Part 79

117 7 15

I yawned and sat up. I looked over seeing Shota was still fast asleep.
I tapped him slightly.
"Wake up.."
I than shook my slightly before he swatted me away.
"F-..fuck off.."
He turned over and face the other way.
"Ouch.. mean. You gotta wake up."
I said poking at him again.
The door burst open as I jumped.
"Wake up sleepy heads!!"
Aki and Amethyst said before jumping onto the bed and laying over me and Shota.
"That's why.."
I said as he groaned and sat up.
"You have to get ready!! Jiro is getting ready to go!!"
"Oh shit that's today?"
Shota said rubbing his head as Aki nodded.
"Yes! And we have to go get the place to get Jiro's ready! And me too.."
I smiled before standing up and lifting them over my shoulders.
"Ah! Pops!! Your gonna drop me~!!"
"I beg of you do not drop me!!"
"No Im not.."
I said with a smile. I set the two down by the door as they crossed there arms in sync.
"We'll be down in a second."
They nodded than ran off. I shut the door and went to the closet. I stretched hearing Shota stand up. I pulled out both our tuxedos and handed him, his.

We got to the place as Amethyst, Aki, and Jiro ran off to get changed into a dress.
I yawned and waited until they were done.
"When's Momo going to be here?"
"Nemuri and Tensei are going to bring her, so I don't know for sure."
Shota said shrugging.
"Did you know there together now?"
I looked at him confused as he shrugged.
"That's what Tenya told me.."
"When did you talk to Tenya?"
I said confused.
"Couple days ago."
He said waving his hand. I laughed a bit before the door opened.
"Aki, darling your hairs a mess.."
I said before walking into the room.
"I'm aware!"
She said laughing I grabbed the brush and turned around. When I did Jiro stood there in her dress as Amethyst helped her with her hair accessory.

 When I did Jiro stood there in her dress as Amethyst helped her with her hair accessory

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My eyes went wide as she played with her plugs.
"Dose it look bad?.."
"No, you look amazing.."
I smiled slightly as she smiled widely. Shota walked in than immediately stopped.
"I said the same thing.."
I said with a slight laugh. Jiro laughed and scratched the back of her neck.
"You look amazing kid.."
I started to go through Aki's hair listening to the conversation.
She said with a wide smile again.
"All your girls do!"
I yelled as they all smiled at me.
"Ah, anyways um, Momos here."
Shota said as me and Aki looked over.
He nodded as I went back to Aki's hair. Shota and Amethyst walked out talking.

Shota's POV
Hizashi sat down next to me with a sigh.
"What's up? Aren't you supposed to be with Jiro?"
I said confused.
"You ditched your sister~? How mean.."
Amethyst said with a smile giggle.
"Yeah and they kicked me out I didn't leave!"
He said with a smile.
"Aki said she'll come get me when Jiro is ready."
I nodded before taking his hand in mine.
"Hey you three."
Nemuri said behind us.
Tensei said as we turned.
"More of.. sad.."
Hizashi said with a laugh.
"Kids grow up.."
Nemuri said with a laugh.
"Now I understand how our parents felt."
Tensei said with a laugh. They were never there to watch me grow up..
"Seeing Shota grow up wasn't easy."
Aito said sitting next to Tensei with a laugh.
"Your like two years older than me.. does that even count?"
I said as they all shrugged.
"Of course it counts, I raised you!"
He said before I shrugged.
"I guess your right."
Aki came to get Hizashi so he left. We were all talking until it was time for the two to be walked to the alter. Aki was the flower girl. Hizashi walked Jiro down, and Momo's father walked her down.

Me, Hizashi, and Amethyst sat there as the girls served the cake. Once everyone, who wanted cake, got cake the two were passed a microphone. I nudged Hizashi confused than looked over at him seeing he had frosting on his cheek.
I rolled my eyes than handed him a napkin.
"You eat like a toddler."
He laughed and wiped his face. Than Jiro started to speak.
"Alright now that everyone got what they needed me and Momo would like to say our thanks."
I smiled slightly and crossed my arms. I didn't want any cake only Amethyst and Hizashi did.
Jiro handed the Microphone to Momo with a smile.
"Guess that means I have to go first."
Once she finished thanking family and friends Jiro was handed the microphone.
"Uh, I guess I really didn't prepare for this."
She said with a laughed as I smiled.
"My family. I have no blooded family here today. I have my step brother, his husband, his kids and his brother. My step brother raised me, raised me to be the person I am now. He took care of me even with his school and work."
I looked over at Hizashi seeing he had his goofy smile. I laughed slightly before looking back at Jiro.
"His husband as well.."
She made eye contact with me as I looked at her confused.
"He helped raised me too. So my step brother and Him were like my parents. My two dads."
She said with a slight giggle.
"They even acted like dads to me. The overprotective-ness, the making sure I was home before curfew, the teasing me over the small things I did."
I smiled and shook my head slightly.
"Than my "uncle" is what I called him. Uncle Aito, in reality he's just my brother in law. But he's like my uncle. Same with the rest of my brothers friends. They were all like aunts and uncles to me. Never just friends. Than I had my
niece and nephew. I wouldn't normally just pointed them out and say that they were my niece and nephew. I'd point them out as my brother and sister. My older sister, we might have been separated young, but now we're as close as ever, like best friends! Our small family is close. And I couldn't ask for a better one."
She said with a smile.
"Those are the ones I thank for raising me."
I smiled before she giggled.
"Alright now let's get some music going it's to quite."
She said laughing as her and Momo walked off onto the dance floor. I looked over at Hizashi before laughing.
"Oh shut up!"
He said sniffling.
"You big baby.."
Amethyst said before running off with Jiro and Momo as he shook his head.
"I'm not baby! Just, sensitive."
I laughed and rolled my eyes.

~Authors Note~
Here have this while I work on Shota's Birthday part😌🖐 ALSO YALL BIDEN WON! I can keep my rights.. good day-

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now