Part 89

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I walked around feeling tired. It started to snow as I shuddered. I heard a rustle next to me as I looked over seeing a box. I opened it seeing two kittens one black one white. I picked it up and walked while feeling them, they were freezing. I got home and got an old towel. I took them out of the box and wrapped them up in the towel.
"There we go.."
They both meowed as I tilted my head.
"Probably hungry huh.."
I went to the kitchen and tried and find something they could eat. I picked up a piece a bread and ripped it in two. I feed them both until the bread was gone.
"You two were probably starving.."
I pulled out my phone and texted Hizashi..
'Could you pick up cat food on your way home?'
'Cat food? Why do you need cat food?'
'Well, I found two kittens. It's snowing so I didn't want to leave them.'
'Of course you softy. I'll get soft food.'
'Thank you.'

I yawned and scratched the back of their heads.
"I guess you guys are kinda cute.."
I smiled slightly before tilting my head.
"Wish I could keep you.."

After a while of sitting on the couch watching a movie and playing with the cats the door opened.
"I'm home!"
Hizashi hung up his jacket and took off his shoes. He looked over at me and rolled his eyes with a small smile.
"Oh man, two?"
He came over with a bag in his hands. He sat next to me and pulled down a canned food. As soon as I opened it the two started meowing loudly.
"Geez there loud."
"Yes they are.."
I set it on the floor and set both cats in the floor immediately going to the food.
"How was work?"
I said leaning back into his arms as he shrugged.
"Same as always."
He kissed the top of my head as I smiled slightly.
"We should keep em."
I said looking up at him as he sighed.
"You say that about every cat you bring home. And where do the end up? The cat cafe."
"Please~! Only because you don't let me keep them!"
I picked the up and held them up to his face.
"Ew Sho they smell like fish!"
He said pushing them away as I giggled.
"Yeah I admit they don't smell the best. But there not supposed the smell like roses!"
"Give them a bath.."
"And we can keep them?!"
"What?.. no.. I'll think about it."
I smiled and nodded.

Me and Hizashi went upstairs to our room. I went to the bathroom and filled up the tub a little with warm water. Once it was done I turned to grab them seeing they weren't in the towel and went and looked around the bathroom not seeing them. What?.. I looked out side the bathroom seeing Hizashi sitting up playing with both cats, by wiggle his fingers.
"I thought you didn't like cats."
I said with a small laugh as he looking up at me. He crossed his arms and looked away.
"I'm more of a dog person.."
I picked up the cats and nodded before kissing his cheek.
"I know."
I walked to the bathroom and set the cat inside. One immediately bit me as I shook him off my finger.
Hizashi came in and went through a drawer before handing me a bandaid.
"Put it on me, I'm busy.."
I said pulling some water over there bodies and trying to stop them from biting and scratching me.
I said looking over at him before one bit me again.
I pulled away quickly as Hizashi laughed slightly.
"And you want to keep them."
I pulled my hand away from him ignore him now. I continued with the cats even with the cuts.
"Seriously Shota?.."
I finally finished and pulled the out to have the immediate try and run off. I caught one but missed the other one. Hizashi scooped it up before throwing a towel at me.
"You missed one."
He said laughing slightly.
I dried off the black one I had as he did the white one.
"What if I called you coco?.."
I said scratching the top of its head with the towel.
Hizashi said as I glared at him.
"You pick a name than!!"
"Female or male?"
I picked it up and check before looking back at him.
I looked back at the cat than him confused.
"This girls name will be Yin. Yin Yang."
I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yin Yang!"

I woke up and got changed. I headed downstairs seeing Hizashi cooking.
"Why do you always cook for me.."
"Because I can."
He said with a smile. I sat down and yawned.
"I'm going patrolling tonight Wanna come?"
He set a plate of food in front of me than a glass of water.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now