Part 90

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I walked around yawning. I went on patrol leaving Aki and some of her friends with Hizashi. I say the girl me and Hizashi saved from the Nomu walking with someone. Though she seemed scared. I stopped and watched them walk down an alleyway. I walked across the street, jaywalking since there weren't cars. I walked down the alleyway seeing the guy holding up the girl by her neck.
The guy tired to me quickly as I stuffed my hands into my pocket.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Names EraserHead. And you might be?"
"Non of your business!!"
He said dropping the girl as I shook my head.
"Seriously? I told you mine, the least you could do is tell me yours."
"Shut the hell up! You can leave now!"
"Than I'll take the girl with me.."
I walked over to her and helped her up. The guy grabbed my shoulder and turned me around quickly before punching me in the face.
I rubbed my cheek before turning to him again. I wrapped my scarf around him as he struggled.
"H-hey! Let me go!! Now!"
I covered his mouth with the scarf feeling annoyed. I turned back to the girl as she looked at me in shock.
"Your bleeding!"
I touched my cheek seeing I was bleeding. I turned back to the guy confused seeing his knuckled have crystal like objects.
"Is that your quirk?"
I asked as he nodded his head slowly. I turned to the girl and shrugged.
"I'll be fine. You should get home though."
"Thank you!"
I nodded before she ran off. I dragged the guy to the police station as he moved a lot. I finally got him there. Before heading back home. They gave me a rag to put over my cheek to slow the bleeding. I got home hearing them upstairs. I fixed up my cheek before going up there. Our bedroom door was opened not seeing Hizashi in there. I knocked on Aki's door hearing them all go silent.
"Your home?!"
The door opened seeing Aki barely peeking out as I nodded.
"Where's your dad?.."
"Aki just let him see!!"
I heard Eri yell.
"What?! no!"
I heard Hizashi yell.
"What did you guys do?"
I asked.
"I told you this was a bad idea.."
I heard Kota say.
"Your lucky they didn't do this to you.."
Hizashi said as I crossed my arms.
"So tell me, did you put makeup on him?"
They all said no in unison as I looked at Aki confused.
"Why can't we just let him see!"
Katsuma said as Aki glared into the room.
"Because it's a surprise little brother!!"
Mahoro yelled as I looked back at Aki confused.
She nodded and shut the door.
"Just wait!"
"Uh.. how long do I have to wait?!"
"Don't know!"
I sighed and went to our room shutting the door behind me. I took a shower, still feeling strange with short hair. I brush my hair down towards my face before ruffling it up. I walked out of my room and laid down on the bed. There was a knock on the door as I sat up. The door opened seeing Aki with a smile.
"He's ready!!"
I rolled my eyes and stood up. She grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.
"Tell me what did you do to him."
"You'll see! Close your eyes!"
She said as I stumbled down the steps.
I'm sure we were in the living room now.
"W-wait! Your never said I had to do this!!"
I heard Hizashi's voice say.
"Come on! I think you look great!"
Eri said too.
"W-well not like this!"
"To bad! Come on! Please pops!"
I heard Aki said. I stood confused before hearing Hizashi sigh than Aki giggle.
"I just think you look like a girl old man."
"Stay out of it Kota.."
"Ok dad open your eyes!!"
"Do I even want to?.."
They all yelled as I slowly opened my eyes. Hizashi was in a skirt and a sweater that was tucked into the skirt. At first my mind went blank until I put my hand on my head and laughed.
"Oh shut up! Id like to see you say no to all these kids!"
I continued to laugh as the kids started to laugh too.
"You look so stupid.."
I said trying not to laugh again.
"Oh geez thanks!!"

After a while the kids went out leaving me with Just Hizashi.
He turned and crossed his arms.
"Oh come on it was a joke!"
I laughed and went over to him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I forgot you had your ears pierced."
I said playing with the earring that dangled for his ear. He turned back to me still crossing his arms.
"Alright I'm sorry."
He wrapped his hands around my waist and picked me up spinning me around. I laughed slightly before he set me down. He moved the short hair as kissed my forehead.
"I don't like feminine Hizashi."
"Ouch! Geez your harsh!"
I laughed slightly before pulling away from him.
"Being honest."
I yawned and went and laid down upstairs. Soon Hizashi came in changing.
"How did the find your size? You've got broad shoulders."
I said covering myself with the blankets.
"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult.."
I shrugged with a small smile.
"How ever you think it was meant."
"Hm.. I say.. compliment! But apparently Aki just knew my size somehow."
I felt his weight behind me. I turned and kissed his cheek before snuggling into him.
"Well I guess it doesn't matter."
I yawned as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling my closet.
"Aki has a key right?.."
"Yeah. She does."
I nodded before slowly falling asleep.

He turned from the computer.
"I'm going out, I'll be back later."
I said picking up my scarf.
"You sound mad.."
He said turning back to the computer as I looked at him confused.
"I don't know. I think the only times you call me Hizashi is when it has to due with business or whatever. Other than that it's either 'babe' or 'Zashi'."
I chuckled slight, nodding as I walked over to him.
"Guess your right.."
I wrapped my arms around his neck before kissed the top of his head.
"Alright, sorry. I'll see you later babe."
He looked up at me before kissing me.
"Alright than."
He smiled and I rolled my eyes with a small smirk. I left the house. What was I doing? Patrolling. I prefer going at night. I heard a muffled yelled as I looked down a dark alleyway. I sighed and walked down there seeing the girl I've saved multiple times. Seriously?! I wrapped my arm around her shoulder looking at the guy in front of her before back at her.
"There you are darling. I've been looking for you.."
Her breath hitched before she saw me.
"Hey hey! Back off dude. I'm busy here!"
I looked back up and cocked my eyebrow.
"Really, because it seems as if you were just leaving.."
I glared at him using my quirk, making my short hair flout.
He huffed and went to walk out of the alleyway, bumping into me before leaving. I stopped my quirk and gritted my teeth.
I moved my arms and stuffed them into my pockets. I than looked back at the girl with a small glare.
"You have explaining to do. I don't believe us saving you multiple times is a coincidence..."
She gulped playing with her shirt.
"I suggest you explain."
"It's really a coincidence!! I really don't mean for you and your friend to keep saving me!!"
I sighed.
"As much as I want to believe you I don't. What's your name?"
I sighed and went to walk out of the alleyway.
"Excuse you?! Your not even going to tell me yours?!"
"I don't trust you for one. For two that doesn't concern you."
She followed me out as I sighed.
"You can call me Eraserhead."
"That your hero name?"
"Where too?"
I asked looking over at her. She looked up at me confused.
"I take you home. Obviously your not trusted to be alone for more than a day."
"Whatever.. just follow me I guess."
"Who's that guy?"
"Hm? How the fuck would I know dip shit. It was some guy hitting on me alright."
"It was just a question."
Weird. I don't trust her.
"You have family?"
"How come you can know so much about me and I can't even know your name."
"I'm a hero. I can ask the questions I want. And I told you my name, EraserHead."
"Your real name."
I stayed slightly looking forward.
"No. I don't. Happy?"
We made it to a duplex as she turned to me.
"Thanks I guess.."
She pulled out keys and walked in. I turned and walked away. I still have a bad feeling about her. I walked home not feeling motivated to continue patrolling. I got home seeing Hizashi still on the computer.
"Back so soon?"
"Yeah.. you know the girl we keep ending up saving?.."
"Hm? Oh yeah the red head."
"Yeah.. I.. I don't think she's a normal citizen.."
He turned and looked at me confused.
"I think she's a villain.."


~Authors Note~Mental Health going down again 😌

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~Authors Note~
Mental Health going down again 😌

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now