Part 68

137 6 11

I sat up rubbing my head.
"what the hell.."
"Shota sweetie! Hurry up your going to be late!!"
I sat up looking around confused. My room... I saw my school bag and my UA outfit. There was a knock on my door causing me to jump. The door opened as I looked over seeing...
"What's up? Shota, your not even dressed, you better hurry. Your going to be late."
She walked out as I turned to my outfit. I decided to put it on. I looked in the mirror seeing me, younger me. I walked downstairs confused.
"Bye Shota! I'll see you after work!"
"Y-Yeah.. see ya.."
I walked out of my old house confused. What the hell is going on...
"Hey Shota! Wait up!!"
I looked behind me seeing Hizashi come out of his house. My eyes went wide as I turned to him in shock.
"Shota? You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost.."
"Can we talk! After school!? Please.."
I said grabbing his hands and holding them in mine. He tilted his head in confusion.
"Uh, Yeah sure.. you ok?.."
"I don't know.."
I let go of his hands as we started walking. It was silent at first until he started talking again. We got to the school seeing Nemuri and Tensei at the front.
Hizashi yelled as I covered my ears. We walked over to them as I watched in confusion. They act the same as they did back than... where the hell am I?.. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder and someone kiss my cheek.
"Hey Shota!!"
I turned to see.. Oboro.
"Let me guess, the hobo didn't get enough sleep~?!"
Nemuri said in a mocking way before laughing. I pushed Oboro's hand off of me before feeling someone's hand grab mine.
"Hey that's a pretty decent ring! Where'd you get it?!"
Hizashi said. I looked at my hand seeing I had my ring on. I smiled and held my hand to my chest.
"Did he just?.."
Nemuri than Tensei said. Oh thank god.. this has to be a dream than..
"It my ring. From someone special."
"Someone special? Who?"
Oboro asked looking at it before taking it off.
"Gold on the inside and black on the outside? Doesn't really make sense."
"Wait give it back please! I don't want to lose it!!"
I said taking it from him and putting him back on with a slight sigh of relief.
"You ok Shota? Your a bit.. well different today?"
Tensei asked.
"I'm fine.."
The school bell ringed as I tired my best to remember the classes.

Soon school ended and again Oboro had his arm wrapped around me.
"Hey! We should go out today!! All of us!!"
I shook my head than pulled away from Oboro again.
"Sorry, I've got something to do. I'll see-.. goodbye."
I ran off trying to get home fast. I got home not seeing my "mom" there. I got inside and ran to "my" room. I looked at myself in the mirror still seeing the same thing.
"Take me back take me back take me back.."
I paced the room playing with my ring trying to figure it all out.
"Why am I Here.. how'd I get here.. I just wanna go home.."
There was a knock on my door causing me to jump. Hizashi walked in confused.
"You wanted to talk remember?"
"R-Right! Sorry I panicked!"
He came in and shut the door.
"Panicked? Shota are you ok?"
"Hizashi how old am I?"
"No. I'm not I'm 36.."
I gripped my head and started to panic even more.
"Psh! Your messing with me now. Come on Shota.. I know for a fact your not a man in his 30's."
He said laughing a bit.
"Hizashi listen! I'm not lying! I don't know how I got here but I wanna go home! Even if things aren't going right, over there I wanna go back! I.. I have kids!"
I started to panic more now thinking about Aki and Hitoshi.
"What are you talking about? Your gay? You can't have kids with Oboro?"
He came over to me and set his hands on my shoulders.
"Shota are you sick?.."
He set his hand on my head than my checks.
"Guess not.."
"Please Zashi, you have to believe me.. were married."
His eyes went wide as he stepped away from me.
"We're married, and have two kids. This ring, your my husband.. Hizashi please listen.."
He looked down at his hands than back up at me.
"We're not married and we don't have kids."
He said laughing a bit.
"I don't know what's gotten into you today but I don't like you."
My eyes went wide as I tried to think.
"No no no Hizashi don't say that!"
I went up to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"Please Zashi! Believe me!! Your the only one I trust right now!! I don't know what going on!"
I leaned my head on his chest with tears in my eyes.
"Zashi I just wanna go home.."
"If your not home than where are you?"
I looked over seeing Nemuri and Oboro.
Hizashi pushed me away.
"Oboro, you might want to check on your boyfriend."
Oboro came over to me than pulled me to the bathroom.
"Whats with you today?"
"You've been pushing me away from you than you and Hizashi seem all touchy touchy?"
"Listen you don't understand."
"He's the only one you trust right now? Why? With what?"
"Oboro! Fucking listen to me!"
His eyes went wide. I pulled him out of the bathroom and into my room with everyone else. I gulped a bit and took a deep breath.
"I don't know why I am here. I don't know who caused this but this isn't me!"
They all looked at me confused.
"I'm Shota Aizawa.. I'm 36, married, and have two children. I'm a hero and a teacher. I am a husband and a brother and a best friend. Both of my moms are dead.. and I don't know if I'm dead too.."
I held my chest waiting for there response.
"So your from the future?"
Nemuri asked.
"Y-yeah.. I guess you could say that.."
"Seriously?! What I'm I doing in the future?!"
She asked.
"W-well your a hero, a teacher, and a model..."
I said stepping back a bit.
"Am I married?!"
"N-no.. you haven't told your crush you like him yet."
I nodded slowly as Hizashi came up to me.
"What about me?!"
"Your a radio host, a teacher, a hero, and a father."
"A father? Me?! What are my kids like?!"
"Well, our, boy Hitoshi Aizawa, is in his 20's. He's got purple hair and purple eyes. And a mind controlling quirk. And than our, daughter Aki Aizawa. She's around 16 or 17. She dyed her hair purple to look more like Hitoshi.. and she's got white eyes. And her quirk is telekinesis."
"Awe they sound adorable!!"
Nemuri said. I smiled a bit and nodded.
"They sure are.."
"And what about me? Cause it seems like Hizashi is your lover in the future."
I looked over at Oboro as my heart dropped. I can't tell him he dies.. can I?!
"Ya know, It dose sound that way.."
Nemuri said thinking about it.
"I-.. I'm sorry.. I can't say."
"Why not?"
"I don't think we should question to far from someone that from the future Oboro."
Nemuri said.
"But I wanna know about my future! How come you tow get to know about yours!"
"He's got a point Nemuri. It's not really fair."
Hizashi said shrugging.
"If he can't say it and he's from the future obviously something is stopping him."
"I just wanna know what my future looks like. If you even know and are from the future?"
"Fine. I'll say. But your not going to believe me."
"Try me, future Shota."
He said mockingly.
(Manga spoilers)
"You die... in our second year of UA. That's it.. that's how it all ends. We all changed that day. Hizashi stops talking to a new friend, Nemuri stops traveling with her parents. Tensei stopped running from about a month. Toshi stopped appearing to villain attacks for a couple days. I... gave up on most things in life. Including life itself. Hizashi was the one that pushed me through life. And made me continue living and trying."
(All safe!)
I crossed my arms and sighed.
"Ha!! Dude who the fuck are you? Give us Shota back."
"I told you, you wouldn't believe me."
"How could I?! Your lying. There's nothing to believe."
Hizashi said before he interrupted again.
"It's not true. I know Shota, he wasn't depressed. And I know that he wouldn't just let me die."
He said standing.
"I've know Shota longer than you have Oboro. I believe him."
Hizashi said turning to Oboro.
"Tsk, whatever. Call me when MY Shota is back."
"Actually Oboro, Shota's from the future and he married Hizashi so I guess he's not yours.."
Nemuri said tuning to him too.
He left as I stood in shock.
"You guys have to look out for him. Next year he's going to die.. I don't want to stay here and relive that again.."
"This is so weird.. what do I look like at that time."
Hizashi asked.
"Long ass hair. Nothing really changed from now to than. Still tall as hell."
He smiled.
"What about me?"
"Pretty much the same. Nothing changed with anyone of us."
I said shrugging.
"Can I ask you something?"
Hizashi asked.
"When did we get together?"
I thought for a moment.
"When we were 30. It took a while.."
"Took a while?.."
Nemuri said confused.
"I don't want to share to much. I don't know where I am. And if I am in the past I already messed up a lot."
They both nodded sitting on the bed. I looked around the room.
"I miss this set up. Our room is now decorated with many things cause you couldn't stand it being plain."
I said with a smile. I went to my desk seeing many things scattered along it.
"It's all the same.."
"What about you? What are you like in the future?"
Nemuri said as I picked up a picture of all of us.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now