Part 70

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I looked up realizing I was in cuffs. I started to move around.
"The hell?..."
"Get him out of here.."
I heard someone say. I looked up again seeing Aito and Al.
"Aito? Where am I? Why am I in cuffs? Where's he going?"
"The station. And because you were brainwashed. And lastly, his cell."
I looked around before seeing he sat down.
"Well can you let me out?"
I said starting to move around in the cuffs.
"I gotta make sure your.. well back I guess."
"Back? Obviously I'm back to normal."
I said tilting my head.
"Hm, what's the last thing you remember?"
I thought for a minute.
"Trying to protect Shota from Al and Azrail."
"Now answer this. What would have happened if we didn't pull you out in time?"
"I would have been brainwashed completely. Now where's Shota? Is he ok? How about Aki? And Hitoshi? And everyone else?"
He nodded before standing.
"Can I be let out now?"
After I finished my sentence someone burst through the door.
"Aito! It's the hospital!"
Aito's eyes went wide.
"Aito, who's in the hospital?!"
I said trying to get out of the cuffs.
"I'll be back."
He said turning to me than running out with the person.

Hitoshi's POV
I paced the hallway waiting. The door opened as I whipped my head to look.
"I don't know what caused the sudden panic to him. But he's still unconscious. Something that either made him panic or sad happened in whatever headspace he's in. But he's stable now."
"Thank you doctor.."
He nodded than walked away.
I turned and saw Nemuri and Aito. Nemuri brought me into a hug.
"What happened?"
"It seemed like a panic attack. The doctors don't know for sure but he's stable now."
"Where's Aki?"
"She went to get soda from the vending machine."
They both nodded before we went back into dads room.

Aki's POV
I took small sips of the juice pouch I got, as I leaned against the wall next to the vending machines. No one really came into the corner of this level so it was just me. I stared out the window looking at the people down below or cars coming and going. Once I was done with it I threw it away and started walking back slowly. I had my hands stuffed into my pocket as I reach an area a lot of people were. A girl stood hand in hand with another boy her age. They were about 12 and seemed quite happy. I sighed and reached dads room. I walked in seeing Auntie Nem and Uncle Aito and Hitoshi. They looked up at me going silent.
Aito said shaking his head as I went in and sat down.
"So Hizashi's back?"
Nemuri said catching my attention.
"He says so. We're not for sure yet, so we're not letting him out yet."
"Why not? Do you not believe dad?"
I asked crossing my arms as they looked at me.
"It's not that we don't believe him, it's that he could still be brainwashed but faking it."
"Why can't you get someone to see if he's telling the truth. Aren't there people like that?"
"Sorta. We're trying Aki."
"What about dad? When's he going to wake up?"
"Once Azrail cooperates."
"Why can't Hitoshi make him?"
"Like I said Aki, we're trying."
I looked down and sighed. I pulled out my phone and pulled up my headphones. I started to play some music texting Sky. Sky moved to another state after we finished middle school. It's been hard but we try to text each other as much as we can. I tapped my leg a bit. The door opened as I looked up seeing a doctor. I quickly took off my headphones and stood like everyone else.
"Azrail agreed. He's on his way."
We all looked at each other in shock.
"Thank you doctor."
Aito said as the doctor nodded than left.
"Are we completely sure we can trust him?"
Hitoshi said.
"I... I hope so. He shouldn't have any other intentions with Shota."
I sighed and started to bite my lips. I sat back down bouncing my leg.

After a moment of waiting he came in with two guards. We all watching in caution as the took his cuffs off. He placed his hand on dads head and whispered,
Once he pulled away he was put back into cuffs.
"He won't wake up until tomorrow. He should be back to normal. If not bring me back and I'll fix it."
The dragged him away as dad's breathing went back to normal.
"Oh thank god.."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now