Part 47

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I yawned and sat up. I looked over seeing and empty bed. I sighed and got ready for the day. Once I was done I walked downstairs and made myself some coffee. Once it was done I grabbed it and walked back upstairs. I turned in the tv in our room and waited out the day. Aki was at her fathers. Hitoshi was at Denki's and Jiro was with Momo, so I was alone today. My phone rang as I turned the volume down on the tv and answered it.
"It's Naomasa..Mic I need your help.."
I sat up quickly.
"Is their a problem?"
"Well.. we need an extra person to go undercover with Eraserhead and the other hero. We thought we would be fine with two but we need three. I understand you have children. But right now your the only person I could think of."
I sat and thought for a moment.
"How long so I have if I say yes.."
"I'll see what I can do with my kids. If I'm not able to keep them safe I will have to decline."
"Understandable. Call soon, thanks Mic."
I hung up and quickly called Nemuri.
"Hizashi why the fuck are you calling me at 8am.."
"I need a favor. Can you come over?"
"Sure. Just let me go home and change."
"Go home-... seriously."
She hung up as I rolled my eyes. I turned the volume back up and tried to clear my mind but it didn't work. If I end up going too, and I'm me and Shota get caught. That can put the kids in danger too.. along with anyone close to us. I turned the tv off, Than walked downstairs with my mug and placed it in the sink. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv as I zoned out. After a while Nemuri walked through the door.
"Hey Zash-Babe!"
"Don't ever call me that.."
I said looking over at her as she laughed.
"Yeah that was a bad nickname."
She came and sat down next to me as I turned to her.
"So what's up?!"
"Naomasa called."
"Hm? Why?"
"He want me to do the same mission as Shota."
She looked at me in surprise and confusion.
"Apparently they needed three heroes and not 2. Naomasa said I was the only one he could think of. I have to agree soon and leave probably tomorrow or tonight."
"Well shit.."
"Can you and the group take care of the kids? I don't want to leave them with my parents. I don't want them to deal with three kids."
"Hizashi, you gotta remember Hitoshi and Jiro are in there 20's. They can take care of themselves."
"Can you guys just check up on them here and there?"
I said looking back over at her.
"Of course! There my niece's and nephew!"
"Well, sorta."
I said with a slightly smile.
"So what if we're not blood related. We're still family! And the two singers happen to have fallen in love!"
"To bad Shota doesn't sing anymore.."
"When you guys get back I'll make him!"
I laughed and shook my head.
"Now go call Naomasa!"
I nodded and walked to my room. I dialed his number and called.
"Naomasa. I will accept your mission."
"Great, I'll see you tonight."
He hung up as I sat on my bed. Another life or death situation.. I gotta be safer with this mission... I say that with every mission and it never goes right.. dammit..

(Sorry it's short! Maybe I'll post another part tonight!)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now