willing to break your husbands arm?! How heartless of you!"
"No.. knowing Shota, he'd rather have me break his arm than have you hurt anyone in his family. Now, give my husband back you bastard."
He laughed before I pushed his arm back further.
"God dammit fine!"
I waited to see if he switched back.
"Z-Zashi.. you can let go.."
I let go and sat him up.
"You ok?"
He nodded holding his arm.
"It's fine. I'm ok.."
I helped him stand before his body went weak again. I caught him and sat him on the bed as I crouched in front of him.
"Hizashi.. my body is becoming weaker.. soon I won't be able to do anything myself..."
I looked at him in shock as he sighed.
"What happening Shota?.."
"I think his quirk takes my strength to power his quirk..that's why I'm so weak.."
I cupped his face as he smiled weakly.
"Let me take you to the doctors.. Please.."
He shook his head and set his hands on mine.
"It's ok. I don't feel him in my head anymore.."
(Why does that sounds wrong?.. I've tried to rewrite it 100 times and I can't get the right words!)
"Are you sure?.."
He nodded as I sighed.

I walked around with my hands in my pocket. I was patrolling again. The girls still out there. And I need to find her. I heard yelling down an alley way. Could it be her?.. I walked down the alleyway seeing Tensei, Nemuri, Toshi, and Emi.
"What the hell are you guys doing?"
I asked as they all turned to me.
"We found her! This is her isn't it!"
Tensei said moving seeing a girl.
"What? No this isn't her.."
I walked over to the girl and helped her stand.
"Don't jump to conclusions.."
They all looked at me in shock.
"Go home."
I said as the girl started to walk out of the alleyway. Before I heard her laugh. I turned seeing the girl as my eyes went wide.
"Ha! I thought heroes we're supposed to be intelligent!"
I gritted my teeth before she disappeared. I stood in shock before an arm was set on my shoulder.
"You idiot."
I looked over seeing Toshi shaking his head. I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and sighed.
I went to walk away before someone grabbed my hand. I turned seeing Nemuri standing there a angrily.
"What's your problem?!"
"Your acting different."
Tensei said as I jerked my hand away from Nemuri before crossing them.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"What's the last time you slept?"
Emi asked as I shrugged.
"I gotta go find this girl. So, later."
Toshi said as I looked at him confused.
"We can help you know that."
"Yeah, but I'll be fine on my own."
I turned and went to walk out.
"Stop being so independent! You need to take breaks!"
Emi yelled as I stopped.
"I'm not being independent. I'm determined! My husband can't even stand on his own!"
I turned to them as they looked at me in shock.
"We know that! So where here to help!"
"Than help, let me try and find her myself. You guys can try and find in groups or whatever."
"That's called being independent Hizashi!"
"Leave the guy be Nemuri.."
Toshi said as Nemuri crossed her arms.
"He's being stupid! It's not like Shota isn't our friend!"
Emi yelled as I looked down. I turned back  around and rolled my eyes.
"Just stop.. I get it ok."
I went to walk out again before Nemuri said something again.
"Oh please. If you did you wouldn't be trying to find her on your own."
"Just shut up already. I don't care."
"That's harsh Hizashi."
Tensei said as I stuffed my hands into my pocket.
"I don't care. Just back off and leave me the hell alone."
I walked out sighing again. I walked around till it rained. Though I still had to walk home. It was pouring, I was getting soaked. A car pulled up next to me. I looked over seeing Nemuri through the window. The window rolled down as she looked at the steering wheel.
"Get in."
"I'll walk."
I said and started walking again.
"Your an idiot."
She said pulling up a bit more.
"I know. So let me walk, the walk of shame.."
I said with a fake chuckle. I looked over at her seeing her glare at me. My smiled faded as I shoved my hands into my pocket.
"Get home. It's late."
I looked down at my feet and continued walking.
"Fine. Catch a cold."
She drove away as I sighed. I finally got home going to our room. I headed to the bathroom and changed out of the wet clothes. Shota was laid on the bed cuddled up to the blankets and pillows. I sighed and laid down next to him. I brushed the hair out of his face as he let out a huff of air.
"I'm sorry Shota.. I'll get you to feel better. I promise."
I felt tears in my eyes as I leaned my head on his and sighed.
"I promise Sho.."
I pulled him to my chest as I slowly fell asleep. I'll save you..

~Authors note~
Quick thing. I will not be responding to comments for a while and I will not be online other than to post for a while, sorry.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now