Part 65

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I went for a walk. It was night so it was cold. I really didn't know where I was going. I was just..walking. The cold night breeze sent shivers down my spine. I buried my face into my scarf as I closed my eyes listening to the little cars passing by. Some going fast, some going slow. There weren't many people walking so there weren't footsteps I could hear unless they were walking next to me. I let out a long sigh before starting to feel rain. Dammit.. guess I should have check the wether. I shrugged but kept walking. Soon I felt nothing hitting my head. I opened my eyes and looked up seeing a black umbrella. I looked over confused seeing Tokoyami.
"Seems like you need this more than me."
He said holing it in front of me as dark shadow covered the top of him. I took it slowly and bowed slightly.
"Thank you."
We starting walking next to each other.
"I heard about Mic. I'm sorry for your loss..."
He said looking away
"Thank you.."

Aito POV
~Next day~
I sat with Noamasa looking at the files of Hizashi's death.
"Look here, this time of Hizashi's body dose have the tattoos."
I said showing Noamasa the picture.
"Do you think they switch the body without us seeing?"
"Doubt it, I don't think they would have been that fast."
"Than what is it?"
I scratched the back of my neck and looked through the files.
"I don't know.."
One of the police officers came through the door as we looked over.
"You two need to see this!"
We both got up and followed the police officer. We walked into the room where Hizashi's body was.
"It's pixelated.."
I said looking at his body. I went over and I was able to my hand through him.
"What the hell..."
I said. I went to pick up his hand but I wasn't able to. I was confused.
"His body will dissolve slowly..."
I said quietly.
"There quirk doesn't last.."
Noamasa said coming over to the body too.
"Run a scan on who has illusion quirks in Japan."
I said looking at the police officer. He nodded than left the room.
"Are you going to do a search on all the people with an illusion quirk."
"Not all. Just ones I feel are interesting."
We brought someone in to take picture as we left the room.
"The illusion isn't permanent. Things slowly start to disappear.."
I said walking to the police officer that I said to look for people with illusion quirks.
"What do you have?"
"So far, 10 people have came up. The only ones with a criminal record are the twins."
"The twins?"
Noamasa said looking over the screen as well.

"Markus and Alex

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"Markus and Alex. Illusion twins. Last known crime was a couple years ago, a robbery. Combining there quirk makes the illusion 10x stronger."
"What's the stuff on there face for?"
I asked.
"It's just face paint. It shouldn't help with anything with their quirks."
"Where do these two live?"
I asked pulling out my phone.
"Right outside of town."
He said than gave me the address.
"I'll go with you if your going."
Noamasa said as I nodded. We walked out and into my car.
"Can I tell my brother?"
I asked him. He hesitate before speaking.
"I want Shota to know Hizashis ok. But I don't want him doing something irrational."
"I'll tell him after this. I don't want him to do anything stupid either."
I said continue driving. We got to the house that was in the middle of nowhere. We got out and walked to the door. I knocked and waited.
"It looks abandoned.."
I whispered to Noamasa. He nodded at me as we waited. I knocked once more and waited. The door opened seeing one of the twins.
"Hello I'm detective Noamasa, this is my partner Aito. Mind if we come in and ask a couple questions?"
His eyes turned a black color as I touched his shoulder using my quirk.
"Please, just a couple questions sir. It won't last long."
I said trying to act normal. He shrugged my hand off his shoulder and nodded.
"Sure, come on in"
I saw his eyes go black again. He used his quirk.. we walked to the living room as he let us sit down. This doesn't seem like the same house I walked into..
"What can I help you with detectives?"
"Do you live alone?"
Noamasa asked.
"Actually I live with my brother, Markus. He went out for groceries actually."
He said shrugging.
"May I ask you what your quirk is?"
I asked.
"Oh, I'm actually quirkless. I don't have a quirk."
"Really? Can I ask why your eyes change colors than?"
"Hm? Oh yes, my eyes will do that. It's not my quirk."
He said with a slight smile.
"We'll leave now. That's all we wanted to ask. We're just trying to find someone and thought this place was abandoned."
Noamasa said, He nodded and stood.
"Of course."
He walked us to the door than we left. As soon as we walked out the door the whole house changed back to normal. I walked to the car confused. I stared at it confused until seeing in one of the windows. A person?
"Hold on.."
I said getting back out. I looked at the window seeing the other twin holding a phone in his hand.
"Get in the car Aito. Well come back."
I gritted my teeth and got in the car. We drove back to the station. I stopped at the front as Noamasa looked at me confused.
"I'm going to go to my brothers. I'm need to talk to him about this."
He nodded than got out.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
I nodded than drove away. I got to Shota house and walked in.
I said taking off my shoes. I walked through the house not finding him. I went to his room knocking on the door.
I opened the door seeing him with Hizashis hoodie and some shorts.
"Shota wearing short? That's a first.."
He shrugged and went to the desk and sat down.
"What's up?"
He said turning around.
"I have something important to tell you.."
I said walking over to him. I picked up the picture frame he flipped down.

 I picked up the picture frame he flipped down

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"What is it Aito?"
"Don't freak out. I'm figuring it out with Noamasa. But... Hizashi is alive.."
He eyes went wide as he looked at me.

~Authors Note~
Sorry for not posting last night, I'm not doing so well right now, I'm trying to remember to post I'm sorry.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now