Part 10

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(Age 19/20)
I sat on Hizashi couch and waited. After a while he came down and sat next to me.
"When's the group coming?"
"Technically your not old enough to drink!"
He said wrapping his arm around my neck.
"Who said I was going to drink?.. and just cause we're a couple months apart doesn't mean you can treat me like a child.."
He ruffled my hair and sat back.
"I'm just saying. You won't be able to have one.."
"Hizashi I drank back in high school.. for your party.. this wouldn't be so bad."
"Oh... so your saying you would drink?"
"No.. I know what your doing stop it!"
He laughed as the doorbell rang. He went and opened it as more people came in.
"I thought it was just us?"
"Come on!"
"Alright come on in!"
Fuck.. people.. A guy entered the house looking around.

We made eye contact as he smiled

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We made eye contact as he smiled. I waved slightly as the door shut.
"Alright its midnight let go!"
Hizashi yelled and walked over to some speakers. He sure does like to party for a hero.. I stood up and walked over to him. I tugged on his arm as he looked over at me. He lead me away from the speakers after he put some music on.
"What's up Sho?"
"It's loud.. why am I here again?"
"Cause your apart of our group too."
He placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair slightly. I swatted his hand away and buried myself in my scarf.
"Do you want to go upstairs? It's still going to be quite loud."
I shook my head as he shrugged.
"You wanna go home?"
He smiled.
"Than stay and have a little fun. Please?"
I nodded slowly as he smiled wider.
"Yo Hizashi!"
Someone yelled and his attention went to them. He looked back at me.
"Just try not to get smooshed."
He said laughing.
"Enjoy yourself Shota."
He waved as he ran off. I stayed in the corner. I had Hizashi's big hoodie and some leggings. I yawned and walked to the kitchen. I looked in the fridge.
"Why not just have a beer?"
I turned around and saw that guy.
"I'm 19."
"Shit.. I'm attracted to a guy that younger than me.."
He laughed as I grabbed a water out of the fridge. I turned to him and smiled.
"How old are you huh?"
I stood in confusion and tilted my head. He laughed at me as his face went a light shade of red.
"You look like a kitten.. Anyways I know what your thinking. 'How do I know your friends' me and Nemuri met a couple months ago. She use to like me until she found out I was gay."
I took a sip of my water as I felt and arm wrap around my shoulder.
"Come on Sho. Drink just one?"
I looked up and saw Hizashi. I rolled my eyes and pushed him away.
"Is this the boyfriend?"
The guy said. I shook my head.
"No. He's just annoying."
"Oh thank god. I was gonna get nervous that this guy was your boyfriend and gonna kill me for flirting with you."
He said laughing as he stuck out his hand to the both of us.
"Sup! My names Elric!"
I took his hand and smiled slightly.
"Names Shota."
He waved slightly as I looked at him in confusion.
"Not a welcoming person! Got it, I've gotta remember that.."
He smiled and scratched the back of his neck. I played with the hem of Hizashi's hoodie. Hizashi grabbed my hand and started pulling me somewhere.
"I'll see you later Elric!"
I yelled as he waved with a smile. I looked at Hizashi confused as he lead me to his stairs. I stopped and crossed my arms.
"What's wrong?"
"Maybe you should go home.."
He said as he sat down on the stairs. I looked at him in confusion.
"What are you talking about?"
"Or we could change your clothes.."
He stood up and poked my head.
"Oi. I'm not changing or leaving.."
I pushed his hand away. Soon another arm wrapped around my shoulder.
"What's going on over here?"
Nemuri said with a smile.
"Hizashi want me to leave or change.."
She said looking at him.
He crossed his arms and looked away.
"Fine.. I'm taking Shota to hang with me! You get the boys!"
She dragged me with her group of girls.
"Girls this is Shota! He's very nice but quite!"
I looked at her in confusion as the girl surrounded me.
"He's so small! How old are you~!"
"I'm 19!"
"Hey he's young!"
I had the girl all around me.
"So Shota your gay?"
One of them said.
"How'd you know?"
"It's quite obvious!"
They all said as my face went red.
"Yeah I am.."
"Nemuri we should hook him up with Elric!"
She looked at me and that back at the girls as she smiled.
"Let's try! Shota here isn't one to fall for people quickly though!"
They all squealed and dragged me over to the guys. I felt like I was being looked down on. Why are they all so fucking tall.. I felt someone else's hand grab mine as I looked up. Nemuri was holding our wrists and forcing them to hold each other's. My face went red as I tried to pull back.
He yelled looking at the girls.
"Come on! You two need to loosen up! I think you guys would be the perfect match! Short and tall! Quite and quite! Shy and shy! Ya know I think it just works out!"
She pushed me closer to his to where I was touching him. I hid my face in my scarf and than felt a hand wrap around me. I looked up and saw Elric pushing Nemrui away as he held onto me.
"Leave him Alone Nem!"
"Awe~! Why?!"
His arm moved down to my waist as my face went even more red if it was possible. After she left he sighed and looked at me.
"She's always trying to hook people up huh.."
I looked up and saw it was just us two and the other guys moved.
He handed me the cup in his hand.
"Want a sip? It's not bad.."
I grabbed it from his hand and smelt it. I went to go take a sip. I pushed it away from my mouth as soon as I tasted it as I cringed.
"You don't like it.."
He said laughing as he took it back. I shook my head and swallowed it.
He laughed some more before putting his cup down and wrapping both hands around me. I stood in shock.
"So, your pretty short for an 19 year old."
He said laughing.
"I know.. I'm the size of a 16 year old.. it kinda sucks."
"I say it makes you even more innocent, Hottie.."
He said with a smile. I smiled back.
"Thanks I guess.."

Hizashi POV
I saw him wrap both arms around Shota as they started talking.
"I say it makes you even more innocent, Hottie.."
I set down my cup as Tensei watched in shock.
"Don't do it.."
"I'm fucking doing it."
I walked over to them and pulled the guy off of Shota.
I held the guy from the back of the shirt.
"Listen dude Shota's 19 your 22. I won't let you take advantage of him just cause you think your cool!"
"Whoa whoa! Chill out I was just flirting!"
"Exactly the problem.."
I gritted my teeth and dropped him.
"You can leave now.."
He chuckled slightly as he regained his balance.
He started walking away before winking at Shota.
"Later cutie."
"Bye Elr-"
"I'm gonna beat his ass!"
"Whoa whoa whoa! Hizashi chill!"
Tensei said as he held onto me along with Toshi. I sighed as they let go. If I see him again I'll kill him.. I'll kill him..
"What the hell was that Hizashi?"
Nemuri said walking over to us.
"Yeah. We were just talking."
Shota said.
"This mother fucker was going to beat his ass if we didn't stop him!"
Tensei said as he smacked the back of my head.
Nemuri said as I turned to her.
"Cause that mother fucker had his hands all over him!"
I said pointing at Shota. She started laughing.
"So it worked.."
We all looked at her in confusion.
"Me and the girls were bored so~ we wanted to see something happen. Elric is a flirt, he's crazy flirtatious! That's why we brought him. So I made Shota go over to him so he could flirt with Shota. Which led to Hizashi being jealous. Jealous Hizashi and flirty boy. Perfect thing to make two people come together at a party!"
She said wrapping her arm around me and Shota. I thought for a moment before realizing what she said.
"Wait... you knew this was going to happen?! And you did it just to try and get Shota and me together?!"
"I mean yeah. And I would say complete together but maybe just talking."
"Nemuri.. that's not nice to play with people's feelings like that.."
Shota said standing in front of us as I pushed her away.
"Wait wait wait.. so you actually thought he was cute Shota?!"
Nemrui said as she squealed.
"I mean yeah I guess he was cute."
"I'm done.. that's it."
I walked to the door and swung it opened and saw the guy talking to the girls outside.
He looked over at me and smirked.
"Now that wasn't very kind now was it?"
I walked over to him and picked him up by his collar.
"What did you do with Shota?! Why does he feel that way?!"
"Whoa! Clam down I didn't do anything!"
"I doubt that! Shota doesn't think anyone's cute!"
"Hizashi put him down!"
Shota walked up to us along with Tensei.
"No! This dumb hoe is doing something to Shota!"
"Oh hey hottie~."
I glared at him as he laughed.
"Alright alright! I used my quirk on Shota! You got me! I did it when I wrapped my arms around him. But~ if you want it to remove it I have to kiss him.."
"Can I kill him!"
I said pointed at him as I looked at the door where Nemuri was standing.
"If you do Shota would still be in love with me.. and he'd be like that for the rest of his life."
"Wait Hi-"
I dropped him as he smiled and walked over to Shota. Before he touched Shota I pulled him back.
"Nothing funny!"
I let go as he pulled Shota in for a kiss. After a while I pulled him away and stood in front of Shota.
"Hizashi your an idiot!"
Shota said as I looked at him in confusion.
"Bro! You didn't even ask me my quirk! My quirk is water manipulation! Not love stuff!"
The guy laughed as I started chasing after him. Before I could tackle him I was wrapped up in Shota scarf thing. He dragged me inside and pushed everyone out.
"Party's over!"
He shut the door and went and turned off the music. I struggle to breath as he looked at me in confusion than realized.
"Oh yeah.. I forgot you needed to breath."
He moved it away from my mouth as he kept dragging me around the house.
"Shota! Put me down!"
"You made a guy kiss me.. if I put you down I'm gonna beat your ass!"
"I'm sorry!"
"You need to stop being over protective."
He dropped me on the hard floor as I groaned.
I looked up at him as he shrugged and started walking up stairs. I sighed and sat up and than followed him. I got to my bedroom and opened the door seeing him laying on the bed.
"Your bed is more comfortable. I sleep here!"
He said yawning and than snuggling into my hoodie. I smiled and laid next to him.
"sorry I made that guy kiss you.. and sorry I got jealous.."
He pressed a kiss to my cheek.
"It's ok.. it was cute seeing you freak out on someone because of me.."
I felt his body against my side. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him closer to him. He peeked his head out of the hoodie and smiled. Cute.. I smiled back a booped his nose as he scrunched it up cutely.
"Sleep time.. I don't know how much you drank and I don't really want to deal with your hang over..."
He snuggled up in my neck as slowly drifted to sleep. I played with his hair as I slowly fell asleep as well.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now