Part 16

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"Zashi. I can't go home tonight. Can you check up on Aito?"
"Uh, sure. Of course I will. Just get some rest ok."
He nodded as I kissed him and headed out the door.

~Time skip~

I finally made it home~! Hopefully Shota is ok. He doesn't have his phone. He'll probably get it tomorrow. I laid on my bed and started to drift asleep.

"Hizashi!! Hizashi wake up!"
I shot up and hit someone in the head
"Hizashi that hurt! Now hurry we're going to be late for school!!"
Huh? I looked over at the clock and saw it was 7:30 shit! I got us and started looking for clothes. I put on my uniform and ran outside with Nem. We ran to school and made it just in time.
"Lucky kids. Usually it's Shota that's late. Maybe you have put a good example on Shota, Hizashi."
My Homeroom teacher said as she smiled at me.
"Uh, thank you?"
I looked over and saw Shota writing something. The teacher started the lesson and I focused on her. Finally it was lunch. I sat down with Shota since Nem has second lunch.
"Ugh no!"
He said ripping a paper from his notebook and throwing it away.
"Hey what's up?!"
"I'm trying to write a song and it's not working, it's making me pissed..."
I laughed.
"Hey have you heard?! There's a gay kid that goes here, heard he's a first year too."
"Hey! What's your problem with gay people huh?! You know their people too!"
Shota said slamming the book on the table and looking at the guy.
"Is it you? Nah I don't think so. Mind your business bitch!"
"Excuse me?!"
I stood up and walked over to the guy.
"Watch your mouth around me got it?! Piece of shit!"
I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt as he tried pushing me away.
"F-Fine, whatever m-man."
I let go and walked back sitting down and placed my toothpick back in my mouth. Shota sat down and looked at me
"Why'd you do that?"
"No one messes with my friends."
"Friends, right."
He seemed almost disappointed...
I sat up and rubbed my head as I turned off my alarm. I stretched then got ready. Once I was done I grabbed my keys, glasses and phone then got on my car. I got to school early so I'd able to see Shota. I walked to recovery girls office looking through articles about the USJ. It's happened yesterday and there's over 1000 articles.... dumb ass press. I walked into Shota's room and sat in the chair next to him. He sat up as I panicked.
"Woah woah woah! Lay down, you need to rest!"
I said trying to push him down.
"Zashi I'm fine. I need to teach today. Also the old lady healed them all pretty much."
"Your hurt! How are you gonna teach?!"
"I just will now help me stand. The old lady said I could stand with help."
"And who's going to help you when I'm not there?"
"No one. I'll be fine."
I rolled my eyes and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Ah! Go lower."
I crouched a bit.
"You were lifting me up off the floor."
"Awe~ you shorty."
"I'm not short. I'm average.."
"Shinso is taller than you pretty much."
"Uh- fuck off."
I laughed as he started to walked around. I slipped his arm off my shoulder and held him from his waist. The door opened as I let go and turned to the door.
"Aizawa Sensei?! Your standing?!"
Shit, it's Midoriya and Tenya.
"I'm trying.."
He slowly turned to the kids and waited for him to say something. I looked at Tenya seeing he was about to explode with laughter.
"Uh- oh hello Mic Sensei?"
"Uh, H-hello listeners!!!"
"Anyways, Me and Ida wanted to thank you for saving us! Will you be teaching today?"
"Really? Oh ok, well then I'll see you in class Sensei."
"Tenya please stay. And I'll see you in a moment Midoriya."
Once the door shut Tenya burst with laughter.
"Shut it kid."
I helped Shota back to the bed as Tenya came up to us.
"Come on! That was funny! You guys continue being that stupid and people will find out soon."
"Oh really."
"Duh! You guys are so obvious it's sad that no one sees it."
I ruffled his hair and sat down.
"Your as nosy as your brother."
"Oh ya! He told me you guys went out a couple days ago, see obvious!"
"I said shut it, how are you feeling? Who else was hurt?"
"I'm fine, I'm blaming myself a lot. Everyone is safe, Midoriya broke a bone but recovery girl was able to fix it. All Might was also injured. I think the one who was the closest to dying is Thirteen."
"I went to visit them yesterday, they weren't doing so well. Recovery girl said they would live but, they will take a while to heal."
"It's not your fault Uncle Zawa, you protect us, that what hero's do right!"
He said smiling. I smiled as I looked over to see Shota smiling slightly.
"Ya, I guess so. You too kid, you did great, leaving right get help might not have been the easiest thing to do but it was the smartest. Good job kid!"
Shota said ruffling his hair.
"Hey! Watch the hair! And thanks."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now