Part 20

458 20 17

I got a new changed of clothes and walked downstairs.
"Morning Hitoshi."
I said getting a cup of coffee as the kid sat at the table.
"Going out again?"
"You know I have to right."
"Ya I know I know. Can I come with today?"
"Sure, go get ready."
"And get Aito for me."
He ran off and after a while Aito came out.
"I'm going to see Hizashi, you wanna come with?"
"Sure. Let me get ready."
I nodded as he left to get ready. I got more coffee to go as the two came out wearing almost matching clothes.
The yelled in unison as I grabbed my keys and phone.
"Let's go!"
They looked at me as Hitoshi smiled. Oh great.. I moved out of the way so I wouldn't be trampled.
"Last one to the car is a loser!"
They ran as fast as they could as I laughed and shut the door. After I locked it I got in the driver seat of my car. I look over and saw Hitoshi sitting in the front. He had a smug look on his face as Aito pouted.
"I won."
He said happily as I drove out of the driveway and chuckled.

We checked in at the front desk and headed to see Hizashi.
"Room 206?"
"Yes Toshi, the second floor."
We got in the elevator as then got to his room.
"Be easy on him Alright? Remember the whole amnesia thing gets to him."
"Got it!"
"God you two are like twins."
I opened the door slowly and saw Hizashi reading. I opened the door completely once he saw me.
"Morning Aizawa!"
"Morning Hizashi."
I let the two in seeing the had this 'face' I don't even know how to explain it.
"What's up dad!"
Yelled Hitoshi pushing passed me.
"Ah-W-H- You said I wasn't a dad!"
He said panicking as I smacked Hitoshi in the back of the head.
"What did I say dumb ass!"
He then ran and protected Hitoshi.
"Don't hit my child! I think.."
Hitoshi laughed along with Aito.
"He's not your kid, he's messing with you!"
He pulled away from Hitoshi and looking into his eyes.
"He looks nothing like me!"
"Cause he's not your kid! Oh my gosh I'm done. See what you did Hitoshi. You broke him."
"I'm not your kid he's right!"
Hitoshi said laughing as Hizashi's face went red.
"That's no fair! I know nothing about you~!"
He sat down on the bed as the two laughed again.
"Aito, your grounded."
I shrugged as they sat next to me.
"Ok, explanation?"
"Hitoshi! Im not your kid but, I'm one of your students."
"Names Aito, I'm Shota's older brother, we're pretty good friends I would say."
"Aito and Hitoshi. Got it! Hey guess what the doctor said!"
"What's up Hizashi?"
"He said I could get my phone back today. So maybe I can remember some things!"
After a while of talking Hitoshi butted in for like the 500th time.
"What if, I used my quirk on Aito and then I make him use his quirk on me, would I lose my quirk? Would he still be under hypnosis?"
"His quirk is mind control. Aito is erasing someone's quirk by touch."
"Let's try it!"
"Aito no!"
"I need a break from you two..."
"To bad!"
Hizashi laughed slightly as he brushed his hair out of his face. Why'd he become so much more hotter now that I can't have him?
"I have a question, are you two twins? Cause you guys look alike with out the short hair and personality. And then is this one your guys' son? He looks like you but with purple hair. Cause your hair sticks up too ya know."
He said with hand movements.
"No were not twins, no he's not my son. And lastly how do you know my hair sticks up? I've never told you that once your got amnesia..."
His face went to thinking to happiness.
"Hey that means I remember something! Does that mean I'm getting my memory back slowly?"
"It could! So you start out remembering Shota then more and more people!"
"How many people do I know? I'm nervous that I'll forget someone completely!"
"Maybe you will.."
"Aito! You won't, you'll remember us soon."

~Time skip~
We left the hospital around the time the sun set. We got home as I laid on my bed.
'Is this Aizawa? I would guess by the name in my phone is Shota💞😻.... Am I really that's stupid!?'
I laughed and messaged back.
'Ya it's me, and you weren't THAT stupid. You were just clinging I guess.'
'Oh no, I'm clingy!'
'Ya, ya you are 😂.'
'It's already so lonely here, it's get so boring when you leave!'
'Really? Me? I'm usually the most boring person.'
'Nah! Your the one I first got my memory about so your the special one my brain likes I guess.'
I smiled at my phone as Hitoshi burst through the door.
"Jesus Hitoshi ever heard of knocking?!"
"No, who you smiling at? Hizashi? Anyways want takeout? Aito's gonna order some."
"No I'm ok, thanks."
"You need to eat Shota, you haven't eaten a decent meal since Hizashi got diagnosed with amnesia... but ok."
He left as I got back on my phone.
'I wouldn't say special, I'm just stupid and lazy.'
'Lazy? You make the effort to some see me so I don't see that as lazy. Stupid? I mean your not on my level of stupid so I say your pretty smart!'
'Thanks, I guess.'
'Sure! Also apparently our boss came to visit me and now I have a stack a paper to work on..... help?'
'Sure, let me change and I'll FaceTime real quick.'

Hizashi POV
Why'd he give me paperwork! I'm in the hospital~ but I guess it's a heroes and teacher duty.. soon my phone started to ring. I picked it up and placed it on the small desk I had in the hospital room.
"Can you hear me?"
"Yep! Also, am an English teacher?!"
"Yes you are."
"Man that's like one of the hardest things to learn!"
"Trust me our student complain about it a lot."
"I can see why, the substitute made them write a two page essay! Poor kids..."
He laughed as my heart skipped a beat. He's cute... Wait am I going into that thing Shota was talking about?!
"Anyways Who's the first one?"
"Umm, Yuga Aoyama. Hey his first name shouldn't like Lugia!"
He started laughing as I laughed a bit with him.
"I never thought of that.. that's a little mean."
"Sorry, I just thought it did.."
"It's fine, now just read the essay and mark all the things you see wrong. That's kind of it. I don't thing your amnesia would get rid of your intelligence so I think you'll be ok."
"Ya but it seems like I don't have much of that."
I said picking up a pen and clicking it a bit.
"Actually your smart when it comes to actually important things like this."
"Really? How smart would you rate me on 1 to 10?"
"10 easy."
I said looking up front he paper.
He smiled slightly as I blushed a bit going back to the paper.
"Thanks, I guess."
"I don't know anything... I feel stupid asking you for help in something I should know what to do!"
"It's fine, really. Just send me a picture of it and I'll see. Then tell you what I see what you did right and stuff."
"Uh ok, I'm almost done with this one."
I couldn't pay attention to the work. I would always look up to just get a glimpse. He pulled up his hair as I watched. He looked back at me as I hurried and got back to work.
"Something wrong Hizashi?"
"You were staring..."
"Right! Sorry!"
I felt my face go completely red as I hurried and wrote down a score for the last page which was Yaoyorozu's paper. 100% Shes smart..
"Done! Haha! Finally."
I said laying my head on the desk. I heard Shota laugh as I peeked up from my arms.
"You did it."
"Sorry if I was bothering you Aizawa."
"It's ok I wasn't doing anything, so no worries."
I sat up completely.
"You sure?"
"Ya, now turn around real fast I'm going to change."
"Didn't you just change?"
"Ya but this shirt is uncomfortable."
I laughed and turned around. My phone went off as I looked at it. I quickly turned back around. Holly shit! He's hot! What the fuck Hizashi! He's way out of your league!
"I already know you saw.."
"Sorry I just got distracted.."
I said turning back around seeing he still didn't have his shirt on. He smiled and put it on.
"Tell me again why you chose me?"
Did I for real just say that out loud!?! I don't even remember that!
"Well cause I think your cute."
"Cute, come on, there are a lot more guy out there that are hot, cute, nice, and can actually make you happy. And you chose my stupid self?"
"Why does that bother you? You don't even remember that.."
He said as I rested my head on my hands.
"I know, but~ I can tell we are exact opposites of each other."
"Opposites attract right.."
"Ya I guess you can say I find you attractive.."
"Uh, I meant the metaphor.."
"I knew that! I got to get see ya!"
I hurried and hung up and got up to turn off the light. I walked over to my bed and plugged in my phone.
'Your cute, see you later😉'
I blushed and smiled to myself. I soon feel asleep happy.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now