Part 97

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"Alright quite down you brats."
I said clapping my hands and walking into the class with Shota, Eijiro, and Bakugou following behind me.
"Sir is there another teacher assistant? Isn't two already enough? We're not that bad."
Gray said swatting his hand.
"No, and I'm sure today will be the last day I'll teach you guys your hero training."
The whole class said.
"Like I said many times. I never was your permanent teacher. Your teacher has finally returned to the school."
I said gesturing my hand to Shota.
"Oi! You mean to tell me he's our missing teacher?!"
Naoko yelled slamming his hands on his desk.
"The hell I'm going to get use to him after training with you!"
"You've got the same temper as Bakugou. My bad, Ground Zero. I'm guessing your the trouble maker?"
Shota said moving his short hair out of his face. Naoko sunk back into his chair grumbling something.
"Watch your tone Naoko. Let me finish now. I will stay around for today to catch your teacher up on what you are learning. Than, I will not be here tomorrow. I better hear that you guys were better with him than you were with me, understand?"
"Yes sir!"
"Alright, go get changed and meet us outside. Hurry up or we'll start without you."
They all sat up quickly other than Naoko, Gray, and Koya.
"I want an explanation."
Gray said as I tilted my head.
"Fine. I'll give you one. Zero, Red, meet the students outside."
I said turning to them with a smile.
"Yes sir~!"
The walked out as Shota stayed.
"How do you expect us to learn from someone else after learning from you for so long?"
Koya said.
"Well, in reality, I haven't been teaching my way all this time. I've been teaching his, though not as harsh."
I said with a small smile.
"So you know his teaching style?"
Gray asked. I looked over at him and cocked my eyebrow.
"I think I would know after knowing him for years. Now, join your class."
"Or I could expel you if you'd like."
Shota said as I looked over at him.
"You can't expel them yet, Nezu said so."
"Damn rat."
The kids chuckled before running out. Once they left he sighed. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the top of his head.
"Come on now. Better get there quickly."
Before I let go he kissed me before walking out. I smiled slightly and followed behind.

"Hey! Mic, Eraser! Can we do a teacher Vs teacher?!"
Me and Hizashi looked over at Eijiro and Bakugou seeing them smiling widely.
"You two want to fight each other?"
Hizashi asked as the two nodded.
"Also! See you two fight!"
I looked up at Hizashi as he shook his head.
"Eraser just got out of the hospital yesterday I don't think-"
"Come on, we gotta know what our teacher is capable of!"
Naoko yelled.
"I think it'll be fun."
I said looking up at Hizashi as he shook his head.
"I don't know.."
"Please Mic Sensei!! Just this once!!"
The whole class whined. They seem quite fond of him.. He let out a loud sigh.
He looked over at me as I took off my scarf and goggles.

"No quirk, no weapons, like old times right."
The kids cheered.
"After us, you two can go."
I said looking over at Eijiro and Bakugou as they nodded. I have have a tank top under my shirt, so I just took it off. I set it on the floor with my scarf and goggles. I turned around and stretched seeing Hizashi with his speaker and jacket off.
"I've never seen Mic Sensei without his Speaker on.."
One kid whispered.
"I don't think he takes it off during hero work dumbass."
A girl said as I smiled slightly. He finally turned to me as I popped my neck.
"Oi, I won't go easy on you if don't go easy on me. Deal?"
"Who said I was going easy? You agreed to this. Cant back out now."
"Wasn't planning on it. Red, you can count us down."
"Ha! 3, 2, 1.. go!"

Hizashi immediately threw a punch at me before I dodged. I punched him in the stomach as he stepped back a bit. I went to kick him but he dropped to the ground and grabbed my leg. He twisted it over so I feel to the floor face first, but I caught myself with my hands. I used my other leg to kick him off before standing back up. I could hear the kids whisper and 'whoah.' He grabbed the collar of my shirt as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me down and kneed my chest. He's not touching my stomach on purpose. Once I stood back up I went to go kick at him again. And he ducked again. I grabbed his arm as he looked over at our hands. I kicked his face as he fell back holding his face. I stood up normally.
"Did I draw blood? If so the fights over."
"I don't think you did."
He moved his hand away seeing there was nothing anywhere on his hand or face.
"Geez, maybe we underestimated the two."
I heard a kid say.
"Don't underestimate them. There strong."
Bakugou said as Hizashi stood back up.
"Your pretty fast for someone who just got out of the hospital."
He said going to punch at me again. I held my hands up as he hit those instead of my face. Though I felt another impact on the right side of my cheek. A distraction, of course. He went to throw another punch, I caught it and pushed him back.
"Ouch, than Kinda hurt.."
I said rubbing my cheek as he laughed slightly.
"Kinda huh.."
"Your holding back, I thought I told you not to."
"Who said?"
"Your avoiding my stomach."
"We both know I won't hurt you."
"Just hit me already."
I ran towards him and through a punch but he caught it. He grabbed my head and went to pull my face down onto his knee. I closed my eye ready for an impact. Though it never came.
"This fight is over."
I heard his voice say. I was picked up from the the back of the collar of my shirt. I opened my eyes as he dragged me to my stuff.
"Oi I'm not done you bastard!"
I was dropped on the floor. I looked up seeing Hizashi with a bloody nose.
"Did I hit you? When?"
"When you threw that punch, I caught it. But your punch push my hand against my face."
He said with a smile.
I put on my shirt, goggles, and scarf as he walked away. Been a while since either of us have done that. Hizashi usually doesn't like to because he always holds back.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now