Part 43

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I put on my scarf and grabbed my goggles. I felt Hizashi's arms wrap around me and his head rest on my shoulder.
"Your gonna leave me.."
"I'm going out tonight. It's not going to be that long. Promise."
I said kissing the side of his head. Hizashi is able to use his voice now but it's still hard for him to use sometimes.
"I'll be back."
I turned to him in his grip and cupped his face. I placed a kiss to his lips than pulled away.
"I'll be back, I love you."
"Love you too.."
I smiled and left. I walked down the streets in the darkness. A couple cars dove by but it wasn't crowded. Something ran into me as I turned to them. It was someone in a black hoodie.
"Excuse you.."
They stopped and turned to me. They took off there hood.

My eyes went wide as the guy smiled slightly

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My eyes went wide as the guy smiled slightly.
"Sorry, lost in my thoughts."
"U-um.. it's alright."
I rolled my eyes and started to walk away.
"Wait a minute!"
I turned back around as he pulled out his phone.
"Can I get your number?"
He said shyly.
"Sorry, I'm married.."
"Awe man.. all the hot guy and girls are taken.. Alright, have a nice night. Sorry for bumping into you again."
"Uh.. you too, and it's ok."
His eyes went into a bright yellow and than went back to normal.
"See ya around maybe."
He walked away as I stood in confusion. I than turned back around and brushed it off.

~time skip~
I yawned and started to walk home.
"Oi, mamas where you going tonight~?"
I turned to see some drunk guy following me.
"I'm a guy.. leave me alone."
"No way~! I can tell your a girl just from behind~!"
He grabbed my ass as I turned and smacked him.
"What the hell! Leave me alone!"
I walked away annoyed. I than used my scarf to get home not want to deal with anything else. I got home and walked inside angrily. I got to the room me and Hizashi shared. I opened the door and than shut it. Hizashi looked at me with wide eyes as I laid over his lap.
"Your home early.. and different.."
"Different? What do you mean? And yes I know.. I got fucking catcalled by some drunk guy.. I'm pissed and tired."
"You mean you haven't noticed? And where's this guy.."
"Notice what Hizashi.. and who knows.. I should've kill him right than and there.."
I pulled him into a hug and buried my face into his neck.
"Shota you got hit with a quirk.."
"Hm, and what would that be?"
I said started to fall asleep in his warmth.
"Your a female.."
My eyes shot open as I sat up on his lap.
"Your joking.."
He shook his head as I ran to the bathroom.

"He shook his head as I ran to the bathroom

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~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now