Part 62

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I sat on the couch trying to push out all thought of it. The kids locked themselves in there room telling me they didn't want to talk. I sat in the dark, quiet room. Nothing felt right. The only light was the moons illumination through the curtains. I feel...alone... sick.. hurt.. I walked upstairs and shut my door. I hit the wall next to me hardly. I set my other hand over my mouth as slight tears fell from my face. The box of Hizashi's things were on the bed but I haven't gone through it yet. I opened it slowly the first thing was Hizashi jacket. I set it down on the bed seeing his directional speaker than his glasses. I bit my lip and saw a smaller box. I open the smaller box seeing all the jewelry he usually wears. I chuckled a bit on how much was in there. I looked through them setting them back inside before picking up the last one. Our ring.. I clenched it in my hand and fell to the floor. I turned so my back was against the bed. I pulled my knees to my chest. Fuck.. Hizashi why didn't you just tell me.. I pushed everything off the bed and laid down. I started to think of all the memories we had together even when we were younger.

I sighed and tried to go to sleep. But I wasn't able to. I tossed and turned trying to feel the warmth of Hizashi. I ended up giving up and getting out of bed. I set the ring down and went to take a shower. I only stood there running my hands through my hair. The shower wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either. I didn't even care to change it. I couldn't even think. Everything is just... numb. I cant cry now. I can't smile. I can't feel anything. Just confusion. Why? Why'd it have to be my father? It all doesn't make sense. I heard a knock on the door snapping my out of my thoughts.
"I-...can I sleep with you tonight?..."
I heard Aki's voice say.
"Yes sweetie. Lay down and I'll be out in a minute!"
I barley heard. I soon got out and got dressed in the clothes I had. I dried my hair with a towel than walked out. Aki was laying on the bed hold her stuffed animal. She saw me as I laid next to her. I pulled her to my chest and kissed the top of her.
"Dad, what happens now.."
"Are you gonna find someone else?... will you be too annoyed to deal with us?"
She asked. I pulled her away from my chest and looked her in the face. She had tears streaming down her face.
"Oh Aki.. no, sweetie.. I will only love your dad.. I always have and always will.. and your my little girl, I would never get annoyed with you. Or Hitoshi. You guys are my life.. I care for you two more than myself. I will always be here Aki.."
She buried her head back into my chest as she let out her sobs. I let my tears fall down my face as I held onto her.
"I-.. I don't want him to be gone!"
"I know.. I'm sorry.."
She fell asleep in my arms. I stayed awake playing with her hair.
(Just to let you guys know, yes I'm aware Aki is  in high school. No I'm not going to say she's in UA. Yes she is childish, thats her character.)

I realized I feel asleep. I sat up seeing Aki was still asleep. Got up and changed than walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and made some coffee. It's been three days.. three days since I found out. Four days since it happened.. why couldn't I realize something wrong when he didn't call. I could have went and check.. god I wish I would have.. the coffee finished so I poured myself a mug. I than made some eggs and toast for the kids if they wanted some. I sat on the couch with a sigh. I turned on the tv and took a sip. I heard a door open. I turned and saw Hitoshi with his hero gear.
"Where are you going?"
I said turning back around.
He said messing with his mask.
"The hell you are, go change."
"I'm an adult now."
I raised my eyebrow and looked at him.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm an adult. I can go patrolling if I want."
He went to continue walking I stood and set my hand on his shoulder. I set my coffee down as he turned around.
"You aren't going patrolling four days after all this!"
"Why not?! That guy is out there! I'm going to be the one to find him!"
"I know he's out there! You can't ok?!"
"You aren't answering my question. Why not?!"
"Because, The guy is my father. We're still trying to get information on him for the next time we go after him. I will not have you die before we have an actual chance!"
"Than he deserves to die."
"Hitoshi enough! Go change! I don't need another person dying on me!!"
"I'm not going to die!"
"That's what Hizashi said but look where we are now!!"
I said before getting tears in my eyes.
"I don't want to lose you too Hitoshi.."
We both turned seeing Aki. She came over and hugged me. I glared at Hitoshi.
"Go change boy."
I felt Aki's tears soak into my shirt. Hitoshi stormed away back into the hallway. I sat down with her in my arms.
"If Hitoshi leaves now will he die?..."
"I'm only worried about it. I want to believe he won't but I can't ever know for sure.."
"Do you think dads actually dead?..."
"What do you mean?.."
"Do you believe all the things that the police said? Because I don't think dads dead..."
"I know it's hard, I'm so sorry Aki.."
I held her close than felt weight next to me. I turned and saw Hitoshi with tears in his eyes. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pushed his head onto mine.
"I'm sorry you two.."
After while Aki fell sleep. I set her down next to me than pulled Hitoshi to my chest. I ran my head through his hair hearing him sniffle.
"I'm so so sorry Hitoshi. I wish I could go back and stop him.."
"Did you know?.."
"Did you know your father was a villain? If so why didn't you tell anyone."
"I didn't Tosh.. I didn't know until a couple days ago.. Aito knew.. I don't know why he didn't ever tell me before.."
"I don't want him to be gone.."
"Neither do I Tosh.."
I sighed hearing his quiet sobs. Tears started to fall from my eyes. We stayed like that for most of the day. Aki said she didn't want to go to her fathers this time so she stayed in her room.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now