Part 6

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(Sorry if you don't know who Oboro is. He is just a childhood friend of Hizashi's, Shota's, and Nemuri's and I won't spoil anything in this)

 He is just a childhood friend of Hizashi's, Shota's, and Nemuri's and I won't spoil anything in this)

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(That's what he looks like)

"What do you want Hizashi?"
I said feeling annoyed as he sat down next to me.
"Let's go out today?! I found this super cool ramen place! And it's not super crowded like ever! What do you say?!"
"Sorry Hizashi, I'm going out with Oboro today.. he said he found a place like that as well."
"Oh. Boyfriend time, got it!"
"It's not boyfriend time, we're just hanging out."
"Well have fun then! I'll ask Nemuri or Toshi!"
"Oh, ok.."
He doesn't usually stop talking that fast...
"Quite done class!"
My attention went to board along with Hizashi's. I sighed seeing him rest his head on his hands.

Hizashi POV
"Quite down class!"
My attentions focused on the teacher as I leaned my head on my hands playing with my pencil. Don't be a bother, can't be a bother, your a stupid bother, shut up Hizashi, don't be jealous!!
"Hizashi Yamada!"
I sat up quickly.
"Answer the question please.."
I looked at the board seeing nothing written down.
"Uh, um, yes?"
She sighed and crossed her arms.
"Would you like me to repeat the question?"
"Yes please."
"If there are people around that are in danger but you saw a hooded guy walk into a alley way, what do you do?"
"Oh! You help the people make sure there safe with someone and have no injuries! Then make sure you have someone's with you to check out the hooded figure!"
"Semi-correct. You just left the people alone. Make sure there with someone. Now please take your seat."
"Yes ma'am!"
I sat down as my face went red hearing all the kids laugh at me. I sighed once more and leaned my head in my hands playing attention now. I suddenly felt like I was being watched. I looked around see everyone doing there work. I looked over at Shota to see him staring at me. My face went red a I faked a smile and waved. He looked away as I continued my work. After a while the bell rung to go to the next class. I gathered my things and went to Shota. Where is he? Did he leave? I walked out to see him walking hand in hand with Oboro to there next class. I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I walked the other way.

I tried focusing on all my classes but it was hard. Finally lunch came by. Where's Nem? I need to find her! I looked around not seeing her. I sat at an empty table and pulled out my phone.
'Hey where are you?'
'On the rooftop with Oboro and Shota, wanna join?!'
'No I'm ok. I'll talk to you next period."'
'Oh, ok! Later!'

I opened my bento and started eating. Toshi sat next to me.
"Hey Hizashi!"
"Oh, hey Toshi!"
"You lonely today? Did your group get in trouble?"
"Ya lonely, and no, there just on the rooftop. I didn't want to go up there today."
"Oh well let's talk then."
"Sure! Hey wanna go to this ramen place I found! I heard it's amazing and really quite!"
"Are you sure it's quite? When you get there that's gonna end. And sorry Hizashi, I have training after school."
He said laughing then scratching the back of her neck.
"Oh. That's fine! So how's becoming a hero huh?"
"Difficult, I've distanced from most of my friends so that kinda sucks but I heard it happens to everyone."
Is thats what's happening? I'm distancing from our group...
"Ya I heard either people distance or get left behind by there friends."
He said putting a spoon full of soup in his mouth. I spaced out.
"Hey hey hey! I didn't mean for it to sound like your group is doing that to you! Sorry!!"
"No it's ok, maybe we are distancing.. I got to go, I'll see ya later Toshi."
"Ok, bye.."
I picked up my bento and went to throw away the food before seeing a girl who hand no food. I went over to her and placed the food in front of her.
"Here, for you."
"T-thank you!"
I smiled and nodded then walked away. I went to my locker and grabbed the things I needed for my next class. I shut my locker in sync with someone else. I ignored it and walked away before bumping into someone.
"Oh hey what's up Hizashi!!"
I looked up and saw Oboro.
"Oh hey.. why are you down here?"
"Getting Shota's things, which I have to hurry or he'll get mad. See ya!"
"Ya, bye."
He ran off as I walked to my next class. I was the first one there. I sat in the back like always and put on my headphones. Shota and Oboro only met a couple months ago.. how are they that close? No I can't be jealous! That's his life! I can't be a bother! I heard the bell ring not realizing what time it was. I hurried and took off my headphones. I looked over seeing Nemuri stare at me in confusion. I faked a smiled and turned back to the teacher.

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