Part 5

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(Age 15/16)
I sat on a rooftop once more waiting for something to tell me I need to go back home. It's started sprinkling a bit. I looked up at the sky as the rain got a little heavier. There was something that shook behind me. I stood up and got in a fighting stance. Someone was coming up the stairs. I saw something yellow pop up.
Then a face....Hizashi. How'd he find out where I was?! I rolled my eyes and sat back down.
"S-Shota....*Pant* I cant breath..."
"Your fine."
"And what if I'm not!"
"Then I would rush you to a hospital. You seem fine."
He come over to me and sat down.
"Don't say it. Don't say 'it's ok' cause it's not I didn't mean to do it. I messed the fuck up, and I don't know how to fix it!"
I said pulling my knees to my chest and placing my hands on my head.
"You don't need to fix everything Shota."
"It's not your fault, you don't need to fix it."
"W-were you uncomfortable? Did you push me off of you?"
"I only was uncomfortable cause you were drunk. And ya...ya I did."
"Shota, come on, it's not a big deal."
"Who else? Did I do anything to anyone else?"
"No, not that I know of."
"Shit... why'd I kiss you..."
"Does that disgust you? That you kissed me?"
"Sorta, not that it was you that I kiss but because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
He placed his hand on my shoulder as he looked at the sky.
"No worries, you were drunk. Most people were. Even Toshi, I was able to taste it.."
He said removing his hand and placing his finger on his tongue.
"Taste it?"
"Oh, we played 7 minutes of heaven, that's why we kiss, before it was us two though I went in with Toshi. And we had to kiss, wasn't as bad but I could taste the alcohol in his mouth."
He....he kissed Toshi..
"Didn't you like Toshi?"
"W-what?! Noooo~"
I faked a laugh and looked up at the sky.
"Are you gay?"
I choked on my spit as my face went red.
"Hey hey! Calm down it's just a question!"
He said patting my back. After I was done choking I look at him.
"Why would you even ask that?!"
"Well, when we first met. You were going to say something that started with a G to Miss, Day. Then Nick told Nemuri something that was true. Was it that your gay?"
"Pft, Ha! No."
I avoided eye contact with him as he started tickling my sides.
I giggled and tried to push him away.
"S-stop, Baka!"
"Come on Sho tell me the truth!~ or I won't stop!"
I giggled even more as I fell over though he continued to tickle me.
"Ya, yes Zashi I'm gay! Happy?!"
I said pushing him away from me. He stopped and smiled at me. I still giggled a bit.
"See that wasn't so hard not was it?!"
"I guess not.. how about you answer my question, are you bisexual?"
"Maybe, I don't quite yet."
"Well I know you like guys for sure."
"You stared at Toshi for a good hour once."
I said laying down.
"Haha, I hate you..."
"No you don't!"
"Your right. I don't."
I laughed as he picked up my head and placed it in his lap. He started playing with my hair.
"Your hair is softer than I though."
"Thanks I guess. I like to keep it soft."
"The thing is, it doesn't look soft, it looks like a rat nest."
He said while laughing.
"My hairs fluffy. Leave me alone."
I felt the rain slowly and slowly get heavier.
"We should go."
"Ya I guess."
I sat up and stretched before standing up. I offered him my hand and took it standing up. No jacket again. I took of my coat and threw it at him.
"Learn how to put on a coat ok!"
"Oh ya..."
He put it on as I thought for a moment.
"Here, I know a faster way."
He took my hand as I pulled him close to me flinging us into the air.
He gripped onto my shirt and closed his eye.
"Come on Hizashi, your missing the view!"
We got lower to the ground as I went higher again.
"Look! Hurry!"
He opened his eyes and smiled after seeing all the city lights. Then we started falling. He quickly closed his eyes again and gripped my shirt.
"I'm not going to drop you Hizashi. Promise."
After one more time we flung into the sky we were back at my house. I set him down as I laughed.
"How do you do that?! It's scary.."
"I guess I've just gotten use to it."
"You can get use to that?!"
He said as I walked into the house. After a while of talking there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw Aito.
"You won little bro."
He handed me the keys with a smile.
"I wish I was there for you and our moms. I'm sorry, I was an addict."
"Ya, I never told you. I'm sorry little bro, enjoy your house, I'll pay the bills and everything no worries, enjoy your time with your friends."
He started to walk away as I looked at the keys.
Am I doing the right thing?
"I-I forgive you..."
"Wait.... you do?"
"Ya, drugs can control your life."
I shut the door so they couldn't hear us.
"Can you consider coming back home? And are you going to stop doing drugs?"
"Shota, do you really want me here? And yes I'm stopping the drugs."
"Yes I do, I want to be with my older brother. The only family I have left."
"I'm not all you have left Shota, you have all those people inside. Those guys will always be your family, I'll consider it kid. See you around."
Should I say it? I've never told him.
"Uh- Aito?"
"Thank you, I-.....I love you!"
I ran back inside and covered my mouth. That was the first time I told my brother I loved him....Tsk, he did change I knew he was going to.
"Who was it Shota?"
I look up and everyone was looking at me.
"Aito, my brother."
Hizashi yelled about to run outside.
"Wait wait! He, Umm, he bought the house for me."
I smiled and showed them the key. They all smiled including Hizashi.
"Wooho! Shota gets to keep his house!!"
Toshi, Nemuri, and Hizashi were talking as more people left. Until it was just us four.
"Well I guess I can say, Welcome home Shota!"
I smiled at Hizashi.
"Thanks. I'm happy now."
"We should clean this place up... sorry Shota."
"It's fine Toshi, I threw this party for Hizashi, and he enjoyed it. So that's all that matters."
"Awe~ your sweet Shota!"
"Whatever, I'd do the same for you two."
I picked up a couple beer bottles and threw them away. Then all of us started cleaning. There was another knock at the door as I went to opened it.
"Delivery for Shota Aizawa?"
"Yep that's me.."
"Sign here."
I signed what he said as he showed me the big box.
"Thank you."
He nodded and left.
"Toshi come help me real fast."
We lifted the box and placed it on the table.
"What's in that thing?"
"Hizashi's present!"
The two came over and looked at it.
"Shota! Holly shit this things huge!!"
"You can't open it yet, let me grab your other one, you can open that one first."
I ran upstairs and came back down with a gift box.
He took and unwrapped it. He smiled widely and took them out of the box.
"Hey! These are the ones we saw at the music store!!"
He put them on and smiled.
"You were talking about getting new headphones too huh Hizashi?"
Said Toshi as Hizashi nodded.
"What's this then?"
He went over to the big one.
"You can open that one now. Sorry it's not wrapped."
"It's good!"
He started opening it.
"Oh my gosh Shota you didn't!?! Your messing with me!"
He tore open the rest of the box.
"A DJ mixer?"
Nemuri asked as she read the other box inside.
"Ya, he said he wanted one."
"Shota! How much did you spend on this?!"
"That's not important."
"Shota! These things are expensive! H-How?!"
"Just enjoy the present Hizashi."
He smiled and read everything on it. Toshi turned to me and whispered.
"How much?"
"Around 200 dollars all together.."
"Shit, you sure spoiled him..."
"I don't care he's happy."
He smiled widely and then jumped on me.
"Thank you thank you thank you!!!!! Your the best!!"
"Of course, it's your birthday after all."
After that we cleaned up and me and Toshi helped take the DJ mixer to Hizashis house. He set it up and everything. He was happy that's a good thing.

(Sorry this ones a little shorter)

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