Part 55

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I yawned and sat up. Shota was asleep next to me. I smiled and kissed his forehead before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. I checked the time seeing 5am. I shrugged and started to make myself some coffee. I turned on the news and waited.
"Two young heroes end up missing after mission."
It caught my attention as I started to pay more attention to it.
"There were a couple eye witnesses that saw Uravity and Pinky before they both disappeared with no trace."
Than Tsu popped up on the screen in her hero outfit.
"All we did was take a small mission. We spilt up into two groups. I was with Invisible girl and we spread out looking for this villain we were supposed to find. After not hearing back from them for two hours we went to investigate. We found out that they just disappeared. We didn't know what to do. We called for back up and searched around the area. But we came up with nothing."
I stopped paying attention to the things around me and focused on the tv.
"And who were the other heroes that helped you that night?"
"Red riot, Cellophane, and Chargebolt."
The tv turned off as I looked around in confusion. Shota has the remote in his hand as he looked at me in confusion.
"You ok? I've been calling your name for awhile now."
He said walking to the kitchen and pouring two cups of coffee.
"Y-Yeah yeah.. sorry."
I said walking over to him than hugging him from behind.
"What's got you all spooked that was on the Tv?"
He said handing me a cup of coffee. I sighed than took a sip.
"Mina and Uraraka went missing apparently."
"I'm sure there fine. Yes there young heroes, but they graduated at the top. They'll be fine. I have my faith in them."
"That's a first."
I said smiling at him a bit and took a another sip.
"Shut up.."
He said pushing me away a bit. I laughed a bit than sat at the table.
"So tell me.. what happened to the clingy, pouty, Hizashi? Hm?"
"Cling? Pouty? Name one time I was pouty."
"How about the times you were always like 'Attention~!' And than you'd plop down on my lap.."
He said looking at me with a smile.
"Clear this up for me.. were we dating at the time?"
I said with a smile.
"Probably not."
He said shrugging. I laughed a bit.
"Ok yeah, maybe I was.. so what."
He laughed and sat next to me.
"You were a clingy person."
"I was. I was like that to everyone."
"Sad little kid that had no one to love other than his sister and friends."
He said laughing.
"That's just mean.."
I said smiling a bit. He shrugged than leaned his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and kissed his head. After awhile I pulled out my phone and started to go through Instagram. After a minutes Hitoshi came into the living room and poured himself some coffee.
"Morning Hitoshi."
He said turning to us. I moved my hands to his waist.
"You two planning on doing anything today?"
Is shrugged than looked at Shota.
"I thought you had a mission with Naomasa? And I'm not doing anything."
"Oh yeah huh...I gotta go see him today at 7.."
I said looking at the time. 6:30.
"I should get ready soon. Anyways how about you Hitoshi?"
I said looking at Him.
"Denki bought an apartment to get away from his parents so I'm going to help him with all that."
"You gonna move in with him?"
Shota asked.
"I don't know yet. He's invited me. But I'm just thinking about it."
We both nodded.
"Alright. I'm going to go get ready. I'll see you two in a second."
I kissed Shota's head leaving my coffee on the table, than walked upstairs. I got upstairs and got some clothes to change into. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I heard Shota come in after a while, and brush his teeth.
I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist. I turned to look at Shota seeing him staring. I chuckled.
"Like what you see?"
His gaze met mine as he chocked on the paste in his mouth and had to spit it out. I laughed at him and started to get dressed.
"Geez don't die, it was just a question."
I said smiling at him a bit.
"S-shut up.."
He finished than turned to me smacking the back of my head. I dropped the towel grabbing the back of my head.
He did it again as I picked up the towel.
"What did I do?!"
He walked out as I watched him in confusion. I rolled my eyes and finished getting dressed. I walked out seeing him laying down on his phone. I walked to the desk putting on some necklaces and bracelets. Than I crawled over Shota. He looked up at me and stuck his tongue out than looked back at his phone.
"What was that for?"
I said putting my head underneath his phone.
"Bullying me."
"Bullying? I didn't do anything!"
He flicked my nose as I moved out from under his phone. I grabbed his phone and threw it somewhere on the bed.
I cut him off with pressing a kiss to his lips. When I pulled away he grabbed my face and pulled me back into the kiss. I smiled against his lips and placed my hands against his sides. The door opened as he threw me off of him and off the bed.
I than heard Hitoshi laugh.
"You guys doing the nasty?"
He said laughing harder.
Shota said standing up. I laughed than stood up too.
"What's up Hitoshi?"
I asked, grabbing the brush going through my hair while listening.
"Some guy pulled into the driveway and is just parked there.."
"Hm? What color car?"
"White. It's been there for a minute."
"Watch it be Naomasa."
Shota said laughing. I stopped and looked at Hitoshi.
"Was there a guy with a hat in there?!"
I said hurrying.
"Is there a problem?"
Hitoshi asked Shota.
"You can't keep Naomasa waiting, he'll kill you with his looks."
I hugged Shota and kissed the top of his head. Than I ran to Hitoshi and ruffled his hair.
"Bye you two, love you! Tell Aki to!"
I ran downstairs and to the door. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys. I ran out and shut the door. I got in the passenger side of the car gulping.
"Your late.."
He turned to me and glared.
"I lost track of time sorry!"
"Don't be late next time."
"G-got it.."
He than laughed and we started driving away.
"So what's the mission?"
"I heard some of your old students went missing."
"Oh.. yeah they did."
"Want to find them? I have a couple places we're looking at."
He handed me a small device. I tapped the button as I hologram of the city came on. There were certain places mark in red.
"How'd you figure out this little gadget?"
"We have someone that works with us Named Mei. She makes them."
"Cool, Anyways, these are all the places you guys are watching right?"
I said tapping and reading about each building.
I tapped on one noticing the same building I was taken away and almost lost my voice.
"I wanna check here."
I said sternly. He looked over than continued driving.
"Are you sure that's such a good idea, Mic?"
"Even if it's not. I don't doubt they might be there."
I said looking at him.
"I suggest you don't Mic. What happened last time was too risky."
"Last time I didn't know what I was dealing with. Now I know. And I'm prepared."
"I don't think-"
He stopped than sighed.
"I'll make sure you'll have extra back up. And more heroes to actually go with you."
I nodded and turned off the gadget than pulled up to the police station. We both got out as he sighed again.
"I really don't think it should be you to check that place."
"I think it should. It shows the guy he can bring me down right!"
I said with a smile.
"Not really.."
I laughed as we walked in. There were detectives moving around along with police.
"Seems like a lot of people are on their case huh."
I said following him to his office.
"Yes. Every time I case like this comes up everyone pitches in to help. We've done it to you and Eraser."
We finally got his office. There were more heroes in there along with Toshi.
"Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Someone lost track of time."
He said sitting at his desk as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Introduce yourselves. Once your done, I'll explain the situation."
"Edgeshot. Number 4 hero."
"Kamui woods. You can call me woods. I'm the number 7 hero."
"Ryukyu, you can call me Ry. I'm hero number 10."
"Present Mic. Or Hizashi Aizawa."
The all looked at me in shock.
"How'd you do it?"
Ry said. I looked at her in confusion.
"Get the trash man to actually like you. Like you guys have a family right?"
Edgeshot said as I nodded. They all had wide eyes.
"Eraser isn't impossible to befriend.."
"Let's continue."
Noamasa said making us change the subject.
"I need two of you to go to a building Mic wants to go to-"
"Let me go alone."
"Excuse me?"
He said glaring at me. I gulped a bit.
"Let me go alone... I'll be able to see the guy. I'll be able to go in. I know this guy know. I know what he's capable of."
"No. End of story Mic."
"Why are you so against him going to this place?"
Woods asked.
"Remember that one time Mic went missing and almost lost his voice completely. There's where he almost lost it."
Edgeshot said.
"Oh.. than I'll go. I can enlarge myself if anything goes wrong."
Ry said.
"Nothing would happen. They have levels and levels in that place. I doubt you'd even burst out of the top of the building.."
I said slowly crossing my arms.
"Why didn't you bring Shota too."
I asked as they all looked at me.
"You have a little girl. I wouldn't want her to grow up without a father."
He said going back to writing something.
After a while we left and I was forced to go to another building. It was soon late at night and I was walking the streets with Ry. I looked up seeing it was gonna start raining.
"Ya know for people who say your loud. Your being pretty quite.."
"Hm? Oh..I guess. I'm quite when I want. It's not like I cant control that."
I said looking at her with a smile.
"You going to let your family know your going to be out for a while?"
"Your right I should let them know.."
I said pulling out my phone. I went to Shota's contact and called him.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now