Part 57

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(Just because the suspense of you guys not knowing who the villain is, is killing me😂)
I turned to see Hitoshi at the door.
"What's up?"
"What mission is dad going on?"
He said walking in and sitting down on the bed next to me.
"I don't know. I wasn't able to know since Noamasa said he couldn't tell anyone. All I know is that he's risking his life."
"How's that fair?!"
I looked at him in shock.
"Your his husband! And I'm his son! Why?!"
"It's a secret mission Hitoshi.. not even the public know about it. Not even most heroes."
"It's still not fair.."
"Life is full of unfairness.."
After a while of silence he spoke up.
"Now what?..."
"We wait.."
He got up and left the room shutting the door behind him.
"Come on Zashi.. stay alive..for me.."

Hizashi POV
"Alright listen up everyone. We're spreading out! This time it'll be one hero alone. Now! Ready?!"
"Move out!"
We all started moving in other directions. Long dark hair and different colored eyes.. I walked the dark streets. No one was awake or around. It's like patrolling but looking for a certain person..I continue walking. Soon it was already mid day and people were around moving. I got a call from Noamasa.
"We have something. We have new ground to search."
"Alright, I'll be back soon."
I hung up and walked back still looking just in case. I got back only to see a couple heroes.
I said he looked and me and waved me over to a computer he was looking at.
"Ry found this while searching the darker areas. It's a video so listen closely."
He pressed play. It was from a road camera.
"Excuse me?"
Some guy turned and looked at her. He was tall and had a long dark cloak.
"Is there a problem miss?.."
He said. His voice ran shivers down my spine.
"May I ask your name?"
"Is there a reason?"
"I'm a hero. It my job to have my suspicion about some people. I'm not saying your guilty for anything."
She said with a fake smile.
"Leo. My names Leo."
The hood was pulled off by him. He had red eyes and ink black hair.
"Leo, that's all.."
She nodded. He put his hood on and walked off.
"He looks young. Are you sure this could be someone important?"
"He was walking around with a cloak Hizashi. For two, we looked through all the people named Leo and not one of them looked like him."
"But.. there's one man that matches the description.."
Another officer said.
"Mic.. Noamasa.. you two might wanna see this. It might explain why he's after your family.."
He said looking at me. I looked at Noamasa nodding at the officer.
"Let's go look."
They lead me to a room and handed me a file.
"This is Al.. Al Zara."
I opened the file seeing a picture of the same guy.

"I opened the file seeing a picture of the same guy

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"His quirk is making him young. He's old.."
I looked through the files seeing a note page.
"Had two kids in the past but left them and their mother behind to become a villain? How'd you get the information on the guy?"
"He has been arrested once apparently and he shared a lot with one of the cops. Than he was bailed out by someone."
"Why was he arrested?"
"Apparently a drunk incident."
I nodded and looked at the file.
"Oldest is..Aito Aizawa...youngest is unknown.."
Noamasa said. My eyes went wide. I went to reach for my phone in my pocket but Noamasa stopped me.
"Let's finish this and than you can ask."
I gripped my fist and nodded. He let got as I continued looking through the file.
"Why would he come after us? It doesn't make sense.."
"Why doesn't Shota have contact with his father?"
Noamasa asked.
"It was before he was even born when he left. Once he found out his mom was pregnant he left.. S-Shota always told me that his mom always told him 'he was just a complicated person' is that what she meant? That he was a villain?"
"Could have been.."
We continued to go through the files as my head started to spin.
"I'm going to step outside.."
I said walking out of the room and outside. I leaned against the wall and rubbed my head. Shotas dad is trying to kill him? This doesn't make sense.. I pulled out my phone and called someone.
"Oh hey Hizashi!"
"Aito. I need information on Al. Your father."
I heard his breath hitch.
"How did you find out?"
"He's the one that been attacking us Aito. He's a villain? You didn't think to tell me this?"
"Listen.. my father was only a villain to make money for us. He couldn't get a job anywhere else. He did it to take care of me and my mom."
"Than why'd he leave?"
"Cause he didn't want another boy. He thought one was enough. He got caught and ran for his life. I didn't see him for months after that. When he came back he immediately left due to my mother telling him she was pregnant with Shota.."
"And let me guess he doesn't know he's a villain?"
"Keep an eye on the kids and Shota. Goodbye."
I hung up and walked back in.
"I wanna start searching again."
I told Noamasa seeing he was back at the computer.
"Not yet."
"And why not?!"
"Cause! We just saw him. If we come across him again he's going to know somethings up. I will not have you mess up this mission Aizawa."
He said glaring at me. All the pros and officers were staring at the both of us.
"When do I get to go home."
"When the mission is over. You will stay in a hotel I provide for now."
I gritted my teeth.
He said looking at her. She nodded and came up to me. She grabbed my ear and dragged my outside and into her car. She drove off with me being confused.
"You definitely cause a lot of problems. And it's been a while since I've seen Noamasa yell.. kinda impressed."
I shook my head and smiled a bit.
"Well, I'm dedicated."
"No.. you just want answers."
I looked at her confused.
"Your not dedicated to finish the mission. Your just wanting answers, that's why you wanna find the guy so bad."
She stopped the car and I realized we were in a hotel parking lot.
"come on now. I'll show you your room."
We got out and walked in. I got this nice one bed, room.
"You'll stay here until I come get you."
She smiled and handed me the key.
"Here. Noamasa said I wouldn't give it to you but I think your trustworthy. Don't make me regret this Hizashi."
She said leaving. I set the card down and sat in the bed. I don't have my hero costume or extra clothes.. I got a call from Aito and answered it.
"If your going against my father there's a lot you need to know about him.."
"My father is.. he's one of the most wanted villains in Canada.. my fathers from there but he's Japanese. He than ran to America after getting caught in Canada than to Japan."
"How is this going to help?"
"They have more on Al than what you have now. I would say have Noamasa get in touch with them and you'll be able to catch him."
"Hold on what kind of information do they have?"
"Weaknesses and more information on his quirk.. It could help you take him down."
"Aito.. why are you telling me all this?"
"As much as I want to believe my father wasn't a bad person, he was and is. He needs to be caught. He shouldn't be on the streets to hurt more people."
"Thank you Aito.."
"Yep.. I'll see you soon."
"Don't say that. I will. Call Shota too, he's pretty worried."
"I will."
"Goodbye.. Aito."
I hung up than called Shota.
"Geez, I wasn't gone too long."
I said laughing a bit.
"Oh shut up.. are you ok? Did anything happen that I can know about?"
"I'm fine.. and.. Noamasa didn't say I could say anything.. I don't know what to do right now Sho.."
"What happened? If your stressed about something in the mission I'm here Zashi. You can tell me."
"We found the guy.."
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"But... it's someone we know.."
"Like personally? Zashi who is it?"
"Kinda personally.. and I don't wanna say Sho.. I can barely wrap my head around it myself..."
"It's alright.. I get it. It's probably a really shocking thing.."
"Yeah it is.."
I sighed.
"You seem stressed already.. are you sure you'll be fine?"
"Yep, I wanna push through this and get to this guy and why he has such a problem with us."
"Dad~!! Dinner!!"
"Oh shit I left the oven on! I love you, see you soon!"
I laughed a bit.
"Love you, bye Sho.."
The phone hung up as I sighed. I set the phone down on the bed and gripped my head. Why? Why Shota's dad? Someone he hasn't even met?!

~Time skip~
I was looking out the window when the door opened. I turned around and saw Hitoshi.
"What are you doing here?"
I said going over to him.
"Noamasa called. Said you'd need some clothes."
He said holding up a pretty big bag. I took it from him placing it on the bed.
"Thanks kiddo."
I said ruffling his hair. He laughed a bit before hugging me.
"What's wrong Tosh?"
"You always go out on missions. And when it's big ones you always get hurt. Are you gonna be ok this time?"
I stayed silent and wrapped my arms around him.
"I'll be fine.. I promise."
We stayed like that for a minute before he pulled away rubbing his eyes.
"Ah! Stupid tears!"
He yelled. I laughed I got him a tissue.
"Your coming home after this is all over. And dads not gonna let you leave for another couple months."
"Yeah I know.."
I said laughing a bit.
"Stay alive?"
"When haven't I?"
"I mean you do get caught a lot and sometimes fail and-"
"Alright alright! I get it!"
I said laughing. He hugged my once more.
"I'll see you later.."
"Bye Tosh.."
He pulled away than walked to the door waving before leaving.

"You know.. I really don't like you that much.. kinda strong. Makes all this ten times harder."
"Shut up.."
"Hm.. you actually think you can beat me hero.."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now