Part 67

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I woke up with a headache. I sat up looking around seeing I was on a bed in an empty room.
"The hell.."
I said before remembering. My eyes went wide as I looked around for somewhere to leave. The window was barricaded with wood. I tried to kick it but it was stronger than I thought. Shit. I tired again but it didn't budge. The door swung open as I turned quickly. I saw Hizashi as he slammed the door shut. My eyes went wide as I had a slight smile.
I said running up to him and hugging him.
"Thank god your ok.."
He than pushed me away from him.
"What are you doing?"
I said looking at him confused.
"I suggest you don't try and break down the window. Your not leaving anytime soon."
He said quite emotionless. I went up to him and cupped his face.
"Hizashi? What'd they do to you?.."
He grabbed my hand tightly and I cringed in pain. He threw me to the floor with a 'tsk'.
He stepped closer to me as I scooted back until I hit the bed. He crouched down In front of me grabbing my face with his hands.
"Hm, now what should I do with you, love? Show you how worried your family is about you? Show you how many heroes have been sent out to look for you? Or how many never came back?.."
My eyes went wide as he let go of my face with a smirk.
"You've only been out for two days. And I would say around 10 people have died. How about your boy Hitoshi. How much do you think he's been patrolling? Beat by thugs? Locked himself in his room? Yelled at the people around him? He might even have broken up with his little boyfriend.."
I pushed him away and stood up.
"What the hell?! That's your kid too Hizashi!!"
He stood up with a laugh.
"Sure he is.."
He turned around as I stopped him.
"What happened to you Hizashi."
"They showed me the truth. You don't care for me. When I we missing you didn't even try to find me did you.."
"I-I thought you were dead!!"
"You believed I died when all the facts said I didn't. Noamasa is a pretty bad Detective if he didn't realize."
He said turning to me. I slammed my fist down onto his chest as he stood there. I let tears fall down my face as I leaned my head on his chest.
"This isn't you Hizashi.."
He grabbed my face and pulled it up to his as he leaned closer with a smirk.
"Who else would it be, love?"
He said as I felt his breath against my lips. He pulled away than walked out. He shut the door behind him as I hurried and ran to the door trying to open it.
I yelled over and over again until giving up. I walked back and sat on the bed. I set my hand over my mouth with tears in my eyes. W-what the hell...

Alex POV
I laughed as I heard him banging against the door. Once he stopped I walked into the room. He was looking at his hands as I shut the door behind me. I walked up to him until grabbing his hair and pulling his head up. He clenched my hands in pain as he closed his eye trying to fight back.
"So your Al's son?.... you know you don't really look like him. I don't see it."
I laughed a bit than let go of his hair.
"A hero with long hair is kinda pathetic... it doesn't really help you in fights now dose it."
"Shut the hell up."
I said laughing he stood up and grabbing me by the collar of my shirt.
"What the hell did you do to my husband?!"
He yelled as I smirked.
"Oh? You think that was me? No no no Sho, that was your father."
He shook me once more.
"Don't fucking call me that. And than what the hell did my father do?!"
"Ask him yourself, should I tell him your awake? Or make him find out himself."
He slammed me against the wall next to us.
"Do you think your going to win me?"
I said before activating my quirk and wrapped a purple mist around him causing him to let go. I grabbed his shirt and turned him around and pushed him to the ground with my knee into his back and my hand holding his hair again.
"Pathetic. It's an illusion Shota, even if it hurts you."
I got up and walked out of the room. I locked the door and headed downstairs. I sat down with Markus and Al.
"Kinda pathetic. Long hair doesn't suit a hero. Doesn't really know how to fight. He's got some anger issues or something."
I looked at Al confused.
"Maybe he's just mad that we pretty much brain washed his husband."
Markus said for Al.
"Which by the way, why'd we do that? We could have kill him?"
I said looking at Markus than Al, again.
"I don't hate my son's. I'm not trying to kill anyone. I'm trying to get them to join me. For what reason? To have a family again. Plus, they don't know the real reason Ena passed.."
"So what is the reason~?"
I said smirking.
"It was indeed a crash.. but it wasn't accidental."
Me and Markus snickered a bit.

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