Part 38

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I sat up in panic. I was breathing heavily. Someone put there hand on my shoulder I jumped as my heart monitor went off. Soon doctor came in and calmed me down. I could barely hear anything. I calmed down a little and looked up at the people. The doctors left and it was only the four from yesterdays fight. There ok.. thank god.. My breathing went back to normal as Tensei removed his hand from my shoulder.
They all smiled.
"Hello Aizawa."
"How are you doing uncle zawa?"
"Glad to see you awake.."
I smiled slightly.
"Im fine.. no major injuries with you guys right?"
"Nope.. they all are ok."
Tensei said. The three nodded.
"Good. And again stop calling me Aizawa. Its Shota."
I chuckled a bit and ran my hands through my hair.
"So I passed out... What happened?"
They all froze and looked at Tensei.
"Of course you guys are making me do this.. Anyways Shota. No one died. You passed out due the loss of blood. Hizashi is awake but isn't able to speak at all."
He smiled wider and turned to me. My eyes went wide as I went to stand but my legs felt weak. Tensei caught me as I fell.
"Take it easy Shota.."
He placed me back on the bed as I tapped my fingers with my thumb. Suddenly someones phone started ringing snapping me from my thoughts.
"I must go now.. get well Shota and tell Mic too."
Todoroki bowed and walked out. I smiled to myself seeing Bakugou wasn't there.
"Bakugou left after the fight.."
"Yeah, Thats Kacchan... Now I'm must leave too! My apologies!"
Midoriya bowed his head.
"Its alright.. Thank you again."
He nodded and left. I sighed and tired to stand once more. I didn't fall.
"Careful Shota.. I know you want to see him but doctors are still doing test on him."
"Damn doctors.."
Tenya laughed as he sat down on the bed.
"If you want to talk to him you going to have to understand JSL."
"I know.. I know a little so hopefully it'll be enough."
"Doctors said they imform us when there done as all we have to do is wait a little bit."
I nodded and tried walking around.
"See I can walk.."
I chuckled slightly and went to sit back down. After a while of talking there was a knock on the door. I looked over quickly. Nemuri and the kids walked through the door. I stood and smiled. They all came over and hugged me.
"Don't be stupid next time Shota!"
Jiro said as I laughed.
The three looked up at me as I wiped away their tears.
"You guys don't need to worry about me.. I'm fine."
"We still could have lost you dad.."
Aki said. I sighed and picked her up.
"I know I'm sorry.."
"Man that guy I don't like him.."
We all looked at Tensei.
"He got pretty close to killing us all."
Tenya said.
"You brought kids on the mission!"
Nemuri said as she smacked me.
"Ouch! Hey! It was Aito's Idea!"
"He right I told him too."
Aito walked through the door.
"Hey little brother.."
He said ruffling my hair. I pushed him away.
I put Aki down and went to sit back down feeling my legs get weak.
"Still not very stable yet.."
"Nope.. guess not.."
"Well I need Shota to come with me.."
I looked up at Aito in confusion.
"Come on."
I nodded and stood up as he helped me.
"You were the first one he asked to see."
He said as we walked out of the room.
"Your husband.."
I smiled as we walked to the elevator. We went to the 3rd floor and to room 320. I twisted the doorknob slowly. I saw Aito walk away with a wave. When I entered the room his golden hair shined because of the light coming from the window. He was in a white dress and his head faced away from me. I shut the door as he looked at me. He smiled and waved. I went over to him and grabbed his hand. I sat down and pulled his hand to my lips. I placed a kiss to his hand and let the tears run down my face.
"Z-Zashi... I'm so sorry.."
I felt my body shake as I remember everything.
'Justice is served!!'
I started to cry even more as Hizashi place his hand on the back of my head. I looked up to him as he smiled. He pointed to himself then held up 'love you' in sign language. I smiled as tears still flowed down my face.
"I love you too.."
I grabbed the both of his hands and pulled them to my face.
"I'm sorry.. I couldn't save you.."
I heard a small whisper and scratchy voice.
"I-it's ok... L-love.."
I looked up at him as he cupped my face. He pulled me in for a kiss as I kissed back. When we pulled back we leaned out head on each other's.
"Don't leave me again.. please."
He nodded as I hugged him tightly. There was a knock on the door as we both looked back.
"Ya know you can't keep him to yourself Shota.."
Aito said letting everyone else in the large room. I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yeah I know..."
I wiped my tears as they all surrounded him. We all talked except for Hizashi obviously. He tugged on Tenya's shirt and signed something. Tenya looked at me and than back down at him and nodded.
"Does anyone understand what he just said?"
They all shook there head as Tenya laughed.
"No worries! It's nothing bad."
Hizashi nodded as we all went back to talking.
"Alright guys were going to head out."
Tensei said standing. We said our goodbyes as he left. It was Hizashi and me and the kids and Nemuri and Aito left in the room. We talked about the mission and what he wanted from Hizashi. Than Aito walked out because he wanted to talk to one of the doctors. There was another knock on the door as we all looked over. The door opened slowly opened seeing an old couple standing there. I stood up quickly with wide eyes. But Hizashi still held my hand.
"Hizashi..Jiro.. Nemuri..and Shota."
The lady said as she stepped in more along with the man. There was a tug on my shirt as I looked down at Aki.
"Dad? Who are they?"
She whispered.
"Hold on sweetie."
I saw Hizashi pull on Jiro sleeve. She didn't even look at him and walked up to them.
"Mom? Dad?"
They both nodded as she hugged them. I looked over at Nemuri as she shrugged. I felt Hizashi move. I looked over at him quickly.
"Hey you shouldn't stand now."
I tried stopping him but he only smiled at me.
He looked over at Aki and ruffled her hair. I helped him stand as I wrapped my hand around his waist. Hitoshi picked up Aki. It's quite..
"Your a father?"
Kenji Yamada.. Hizashi's step dad and Jiro's dad. Hizashi nodded and pointed at Aki and Hitoshi. Jiro walked over to us and grabbed our hands.
"Come on.. it's been years.. try?"
I smiled and nodded.
"I guess that's all we can do. Right Hizashi.."
He nodded with a smile. Nemuri helped Hizashi on the right side as I helped him on the left. We walked over to them as they smiled at Hizashi.
"You've grown.."
Kibo Yamada.. Hizashi mom and Jiro's step mom. She placed her hand on his face as she smiled. He shrugged his shoulders as me and Nemrui slowly let go. He hugged his mom tightly as I smiled and watched. Maybe she's changed in the years she went to America.. I looked over at Hitoshi and Aki. I waved them over as they slowly came.
"Be kind now. Alright?"
"Ok dad.."
They both said in unison as I smiled. I turned back to see Hizashi hugging his stepdad. When he pulled away I grabbed onto him once more.
"And grandchildren?"
She knelt in front of Aki as they both smiled.
"That's Aki."
She nodded and stuck out her hand. Kibo smiled and took it.
"It's nice to meet you Aki.."
"You too!"
"And who are you young man?"
She stood up and looked at Hitoshi.
"Hitoshi.. Hitoshi Aizawa."
He stuck out his hand as she took it.
"It's good to meet you."
Kenji did the same thing and than they said hello to Nemuri.
"You've changed so much dear. I remember when you were just little."
She smiled as I looked up at Hizashi. He was looking at his hand where the ring was. I grabbed his hand as he looked at me. I smiled at him and than whispered.
"I think I should go.."
He looked at me confused than shook his head. I nodded my head and turned away from him. I led him to the bed and made him sit down. Before I was able to walk away he grabbed my hand. He shook his finger in front of me. I sighed. Neither of us were able to say something before the door opened. We all looked over seeing Aito standing there angrily. Hizashi grip loosened as I pulled away. I walked to Aito and left with him.
"Why are they there?"
He asked as he lead me somewhere.
"I don't really know.. they just showed up."
"That's stupid.."
I dropped my head and continued to walk with him. We got in the elevator and went down to my floor. Than we walked to my room. When we got there a doctor were standing there.
"Ah Mr. Aizawa."
One said once they saw me.
"I have some questions for you, if that's alright."
We sat down as he did as well.
"Alright, these questions might be kinda personal."
I looked at him in confusion and just nodded.
"That panic attack was one I don't see a lot in heroes like you. Tell me something Aizawa, how long have you felt with your panic attacks?"
"Well I guess, since I can remember."
He nodded and wrote something down.
"Alright.. what do you think caused these panics?"
"Well, I have social anxiety. I also tend to panic about small things. So I guess I can't give you a straight answer."
"And, family problems? We're there any of those?"
I looked over at Aito as he nodded.
"Well, I didn't know my father. He left my mom when he found out about me. He didn't want a second child. Than later on my mom married another female. Aito left the house quite young to start his life on his own. I stayed and helped my mothers as best as I could. Than my birth mother died due to a sickness. And when I was 14 my other mother died in an accident."
He nodded.
"My apologies Aizawa.. we just might have to get you on meds to sooth yourself."
I nodded as he stood up.
"Thank you. I'll be back for information later on."
Me and Aito nodded as he left.
"Damn I really was an asshole huh.."
"I left you and our parents.. just cause I didn't know if I liked the idea of having two moms.. later on I realized I couldn't care less.. but it was to late."
"It's fine Aito! Really. We did ok without you."
He laughed as I laughed along with him.
"I didn't mean it like that.."
"I know but still.."
After we were done laughing I yawned and stretched.
"Also... why does Hizashi parents think that they can walk back into his life after EVERYTHING they've put him through?"
"Hizashi's strong Aito. If he didn't want his parents in his life he'd tell them to leave. It's obvious that Hizashi and Jiro missed them. And they missed their kids too."
I said shrugging.
"And you? What are you going to do? Just hide it like before?!"
I stopped and looked down at my ring.
The door opened as we both turned our heads.
"Visiting hours aren't over Aito."
"Right.. Bye Shota."
The door shut as I was left alone. I sighed and laid back on the bed. It was dark and quite. This is kinda nice I guess.. I held my hand up and looked at my ring once more. 'What are you going to do? Just hide it like before?!' I sighed and slowly closed my eyes.

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