Part 66

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"Your kidding?.."
I said standing up as he backed up a little.
"Why would I joke about this Shota.. the body is an illusion. Someone's quirk. Hizashi alive, and somewhere."
I set my hands over my mouth.
"H-how'd you find this out?.."
"I got a call from him the other day. Now I couldn't tell why he called me and not you. He wanted me to tell you he was alive and ok. I'm working with Noamasa on this case. And I'm going to find out where he is. I wanted to let you know but listen little brother. Don't go out being stupid. Do you understand me? I don't want to lose you."
He said pulling me into a hug.
"Promise me Shota."
"I-...I promise.."
I was in shock but hugged my brother. Soon I felt tears fall down my face as I held onto Aito tighter.
"Thank god.."
I said burring myself into his chest.
"Go with Nemuri please."
He said pulling away from me.
"What? Why?"
"Because, if there's a chance that Father is still trying to go after one of us you need someone with you at all times Shota."
"Fine, I will."
He nodded.
"Take some things. And I'll drop you off."
He said walking out of the room. I sighed and started to pack up some things. He's alive.. I smirked slightly. I heard something loud downstairs. I ran downstairs seeing two people at the door. I erased there quirk not knowing what it was yet. I ran to Aito's side as he stood.
"You ok?.."
I whispered watching the guys closely.
"Yeah. Shota, these are the guys. There the guys that took Hizashi.."
He whispered back. I soon felt the anger spike up in me.
"What the hell do you want?!"
I yelled.
"You, boss told us you'd be quite powerful."
One of them said smiling.
"And who's you're boss?"
I said as they stepped further into the house.
"Your one and only father."
I let my guard my guard down until Aito put his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't listen to them Shota."
He said glaring at me.
"Ya know, you both could make this easier."
My eyes started to hurt as I hurried and blinked. In those 2 seconds I blinked they used their quirk against Aito, pinning him to the wall with these purple and black snakes type of things. They wrapped around his neck as I tried to eraser their quirk but it didn't work. I ran to Aito and tried to pull the things off of his neck. He struggled, trying to break out and breath.
"I'll let him down if you come with us."
The one with black hair said.
"S-Shota, d-don't do it.."
Aito managed to say.
"Why would I trust you?!"
I said continue to try to pull the things off his throat.
"If you don't hurry his windpipe is going to be closed off and he's going to pass out. Decide quickly Shota."
The white haired one said. I turned to them quickly and tried to wrap my scarf around them but they disappeared. Aito fell to the floor gasping for air.
"Hey hey hey.. you ok?"
I said running to his side and looking around for them. They appear in front of me the one with black hair pushing me against the wall with his arm over my neck. And the other holding Aito down. I tried to move but he had his grip on me.
"Shota listen to me god dammit! Don't do it!!"
Aito yelled. I gritted my teeth and though. If I leave they'll leave them alone. I could get Hizashi home. My father wouldn't kill his own kid.. would he? The one with white hair kicked Aito as I started to move around more. They use there quirk on me. Me, still not knowing what it was. It all felt real but at the same time it didn't.
"Alright! I'll go with you! Just- Just leave him alone!"
I yelled. The black one punched me as I soon saw nothing but black.

Markus's POV
I held him in my arms with a smile.
"Let's go Alex~!"
I yelled starting to walk to the back. I looked back at his brother stopping.
"You move and I don't have a problem slitting his throat right here right now."
I said before starting to walk off. Alex followed, skipping away. We got to the back as I made 'wings' that popped out of my back. Me and Alex flew off into the sky, high so we wouldn't be to noticeable unless someone was looking up. We got to our bosses house and walked in.
"Oh bossy boi!!"
Alex said giggling as he skipped passed me after shutting the door.
"We've got your little son!!"
He said again with a smile.
"Put him in the room. I'll talk to him when he wakes up."
"Yes sir."
I said before walking upstairs. I passed Hizashi on the way up as I smirked. He wasn't fazed at all. I set him on the bed before turning around seeing Alex.
"Ya know, you could be more happy."
He said pouting as we left the room.
"Happy is you. Not me."
I shut and locked the door before heading downstairs and handing Al the key.
"Was it easy?"
Al asked as we sat down.
"Not really, he had his older brother there. He was quite annoying, I had the urge to kill him."
I said crossing my arms.
"We are not killing them. Understood?"
He said with a low growl. I shrugged and looked over at Hizashi.
"How do you feel, blonde bimbo?"
I said with a smirk.
"My feelings don't matter.."
He said quite sadly. I saw Al smile.
"Good. Now return to your room."
He nodded than left as I turned to Al.
"How'd you do it?"
I said with a smirk.
"Put in old memories. Of only the bad things of his and my sons relationship. Everything that ever went wrong is canceling out the all the good. Slowly thinking my son hates his guts."
Me and Alex smiled.

~Authors Note~
Sorry this ones a bit short- anyways, I've been a bit sick, not COVID, thank god. Just a fever.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now