Part 40

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I walked out of the hospital with the kids talking.
"At first I was kinda nervous but there so nice!"
Jiro said as she used her hands to talk like Hizashi. I patted her head as we continued to the car.
"Calm down.. you acting like Hizashi."
I said while laughing. She pushed my hand away.
We got to the car as we all got in.
"Who drove the car?"
"Me, Jiro didn't want to. That's why I get the front seat!"
Hitoshi said with a smiled. I laughed a bit and drove home. When we got there the kids all ran to there rooms. Ouch.. I laughed a bit and went to my room. I got changed and switched my bandages. My phone got a notification in the middle of wrapping it up. Dammit.. I ignored it and finished wrapping up my body. I looked at the message as my eyes went wide.
'Shota right? Been a while. It's Elric.'
I thought for a moment. How'd he get my number?
'I saw you on the tv and got worried. I texted Nemuri but she was doing something so she just sent me your number.'
I turned on the tv and went to text back.
'It's been years. I'm fine now. Just a scar.'
'Yeah it has. How about the other guy, what was his name again?'
'Hizashi? He won't be able to talk for a while but he's doing fine.'
'Yeah, and good. Glad you two are ok. That guy is dangerous.'
'Yeah he was pretty intimidating.'
I looked back at the tv and saw me and Hizashi. Ugh.. great.. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the bed.
'So, taken?'
'Of course that's what you ask.. yes I'm married with two kids.'
'Damn.. and I thought you were gay?'
'There adopted.'
'Oh, so who's the lucky guy?'
'No way! Really! He almost killed me the last time we talked!'
'He had a valid reason.'
I laughed a bit. There was a bang. I jumped up and ran downstairs. Hitoshi and Jiro came running out of there rooms too.
"You guys ok?"
"Jiro go get Aki. Hitoshi come with me."
They both nodded as Jiro ran upstairs. I started walking around the house looking for things. What the hell..There was stuff that was pulled out of its spot. I clenched my fist and continued walking.
Jiro screamed. I ran back in a hurry. When I got to her there was someone standing in front of her. She pushed Aki behind her as the guy turned to me. I wrapped my capture weapon around him. He groaned as Hitoshi walked over to us with some guy following him. He's hypnotized.. I walked over to Jiro and Aki and made sure they were ok.
"I'm fine Shota.. but Aki.."
I looked down at Aki quickly. She had a cut down her face. I got down on my knee.
"Hitoshi the cops. Jiro first aid."
They both nodded. Aki was crying as she held her face. I pulled her hand away. Right over her cheek..
"Your ok.. just don't touch it ok?"
Jiro came back as I pulled out some bandages and some disinfectant liquid. I was hesitant I put it around her eye.
"Aki.. this might hurt."
"H-How bad?!"
"Well.. enough to make your eyes water a bit."
She looked at me in shock as Jiro smacked the back of my head.
"Ouch.. I mean not at all."
"Your just saying that."
I sighed and poured a little on a Cotton ball. I slowly dapped a bit around her eye as she flinched.
"I'm sorry.."
I held her face in place and continued to dap it. Tears came from her eyes as my heart hurt. I stopped and threw it away. I grabbed the bandages as I heard sirens outside.
"Hitoshi let them in."
I wrapped the bandages around her face and pulled her in for a hug.
"Sorry sweetie.."
She hugged me back as I picked her up.
I looked back at the guy. Is he wearing a mask.. I walked over to him and pulled off the mask. They had two different colored eyes, long black hair, and a huge grin. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I groaned in pain and looked down. Where the fuck did the blade come from?! I set down Aki quickly and pulled the blade out of my leg and looked at him. The cops took him as one came over to me and started asking questions. Once they were done they fixed my leg than left. I turned to the kids as they all stood in a circle talking. I sighed and walked over to them.
"You guys ok?"
They all nodded.
"What about you? Your leg?"
"Oh its fine. It wasn't that bad of a wound since it was a small knife. How about you?"
I said crouching in front of Aki. She nodded and held her cheek.
"It doesn't hurt anymore.."
I ruffled her hair and stood back up.
"You guys can go back to bed. If you want you can even sleep together on the couch."
Hitoshi nodded and sat down as the girls followed. I smiled slightly and walked to the kitchen pulling out my phone.
'Sorry. Villain attack.'
'Wtf! I'm sorry, are you guys ok?!'
'We're fine. The kids are a little scared but we're all going to end up sleeping in the couch.'
'Well I'll let you take care of your kids, bye!'
I turned off my phone and sighed.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now