Part 8

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We talked for a while as I played with the cat. She was white but dirty. Though I didn't really mind, she didn't seem to have flees. I watched Hizashi's eyes wander my room.
"Something wrong with my room?"
"No it's just different from mine."
"How so?"
"Well for one mine has posters on the walls. And I have more things cluttered here and there. Than your dresser is in your closet."
"I mean I like to be clean and stuff. I guess I don't really care for decorations and stuff. Oh by the way how much trouble did you get in?"
"Detention for a week that's all."
"A week?! Lucky! You got off."
"I know pretty cool right!"
We both laughed before hearing the stairs creak.
"Get in the closet!"
I whisper-yelled.
"Ok ok.."
I pushed him into the closet than forgot Trixie and reopened it and gave her to him. I hurried and sat down on my desk and pulled out my phone. Aito than came into my room.
"What's up?"
"Are you fucking the blond boy? I swear I thought I heard him.."
"What?! No!"
He started looking around my room first under my bed.
"Aito get out!"
I tried pushing him out but it didn't work. We stood in front of my closet and he opened the door.
"Uh... hi?"
"If you guys are going to fuck each other find an actual good hiding spot.."
"Stop saying that!!"
I tried pushing him out as he just stood there.
"Sooo~ that mean you two did?"
Hizashi said.
"Than that means you wouldn't care.. cute.."
"Get out.."
"Ok ok, I will.. I'm just going to say this to make you two blush. But neither of you denied that."
He walked out as my face went red.
"Fuck off Aito!"
I yelled before sitting on my bed and pouting. I heard Hizashi laugh as he placed the kitten on my head. I grabbed her and held her. He sat next to me and after a while I looked up to see him spacing out looking at Trixie.
"You wanna Hold her?"
He snapped out of it than looked back up at me.
"Oh, no it's ok! I'm not a big cat person, you like them though."
"Yeah, but you seem like you wanna hold her."
"What do you mean?"
"You just spaced out.. and stared at her."
"O-oh.. well I-it's ok!"
He turned away and got on his phone. Is he trying to distract himself or something? Or is he just jealous?... pft! Hizashi jealous about me. I stood up and grabbed a small blanket I had in my closet and placed it in the corner of my room. I made a small bed and than laid the kitten down. I walked over to the bed and laid next to Hizashi.
"What you doing?"
He pulled his phone to his chest.
"Ooo~ Hizashi's got a secret!"
"D-do not!"
"Than let's see!"
I thought for a moment before smirking.
"I'm nervous... I k-know that look."
I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a kiss quickly than pulled back and grabbed his phone as I stood up. 'How to tell if your in love'
Is he in love? With who? The phone was taken from my hand as I went to turn to him having his lips be pushed against mine. I kissed back. He pulled me on top of him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He placed his hands on his hips. We than parted slowly as a string of saliva connected our lips. Soon the door opened.
"Oh and-"
I quickly turned and got off Hizashi wiping my mouth.
"Oh~ never mind.. I was going to say if you guys are hungry there's ramen. But it seems Like Hizashi likes your lips better. Just one thing Hizashi, don't hurt Shota!"
He left as I sighed.
"Kissing you.."
"Pft, your such a loser~"
I smiled and laid down on the bed as he did the same.
"You don't have to apologize. Who's the one your in love with?"
"Me? Why?"
"Cause, your just perfect to me. I don't know!"
I laughed a bit then pulled him into another kiss. I pulled away slowly as he pulled me closer to him. We soon fell asleep in each others arm.

Hizashi's POV
I woke up and moved out of Shota's arms. I left the cat with him and grabbed my headphones and phone. He's not going to wake up until his alarm goes off.. it's only 4am.. I left his house and snuck back through my window. I climbed through my window and than shut it. I sighed and turned around.
I looked up and saw my stepdad.
"Uh.. look it's not what it looks like.."
"I think it's exactly what it looks like.."
"I'm sorry.."
"I'm telling your mother... stay here from now on."
He left and shut the door as I got ready for the day. I sat on the end of my bed as my door opened. I didn't even bother looking up. I felt a sharp pain against my cheek. That's when I realized. Mom smacked me... I looked up at her as she stood there all ready for work.
"If I hear that you sneak out or are around that-that boy Hizashi you will be in big trouble!"
She stormed out. I stood up and pushed the things that were on my desk off. F-fuck... I went to the bathroom and looked at my face. I put a bandage over and ended up leaving at that time.
"Where are you going?!"
"It's too early!"
"Don't care."
I left with everything I needed. I sat at the front waiting for someone to come open the school. No text from Shota.. someone tripped over me.
"Oi, what the hell?"
I looked up seeing that teacher guy.
"Oh its you.. why the hell are you here this early?"
"Cause I didn't want to be home."
I went back to my phone before hearing him sit next to me. I looked at him confused.
"Is that why you have a bandage over your cheek?"
"Is it because of me? Cause I told you mom?"
"No. It's cause I snuck out to see a friend."
"A friend? Is it Shota?"
"Yeah.. why do you care?"
"Cause I use to be Shota therapist."
I looked at him in shock. Shota went to therapy?
"He's told me about the adventures you two have had. Why couldn't you just go to his house? You guys are neighbors right?"
"Yeah.. but my family religious.. really religious. And Shota's gay.. and my mom doesn't like that.."
"Hm. I hate that.. now come on its getting cold."
He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and stood up.
"So what did Shota say about me?"
"That you were a loud blonde."
We both laughed as we entered the school. I got to my locker and put everything away and grabbed the things I needed. I got to my class and sat down. Soon students came in talking about me and Shun's fight. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my desk.
I looked up and saw Nemuri.
"Hey your back from your trip!"
"It's was only two days!"
She sat next to me and smiled.
We talked for a while before Shota came in.
"Hey. Your back.."
"Ouch, you don't sound too happy!"
"I am, I just won't show it here."
We both laughed as Shota leaned his head on his hand and yawned.
"Didn't get much sleep?"
"Maybe, I was up late last night doing things."
He said looking at me from the corner of his eye as my face went red a little.
"You need to learn what a sleep schedule is.."
"I know what it is I just won't ever follow one.."
"Hey! We should hang out after school!"
"I can't.. sorry.."
"Hm? Why?"
"Ya Hizashi, why don't you tell her why.."
"Shut up.. I got in a fight and now I have detention all week."
"How about after that?"
"... I still can't sorry.."
They both looked at me confused.
"Just cause!"
The teacher walked in right on time as the class started. Saved by class..

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now