Part 76

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(Just to let you guys know, at this point they're about 40-)

I turned on the radio listening to Hizashi's radio. I became interested in something and looked up the UA website. Hizashi yelled causing me to jumped. I groaned a bit turning down the volume. I looked through who the teachers were noticing Nemrui and Vlad are still working there. I continued scrolling shocked.
'Katsuki Bakugou'

Seriously? That kid couldn't even go a day without yelling..
I scrolled down a bit more.
'Ejiro Kirishima.'
"Alright that makes sense."
I turned off my computer and called Nezu telling him I will be there this year. I yawned focusing back to Hizashi.
"And now a small Q&A from some listeners~! Listener number one, shoot your question!"
"So what was the reason for the small break?"
"I do have a family that I need to take care of. Also, I was supposedly dead for a while."
He said with a chuckle. People continue asking questions until one caught my attention.
"What family? I'm a new fan to you, and don't know much about you. So who's in your family?"
"Oh! Welcome listener!! And well I have my husband and two kids, along with my sister. Also my brother-in-law. And my very very close friends. We're all one big family!"
I smiled slightly before turning it off.

Hizashi's POV
As soon as I finished, I hurried home.
"Uhh~! Hizashi!"
Kai said as I quickly turned around.
"You just going to dash out of here without a goodbye?.."
He said smiling. I laughed slight.
"I'll see you later Kai."
He smiled and waved his hands as I ran out.

I finally got home. It was quite. Hitoshi wasn't here and Aki was most likely asleep. I mean it's 2am. I took off my shoes and hung up the keys and my jacket. I rushed upstairs and to our room. I opened the door slowly seeing him asleep on the bed. I smiled and shut the door behind me. I changed before laying on the bed, wrapping my arm around his waist. I heard him groan a bit before turning around his eyes slowly opening.
"Sorry, did I wake you?.."
I said quietly as he shook his head slowly.
"No.. ok maybe.."
I laughed a bit before he pecked my lips.
"Go to sleep Sho.."
He nodded and set his head under my chin.
"Goodnight Love.."
"Goodnight.. babe.."
We both feel sleep quickly.

I made breakfast with a smile. I heard Aki's door opened as she ran down stairs.
"Bye pops! I'm going out I'll see you later!!"
"Whoah whoah whoah whoah whoah! Slow down! Where are you going?"
She peeked into the kitchen with a smile.
"Out with friends!"
"Who knows!"
She said with a giggle.
"They said they wanted to surprise me today!"
I smiled.
"Ok, who are you going out with?"
I said turning my attention back to breakfast.
"Mahoro, Katsuma, Kota, oh and Eri!"
I nodded than looked back at her.
"Do you need some money? You can get what you want from my wallet. It's in my jacket."
"No thanks pops! Anyways I'll see you and dad later! Tell him I said bye!"
I laughed as she ran out.
"I'm sure he heard you.."
I whispered under my breath. I had quite music playing in the background as a song started to play. I force for a moment smiling before going back.
"I have loved you since we were 15..
Long before we both thought the same thing.."
I had a wide grin on my face as I sang. This was.. our song..

Once the song ended so did the cooking. Soon Sunflower by Harry started to play. I hummed it hearing Shota some down the stairs.
I said making him a plate.
He said down as I cleaned up the mess I made.
"Sing it love!"
I said turning to him with a smile.
"I don't sing."
He said before shoving food in his mouth.
"Please~! Come on! Just this once let me hear your beautiful voice!"
He cringed as I laughed.
"If I started it you finish it!"
"I couldn't want you anymore~"
"Kiss in the kitchen like its a dance floor.."
I smiled widely as he continued.
"I couldn't want you anymore,"
We said in unison before we laughed.
"Please sing more Sho~!"
He shrugged and went back to eating.
"What if you got a guitar!"
He looked at me confused.
"And why would I want a guitar?"
"Don't you already have one?!"
I said remembering the one he stores away.
"That's my moms."
He said finishing his food and washing his dish.
"I don't play guitar like I use to."
I whined before throwing my arms around him.
"You should start~! Than you can come down to the radio station and sing with me~!"
"How many times in our life are you going to ask me to sing with you?"
"Don't know, guess till it happened."
I said kissing his cheek.
"I made a song, isn't that enough for you?"
He said turning in my grip than wrapping his arms around my waist.
He smiled and rolled his eyes slightly.
"Has Aki eaten?"
He asked.
"She will. She just went out with some friends."
He nodded.
"So~! That means it's just us today! Let's go out!"
"Please~! Sho! We haven't gone on a date for so long~!"
"Because what is there to do?"
I said with a smile as we both let go of each other. He smiled again than helping me clean up.
"What did you have in mind exactly?"
He said as I looked at him confused.
"For a date.."
He didn't look over as I smiled going back to putting things away.
"Well, we could go to dinner-"
"No, nothing fancy."
I laughed a bit.
"Ok how about..."
I smiled.
"A surprise?"
I said looking at him as he looked at me rolling his eyes.
"I don't like surprises.."
"Well to bad~, I want to do this one."
I said with a smiling finishing.
"Ugh.. why can't we just lay in bed?"
"Because, I need to do things with my husband sometimes."
I said hugging him from behind.
"Well you can lay on bed with your husband."
"I mean I could but I know the both of us need to get out and do stuff together, like old times."
"I'm pretty sure he'll love you even if you don't go out and do stuff for him."
"Eh, I know, but that won't stop me from spoiling him."
I kissed that back of his neck as I saw him smirk a little.
"I mean you have you seen this beautiful ring."
I said grabbing his hand.
"He's a very lucky man I see.."
He said looking at me with a smile.
"More as the other way around."
I pressed my lips against his before pulling away.
"Your an idiot.."
He said with a smile as I leaned my head on his.
"But I'm yours.."
"Yes. Yes you are.."
I picked him up and spun him around as he giggled. Once I set him down he turned around.
"Finally I get some time with my husband without villains getting in the way."
I said with a smile.
"Don't jinx us yet. Let me enjoy you before some villain decides to take you and make you fake your death again."
He said with a smile. His arms rested around my shoulders as I smiled and shook my head.
"I still can't believe you guys gave me a funeral.."
"We literally thought you were dead. You can't blame me for giving you a funeral."
Which reminds me I need to talk to my parents.
"Well at least I'm not dead."
I said shrugging.
"Thank god your still alive, I wouldn't have done well being by myself."
"You would! You'd have the kids, Aito, Nemuri, Tensei, Yagi. Everyone~!"
"I don't reach out and we both know this.."
I laughed and nodded.
"Yeah your right."
"So when's our little date happening?"
"Tonight, so we have all day~!"
"All day to sleep, come on."
He removed his hands from my neck to took my hands in his, leading me upstairs.
"Who said I wanted to sleep?"
I laughed as we made it to our room. We laid down as he snuggled up to my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.
"How could someone be so lucky.."
I whispered under my breath.
"Yeah yeah.. not as lucky as you think."
He kiss my cheek before snuggling back into me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

I yawned and sat up seeing Shota was still sleeping. I smiled and looked at the time. 3:30. I shrugged and got up. I changed my clothes and went downstairs. I opened blinds and turned on the tv. First I called Aki.
"Hey, are you home or still out?"
"Still out! All of us are crashing at Mirio's, is that ok?"
"As long as it's ok with him I don't have a problem."
"He already said it was ok! So I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Alright, I see you tomorrow morning, love you."
"Love you too.."
I heard her mumble as I chuckled a bit.
"Alright night Aki."
"Night pops!"
She hung up as I smiled slightly. I than called my parents. They only visited twice since I've been announced alive. They don't seem very dedicated to me. I mean they never were in the first place.
"Oh Hizashi I'm glad you called!"
"And why's that?"
I asked confused.
"Me and your dad were just talking about you!"
I rolled my eyes slightly. As much as I liked my step dad, I wouldn't call him my dad. My bio dad passed due to cancer.
"Oh? Talking about what?"
"How we think you should resign as a hero!"
"Seriously Mother? We've talked about this. I'm not doing that, I need to have a heroes license to protect my family. And being a hero pays well.."
"I just think it's caused you more trouble. I even told you when you were a teenager that it wouldn't be a good idea."
"Nothing that I did was I good idea when I was a teenager."
"Oh come on Hizashi, we only wants what's best for you.."
"Is the best for me telling my husband you wished I had kids of my own? Like with a female?"
"Ah so he told you."
"We're honest with each other mother. If somethings bothering us we tell each other."
"It is nothing serious Hizashi. I just wish you'd have your own kids.."
"I do have my own kids. They might not have my DNA but we're still family and I still love em. And I have only fallen for Shota. And you should know this by now, but I'm not getting with anyone else."
"A selfish act in my eyes.."
"And why would you say that? I'm not selfish, you are."
"I would want to have grandchildren that have the same DNA as me, Shota can't provide that."
"You should love them either way. And so what, I still love him."
"Yeah, I get it. You've been telling me that for years Hizashi."
"Than accept it already.. also.. you called me your only child."
"Because you are. I don't see the problem with that."
"Jiro? Did you just magically forget you raised her?"
"She isn't mine. I wouldn't call her mine, she's a girl I raised."
"She's your daughter. Fathers daughter, you guys have been married for years, there for she's basically yours. Just like I'm basically fathers, even if I don't want to call him mine."
"You practically took her from us and raised her yourself."
"Exactly, because I knew you weren't going to raise her correctly to where she could be who she wants."
"You raised her and look where she's at now."
"What? Happy? Living her life like I taught her no one could take away?"
"Engaged to a female."
"Oh? Did you not know? Oh yes her and that girl are engaged. Me and your dad aren't going to there wedding. But I guess you know now."
I hung up and sat there confused. Engaged? Since when? Why didn't she tell me?.. I called her as she picked up.
"Hey!! Been a while since I've heard from you. How is Aki! And Hitoshi! And you and Shota of course!"
"Uh, were all good, Hitoshi just moved in with Denki recently. And Aki's been going out with friends a lot more."
"Good to let your kids grow up! And you and Shota?"
"Good, we're going out tonight, finally convinced him.."
I said with a slight smile.
"Good! Anyways, what's with the sudden call! Perfect timing thought, I'm on my lunch break!"
"Jiro.. are.. are you and Momo engaged?.."
It went silent for a bit.
"Who told you?"
"Is there a reason you didn't tell me? I happy for you I really am! But just confused on why you didn't tell me.."
"In all honesty brother.."

~Authors Note~
Anyways!! Happy Halloween y'all!🎃

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