Part 44

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He smiled. I went to kiss him before having his hand touch my lips Instead.
"I'm going to get lipstick all over you.."
"So~? I thought that's what you wanted to do."
I said laughing. He cupped my face with a smile. I stared into his eyes than rested my head on his. I kissed his forehead than pulled him to my chest as he let go of my face.
"How about we go out today?! I can get someone to get to watch the kids."
"Where would we go?"
"Café? Restaurant? Any where you wanna go!"
"You sure Zashi? We can just have a movie night at home."
"We always do movie night! Let's go out~!"
He pulled away from me but I kept my hands around his waist.
"Can we not go somewhere fancy than.."
I laughed than nodded.
"Sure Shota."

~Time skip~
I heard the front door shut as I stood in confusion. I walked downstairs slowly. I started looking around the house before having something grab my shoulder. I turned around and punched the person.
"Hizashi, what the fuck?!"
Aito grabbed his face I fell back into the wall.
"Oh thank god.."
"Thank god?! You punched me in the face!"
"Shh! Everyone sleeping. Here."
I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. I sat him down than grabbed a paper towel and got it wet. I handed it to him as he took it wiping a bit of blood from his nose.
"Why are you here? It's.."
I went to grab my phone realizing I left it upstairs.
"It's 8am."
He said showing me his phone.
"Oh! Why are you here at 8am?! And just walked into my house!"
I rolled my eyes and got a drink.
"Go out with Shota today, get breakfast. I can watch the kids."
"You sure?"
"I'll see what Shota wants to do."
"I want to sleep.."
I looked over seeing Shota his makeup kinda smeared.
"Pft!! Omg! You seriously look like a girl!!"
"Shut the hell up."
He sat next to Aito as I smiled at the two.
"You two are too similar some times.."
I said turning and getting a drink.
"Well now Shotas a girl so~"
"Shut up."
I smiled and took a drink of water.
"You two go out! Shota go get ready! You too Hizashi!"
Aito started dragging us to our room. He shoved us in than left. I laughed a bit and walked to the closet. I started going through some clothes as Shota buried himself into my back. Once I was done picking out clothes, I turned to him and kissed him.
"I love you~!"
"Love you too Zashi."
"Now let me change, you need to change too."
He nodded and started looking for clothes. I walked to the bathroom and started changing. I walked jut seeing Shota putting on a shirt. Before he could put it on I wrapped my hands around his waist.
"Where'd you get the bra?"
"Nemuri, she said 'I know what it feels like' whatever that means.."
I smiled and kissed his neck than walked away. I sat on the bed and got on my phone. After a while he slid onto my lap. I set my phone down as he wrapped his arms around my neck. His legs wrapped around my waist as I pushed his hair out of his face. I had a hair tie on my wrist so I started to put his hair in a pigtail. His eyes closed as I messed with his hair finally getting it. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed his nose. His eyes opened as he rolled his eyes. He got up as I stood too. I walked to the window and opened seeing the sun out. How'd I not notice how bright it was? I shrugged and turned around not seeing Shota. I walked downstairs hearing him and Aito talking
"Should I take it? Once this wears off of course.."
"That's your choice, it's pretty risky.."
"I want to take it.. and it is."
"What is?"
I said walking into the kitchen as they both turned to me. Shota looked away as I stood in confusion.
"I got a call from Naomasa. He needs me for a mission. One that could risk my life, it's one that I would do alone. But I be stupid for one moment I'm dead. I think there's going to be one more hero actually. I don't who it is."
My eyes went wide as I stood frozen for a moment.
"Your not going to take it are you?!"
He dropped his head as Aito looked at me in worry.
"You guys go out. Talk about things yeah?"
Aito stood up and walked to Hitoshi room. I walked over to Shota and stood in front of him. I lifted his head and placed a kiss to his lips.
"I love you, and I'll be with you in every decision you make... even though it'll worry me"
I said pulling away. He looked at me and smiled slightly.
"Your an idiot."
I smiled and shrugged.
"I'm your idiot~"
"Yes, yes you are."
He stood up and hugged me.
"I don't want to leave you.."
"Neither do I, but we'll be ok.."
He nodded slowly as I smiled.
"Ok let's go than."
I pulled away from him and found Aito.
"Thanks Aito, we'll be back later."
He nodded as I walked back to Shota.
"Wanna drive or walk?"
I nodded and grabbed my keys and phone. We left the house and started walking towards the coffee shop.
"And than right here is where I-"
Someone bumped into me as I turned to them.
"Excuse you..."
I mumbled under my breath. I went to walk away before have Shota grab my arm.
"He's the one that did this to me.."
He whispered. I turned to the guy again seeing him with his hood off.
"Oi, it's you from yesterday.."
He said looking at Shota with a smile.
"Change your mind yet.. this guy is like a complete downgrade.. upgrade to me yeah?"
He said looking at me than back down to Shota. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"Change him back.."
"And anger issues~? Tsk.."
I rolled my eyes.
"I said change him back, it's illegal to use your quirk if you don't have a license."
"Guess your right.. what are you going to do?"
I turned to look at Shota as he walked up to us.
"Can I just-"
"Don't even think about it Hizashi."
I sighed and dropped him. The guy laughed than wrapped his arm around Shota.
"So come on babe, let's go."
I punched the guy in the face as he passed out.
"Hizashi what the hell did I say?"
"He pissed me off, what can I say. Mess with my husband and I kill you.."
I picked up the guy from the back of his shirt and pulled out my phone.
"I'll call Naomasa."
Once he got there we left.
"I guess you'll have to wait till he wakes up to go back to normal.."
"That's your fault."
I chuckled and scratched the back of my neck. We walked into the cafe and ordered our drinks. We sat down as we waited.
"So what's the mission thing?"
"Hizashi, we don't have to talk about this now."
"I just wanna know, do I need to help?"
"I'd rather you stay with the kids. Knowing the danger, I wouldn't want them growing up without anyone."
"...don't say that."
I took his hand in mine and let out a sigh.
"Sorry, I'm sure I'll be fine."
"Sure? That's not very convincing.."
"I'm going undercover. I'm going to be around the biggest druggies and gangs, here. They have access to weapons that most people don't even know about, including police and FBI. I don't know who I'm going with, but we both go in under different names and styles."
"This ones different from the last missions."
I said pulling my hand away and leaning agains the booth seat.
"Your drinks sir's."
A girl placed down our drinks with a smile.
"Thank you."
I said with a fake smile and she walked away. I took mine and Shota took his.
"You fake smiling bastard.."
I looked at Shota I'm confusion than laughed a bit.
"Geez.. harsh much."
He shrugged and took a sip of his coffee. I took a sip of mine than stared out the window. I let out a sigh and rubbed my head. Him in danger.. that's the only think of when he says something about it.. I can't let him put himself in danger!
"I'm doing it.."
I looked over at him in shock.
"Im doing it. I want to do it Zashi. I won't fail. I'll be extra careful. I am going to say yes."
My eyes went wide as he reached for my hand.
"Y-you can't be serious.."
I said pulling my hand away.
"I'm saying yes Zashi..and you can't stop me.."
"T-there no way y-your actually serious.."

(Turning my phone off for tonight and tomorrow morning. I probably won't respond to dm's or comments.. I'm rlly not ok rn, sorry)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now