Part 91

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"A villain? What makes you say that?"
I sat on the bed and tilted my head.
"Think about it. We've saved this girl multiple times. I haven't heard of any other heroes saving this girl. It's only us. I don't believe the guys that so called 'attacking' her, are just random guys. I think she works with them. I once saved her from a guy and sent him with Noamasa, next day Aito told me he was bailed out."
I turned back to him as he looked at me confused before sighing.
"Yeah I guess that all kinda adds up. But maybe your just overthinking something. Not saying your wrong. Because you might be on to something. But maybe check with Aito about these things before you go after her."
He said turning back to his computer.
"Yeah ok.."
I stood up and walked over to him again. I wrapped my arms around his neck again, as my chin rested on his head.
"Are you just looking through emails?"
"Yep. You know we started work again in a week?"
"Seriously? Damn."
I heard him chuckle slightly. My legs started to feel tired as I pulled my hands away. I went to turn around before he grabbed my hand. I turned back to him as he opened his arms with a smile. I sighed and sat on his lap. He turned back to the computer as I scooted closer to him. I laid my head on his chest, closing my eyes. Soon I had a headache. And the sound of Hizashi pressing keys on the keyboard started to annoy me. I grabbed his sides as he stopped and looked down at me.
I simply said before feeling his head rest on mine. I felt his arms wrap around me as I yawned slightly.
"Alright than.. let's get to bed."
He shut the compute before picking me up and carrying me over to the bed. He laid me down before he went to change. I felt as if I haven't gotten sleep in the past week. As soon as he laid down I cling to him than fell asleep.

I sat up with a groan. I looked out the window seeing it was dark outside. The door opened as I looked over.
"Oh your awake. I'm about to head to work. Will you be ok?"
I shook my head my body feeling completely weak.
"What's wrong?"
He said on the bed as I shrugged. It was even tiring to try and talk.
"Pain.. all over."
I hugged myself as he sighed.
"Ok, how about this. I'll take you to work with me. I'll stop at the store to get you some medicine, than you can lay down in the common room ok?"
I nodded going stand up feeling tired. He went to the closet and got a small blanket before handing it to me. I wrapped it around myself and walked with him downstairs.

Hizashi's POV
I knew something was wrong. Shota isn't one to say he'd rather come to work with me than stay home alone. I got him to the car and started driving.
"Everything hurts?"
I said trying to keep my focus on him and the road. I looked over for a quick second seeing him nod his head.
"The girl."
He said as I looked at him confused.
"It was her. And that guy."
I looked back at the road and clenched my hand on the steering wheel. Her a villain?.. it all seems to add up. But at the same time it doesn't. We got to the store as I grabbed some pills and a drink. I payed and left and got back into the car. I handed the small bag to Shota. I started to drive as struggled to open his drink finally handing it to me. We stopped at a red light as I took it and opened it for him.
He too the pills he was supposed to as I continued driving. We finally got to the studio as I helped him out and inside.
"Hizashi? Shota?"
"Hey Kai."
I said going to walk Shota to the common room.
"Hello Kai.."
Shota said making me stop confused.
I shook my head and walked him to the common room. I laid him down on one of the couches as he covered himself up with the blanket.
He shook his head as I chuckled slightly.
"Sorry these couches aren't too comfortable. But I hope they will at least be enough to let you sleep."
I kissed his head and stood up.
"I'll be back to check on you in a second ok?"
He nodded closing his eyes. I smiled slightly and walked out.
"What's up with him? Why'd he call me Kai?!"
"Shut up or I'll call you something worse."
I heard his voice say as I chuckled slightly. I shut the door that separate the rooms and turned back to him.
"He's sick. Didn't want to be home alone, since Aki wasn't home to take care of him I just brought him here."
"Does the sickness cause him to be delusional?.."
"What? I don't think so?.."
"Doesn't explain to me why he called me Kai."
He turned around as I shrugged. You see Shota only calls Kai, Kaito. I don't think he really has a certain reason, he just chooses not to call him Kai.
"Alright you'll be on soon."
I nodded and walked into the recording room. I yawned before he 'On Air' sign came on.
"Hello Mustardy city. This is your host Present Mic, also know as Hizashi Aizawa. It is 10pm right now. As you can see it'll be more of a quite night. Now today will be mostly the songs. But here and there I'll pop in and say a couple thing yeah?"
I said with a small laugh.
"So let's get in to the music. Now here's 2004 by Anthony Amorim."
(Highly recommend the song btw!)
The song start to play as I tapped my finger to the beat. I stood up walked out of the room.
"What are you doing? You usually don't leave the room when your live."
"I have a sick husband in the other room."
I said with a smile going to the door. He nodded and shrugged.
"Yeah guess you've got a point."
I smiled and walked into the room. I went and crouched down in front of him setting my hand on his forehead.
"Somethings wrong.. this isn't a normal sickness.."
"Want me to check?"
I looked back seeing Kai leaning against the door.
"I wouldn't ask you to use his quirk on him.."
I turned back to Shota with a small sigh. Kai's quirk is he's able to reach inside someone's mind and see there memories. Quite a strong quirk. But it has horrible drawbacks. If he goes to far... he could possibly die.
"Come on. It shouldn't be to far back. He got this sickness today right. I could look back at it from tomorrow."
He said crouching next to me as I looked over at him. I sighed and tilted my head.
"Fine, do what you can."
He grabbed Shota's hand causing him to scrunch his face slightly. I sat there for a while before he pulled away.
"A red head. And a dark blue haired guy. There responsible."
"Red head?.. dark blue hair?.."
"It was the guys quirk. He can.."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.
He shut the door quickly turning to me in shock.
"There using Shota."
"His body is more of.. possessed?... seems like the right word. They.. no he can hear and see everything Shota does. And Shota won't be control of his body other than what he can hear and see."
I looked at him in shock.
"We can say anything personal around him. They'll hear."
"But, wouldn't they know now? You just said we knew basically."
"They weren't listening at that time. You can tell. His eyes they.. Ugh it's hard to explain!"
There was a beeping noise from the control settings of the studio.
"You need to go on soon. They playlist will end soon."
"We need to talk about this later."
He nodded before I walked back into the studio room.
"Back again my city, its currently 10:30 on Thursday. It's a bit snowy but not to bad. It will also be a calmer night on today's radio. So let's start again with another calm song, here's Renegades by X Ambassadors."
The song started to play as I stood up quickly. I walked out of the room not seeing Kai. The door connecting common room and the controlling room, was open. I walked in seeing Kai seeing next to Shota who was sitting up. They were talking. Surprisingly.
"You scared?"
"Tsk. As if."
Shota looked away from him as Kai laughed slightly.
"Do you know the people than?"
"Not really. I knew it too.. every time I saw her I had a bad feeling about her."
"Yeah she's not a good person."
"How do I get this quirk or whatever to stop?"
Kai didn't say anything and stood up. He walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.
"He took over."
I sighed and leaned against the wall.
"So, we're just going to ignore him every time?"
"Well, he already knows about the guy. So I'm sure he'll know."
I sighed and dropped my head.
"So tell me. How would I tell?"
"His eyes will dilate by very little. And you'll know exactly when the guy shifts? Posses? Whatever. But you'll be able to tell."
I nodded and scratched the back of my neck. I gritted my teeth and walked into the room. Shota looked up as I saw his eyes dilate and his mood change completely.
"You bastard!"
I yelled going up to him.
"Hizashi you can't just do that!!"
Kai said trying to stop me.
I grabbed "Shota" by the collar of his shirt and held him up.
"Tell me! What the hell did you do to him?!"
"Hizashi! Knock it off!"
Kai smacked me as I glared at him.
"Oi! I'm trying to get answers!"
"Zashi can you put me down.."
I looked back at Shota seeing his eyes back to normal and his face went back to a sicker look. My eyes went wide as I set him down.
"Don't be an idiot! What do you think is going to happen now Hizashi?!"
Kai yelled as I glared at him.
"I need answers!"
"You need to shut your fucking mouth!"
"Can you two yell in the other room. I have a headache."
"Sorry Aizawa."
Kai said grabbing me by the collar of my shirt dragging me out of the room. He shut the door behind us as I crossed my arms.
"Tell me, how a pro hero of.. years, be such an idiot."
"Excuse me?!"
"Your excused. You need to be more intelligent with this."
I huffed as he let go of me.
"I'm sure if they knew Shota's location, they could kill him in seconds."
He said crossing his arms as I looked at him in shock.
"Your messing with me."
"We mess up once and it could be the end for him."
I gritted my teeth before walking back into the room. Shota laid on the couch with my phone in his hands. He looked up at me as I crouched in front of him.
"What's wrong?.."
"Ill get this guy out of your head. Promise."
I kissed the top of his head hearing him chuckle slightly.
"Yeah I know you will.."
I smiled than stood up. I walked out seeing Kai by the door. I shut the door behind me as he went and sat down.
"I might not be a hero. But I know what I'm doing. I could help you."
"And why would I ask you to do that?.."
"You care for Shota correct? We both know the answer to that. And I need Shota to like me eventually right. One step at a time."
He turned to me and smiled slightly. I smiled slightly as well before shaking my head. I sat next to him and sighed.
"I need to find these guys."
"I know. And it won't be to long until Shota will be back to normal. The guy might get bored and stop using Shota."
"I'd rather catch this guy myself. Maybe give him a piece of my mind."
I said gritting my teeth crossing my arms.
"Alright. Calm down. I get it, your husband is sick. You want to catch the guy responsible. But listen, I might not be a hero. But growing up with you, I know many things about being a hero."
He ruffled my hair as I pushed his hand away.
"You can't kill them."
"Who said I was going to kill them?"
"I know you. You'd rather get revenge."
I looked down with my arms still crossed. He laughed and ruffled my hair again.
"Come on!"
"Oi stop that your going to mess it up!!"
"Your such a child!"
He said laughing again.
"What?! You know I'm only a year younger than you!"
"Shut up!!"
I heard Shota yelled from the other room.
I looked the other way as Kai laughed slightly.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now