Part 23

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"Whoa, hey hey hey, whats wrong?"
"I-It's Aito..."
"Aito.... h-he's, he's.."
He turned pale as I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hallway with not a lot of people.
"Shota, whats wrong?"
I said firmly grabbing his other hand. Tears started to flow down his face as he squeezed my hands.
"A-Aito, Hospital..."
I placed my hands on his face and wiped his tears.
"Is Aito in the hospital? Is that what your saying?"
He nodded slowly as I pulled him into a hug.
"Go to the car, I'll drive us there. I'll tell Nezu it's a family emergency ok?"
I kissed him before he left. I headed to his classroom to pick somethings Shota Left. His last students are still here.
"Mic Sensei, is Aizawa Sensei ok?! He left super fast, then said he had an emergency, is he ok?!"
"Uh. Yes Your teacher just, Uh, has someone he need to see at the moment. Please head to your next class."
They nodded and started to leave. As I gathered his things Jiro came up to me.
"What happened?"
"Aito is in the hospital. I'm going to see him."
"Shh, yes. Shota is upset, so I'm going to take him to see him."
"Do you know why he's in there?"
"No, Shota could barely say anything."
"Ok, please make sure Aito is ok."
"He will be Jiro. Now next class ok."
I then headed to my class and gathered the things I needed. I got to the teachers lounge and said we needed All Might in Shota's room and someone in mine. I left quickly and got to the car.
"Can you tell me what hospital Shota?"
"The one you were in...."
I grabbed his hand and started driving. He never made eye contact with me. He kept his vision outside his window. I noticed him go to wipe his tears with his free hand so I squeezed his other for comfort.
"He's gonna be ok Shota. Promise."
He looked at me as I gave him a sad smile. We got to the hospital and parked in the parking garage. I went to open his door and help him out. He clung to my arm as we walked to the hospital. We got there to be greeted by the smell of over powering bleach..
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"We're here to visit a patient please."
"Sure, first name and last name of the patient?"
"A-Aito, Aito Aizawa.."
He said something....his anxiety didn't spike up? The lady nodded and typed something on her key board.
"Names of you two?"
"Hizashi Yamada and Shota Aizawa."
She typed something again.
"Room 350, 3rd floor."
"Thank you."
We walked to the elevator as Shota held my hand tighter. I squeezed it once and smiled at him again. I placed a kiss on his head as the elevator opened. We walked out and found room 350. Shota was hesitating to open the door.
"He'll be right there, with that's stupid smile he always has on his face. Promise."
He nodded and opened it.
"Oh, guest already. You have an amazing family Aito."
"Thank you Doctor."
We stepped inside to see Aito with a broken arm and a black eye. With a couple bandages around his torso.
"Ill excuse myself, have a good day your three."
"T-Thank you."
Shota went and hugged Aito as the doctor left.
"*Laugh* Come on Shota! No worries!"
"Your an idiot..."
I smiled and sat down in the chair as Shota continued to suffocate Aito with his hug.
"Shota~! Your killing me~"
He laughed as Shota let go.
"You didn't have to leave work to come see me, I'm fine."
"You were fine, Shota here was freaking out."
"Shut up..."
"Awe, baby brother~!"
"I hate you."
I smiled a bit as Aito wrapped his arm around Shota's shoulder and knuckled his head.
"Ow! Aito!"
"Aito, what happened?"
He pulled away from Shota with a more serious face.
"Kaori he showed up to the house. More angry than before.. he started saying shit and I got mad. Then someone was with him, and they punched me and I fought back... but I wasn't able to stop the two.."
"I'm gonna kill him..."
"Ok, what the hell is his problem!? That's putting all of us in danger now.."
Shota's ex is making me pissed.. What the hell!
"He hates me. I forced him away from Shota. Then you, and now he's throwing his stupid tantrums."
"Me? He's a jealous type.."
"To be fair so are you Hizashi."
"Really? You called me 'your Shota' when you guys first met."
Aito started laughed as I sat back in my chair and pouted.
"Anyways, that's all. It's wasn't anything serious."
"They said you were unconscious!"
"Ya but now I'm conscious!"
"I hate you."
"No you don't~ if you did you wouldn't be here."
"Shut up.."
I laughed and sat back up.
"You guys should go back to work."
"I'LL go to work, Shota can stay here. Toshinori took over his class."
"How am I supposed to leave and then pick up Aki, and talk to her father?"
"I will!"
"Hate to break it to you Hizashi, your not the most fearsome person.."
"After you pick up Aki, come pick me up. I think visiting hours are 3 or so more than 2. So I would say visiting hours end at 6."
"Ok. Then you two have fun. I'll be back. Get well Aito."
"Thanks Hizashi."
I stood up and left the hospital. I got to school as a couple of students came up to me. Mina, Midoriya, Tenya, and Uraraka.
"Is Sensei ok?!"
Mina said.
"He's ok!"
"What happened?!"
Midoriya yelled.
"Family emergency, everything's ok now kiddos!"
"Your apart of Aizawa Sensei's family?"
Uraraka said.
"Um, not exactly. I've know your Sensei since we were in Jr. high!"
"Woah! Really?! What was he like?!"
Mina yelled once more.
"Uh. Well he was the same as he is now really! He was a bit shorter than you Uraraka! And he was always a grumpy pants. He liked to fall asleep during his classes but somehow he kept up and got good grades."
"Really?! Shorter than Me?! Awe~! Aizawa Sensei was a shorty!"
"Yep! Now I must get going mini listeners! I'll see ya around!"
I waved bye and walked into my classroom. How the he'll do the kids change there topics that easily!? I excused the teacher subbing for me and continued work.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now