Part 35

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I walked out of our room and into the living room. I turned on the tv than walked the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I heard quite footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I turned my head and saw Aki standing there with her stuffed animal.
"Darling? What are you doing awake?"
"I can't sleep.."
I smiled at her.
"Want a sandwich?"
She nodded as I gave her the one I made and than made another one for me. I put everything away and turned back around. She sat at the table eating. I went over to her and picked her up and carried her to the sofa.
"Dad I'm not a baby.."
"Your my baby.."
She laughed as we sat on the sofa. Than a door opened. I turned my head and saw Hitoshi.
"Hey, cant sleep?"
"Come lay with us Toshi!"
He walked over to us and sat down next to me. Aki Laid Across our laps as Hitoshi leaned his head on my shoulder. We all stared to fall sleep. I felt extra weight in my other shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Jiro. I smiled and tried to fall back asleep.

~Time skip~
I yawned and woke up. I looked down and saw all the kids. Cute. I sighed when I realized I wasn't able to get up.
"That's what you get.."
I looked over seeing Shota open the blinds. He came over to us and stood in front of me.
"I guess so.."
I smiled as he kissed me.
He nodded and walked away. I ran my hand through Akis hair slowly. Soon I felt the weight off my shoulder. I looked over as saw Hitoshi stand up.
"Morning bud."
He yawned and stretched. He walked over to the kitchen as I picked up Aki and laid her on Jiro's lap. I moved and made them lay down completely. I sighed and walked to the kitchen. I made myself a cup of coffee.
"That was cute.."
I turned to Shota in confusion.
"You all passed out on the sofa. It was cute! I got a picture."
We both laughed as Hitoshi laid his head on the table.
"They all came out of there rooms cause they couldn't sleep. So we all piled up on the sofa."
I grabbed the creamer from the fridge. We sat and talked for a while before the two girls came in.
"Morning girls, I'm making breakfast."
"Morning dad."
"Morning Shota."
Jiro sat next to Hitoshi as Aki came over and stood next to me. I picked her up and held her. Shota turned around and smiled. We all looked at him in surprise.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Can't I smile kid?! I'm just happy to be together alright?"
He said laughing. We all smiled back.
"Anyways what's everyone's plans today?"
He said turning back around.
"Yeah same.."
"Welcome to the real world kids."
I said smiling.
"What about you darling?"
"Dad said someone's coming over today!"
"Oh yeah, go get ready I have to pick them up at 1:30 it's 12."
"Alright! Be right back!"
I put her down as she ran off. Once her door shut we all looked at Shota in confusion.
"It's Eri. Mirio has a mission to do and he's leaving her with us for two days."
"Awe, I haven't seen that kid in a while."
"Oh, well it will be good to see her than."
Shota put our plates in front of us and putting one out for Aki. She soon came running down all ready. We all ate and talked before Shota had to leave.
"Do you guys need a ride? How far away do you guys work?"
"I work at a coffee shop a little bit down the road from Ua."
Jiro said before she took another bite. I wonder if it's the same one.
"And you?"
"Just my agency. Me and Denki have the same so he'll be picking me up."
"Alright, Jiro when's your shift?"
"2:30 through 8:00."
"Go get ready than."
She shoved the last piece of food in her mouth and than placed her plate in the sink and ran off.
"So how are you and Denki?"
"We're good actually! He can be an idiot but it's alright."
I laughed a bit and started washing dishes.
"Seems like you and your dad had similar taste."
"What do you mean?"
"You both go for annoying blondes."
I turned to him and smiled as he laughed. Jiro came down the stairs and put on her shoes.
"Ok I'm ready!"
I nodded at her and turned to Hitoshi.
"Be right back. If you leave before I'm back, lock up."
He nodded as I walked and grabbed my keys and put on some shoes. I pulled my hair into a quick ponytail and walked to the car with Jiro. She got on her phone and than tucked her hair behind her ear. What the hell is that? I grabbed her ear still driving.
"Oi, what the hell is this? I know I didn't take you to get another piercing."
"Ouch! I know me and Momo went a got a helix together!"
I let go as we stopped at a red light. I turned to her as she was still on her phone.
"Last year."
"And you never told me?!"
"I mean I already thought you knew. Shota did."
I rolled my eyes and went back to driving.
"And he didn't tell me.."
"Guess not!"
After a while of silence Jiro spoke up.
"What am I to you?"
"What do you mean? Your my little sister."
"No like.. is that it? You annoying little sister? I'm planning on moving out soon actually.."
"Jiro. I treat you like your my own child.. and where?"
I froze for a second.
"Yeah! I just.. Amethysts is there and Momo is planning on going there for her agency.."
"And you wanna be with the girl you love."
"As much as I'm going to miss you little kid, I can't stop you from becoming an adult."
We stopped in front of her work. The same one where Shota use to work..
"Thanks Hizashi. I'll see you later!"
She jumped out of the car as I watched her go in. Once she was in I drove back home. When I got there Shota was home. I locked my car and got inside. When I got inside I could hear the girls upstairs. I smiled and took off my shoes and put away my keys. I walked more into the house seeing Shota on the couch with a rag. I looked at him in confusion.
"Come here.."
I went over and sat next to him. He picked up the rag and unraveled it. There was a kitten inside.
I scratched the top of its head as it meowed.
"Please Zashi.. I found him by Mirio's house. He said he would take him because he doesn't have the room."
He held him to his chest and smiled while petting him. I wrapped my arm around him and looked at the cat.
"What's her name?"
"How about Umbra?"
I shook my head.
"I'll get the things we need for him tomorrow than he's got to go to a home or a cat cafe."
He frowned as I kissed him.
"I'm going to check up on the girls."
I placed a kiss to his cheek once more and than started walking upstairs. I opened the door as the two looked.
Eri came over and hugged me.
"Hey Eri. Long time no see huh."
She went back and played whatever with Aki.
"What are you two doing?"
"Eri was going to choose what video game she wants to play!"
"Oh alright! I'll leave you two be than! Be nice Aki, Eri's good at video games too!"
Eri went back giggling as I shut the door. I walked back downstairs.
"Eri seems like she's going to have fun with Aki."
I said sitting back down next to Shota as he watched TV.
"Yeah.. they've been talking non stop since I picked up Eri."
He smiled as he held that cat in his arms.
"Your a softy when it comes to animals and kids.."
"Eh.. kids not so much. Cats. Yes."
I laughed as we continued watching what was on tv.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now