Part 81

123 6 18

I woke up to an empty bed as I got ready for the day. I yawned and walked downstairs.
"What color?!"
"You pick!"
I looked over seeing Aki with pink nail polish as Hizashi smiled.
"Of course! How could I say no?!"
He giggled and started his nails. I quietly went to the kitchen and poured myself some coffee. I looked back seeing them both concentrated on Hizashis nails.
"Hey pops?.."
"What if I started podcasts like you do? Do you think that's something I could try?... I don't have a job yet and I'm trying to look for some. But I really think what you do is cool. And I wanna try."
She said looking up at him as he nodded with large smile.
"Of course you can! Here! Why not come down to the studio with me tonight and Kaito can teach you basics and I can show you around?!"
"Of course!"
"Do you think dad would be ok with it?.."
I tilted my head in confusion. Why wouldn't I be ok with it?
"Why do you say that? I think your dad would be equally happy you wanna try something. You didn't hear this from me but he's a sappy right now with you growing up and being out all the time."
He said in a whisper as I smiled taking a sip of my coffee. Aki giggled as he smiled.
"Telling my secrets?"
I said as they both looked over at me quickly.
"Shota~! When'd you wake up?!"
"A couple minutes ago.."
"More importantly how long have you been standing there?!"
Aki said shocked.
"A couple minutes."
I said shrugging.
"Geez, way to ease-drop!"
I shrugged once more before going to the kitchen.
"You two hungry?"
"We already ate!"
They both yelled in unison. But no dishes are dirty.. nor is the stove or over hot.
"What did you guys have exactly?"
Aki yelled as I looked at the dish drainer confused.
"We didn't use a bowl Sho!"
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Of course you didn't.."
I heard to two laugh. I walked to the living room sitting next to Hizashi with my cup of coffee.
"Could have offered me some~.."
"You made the coffee? Did you not have any?"
I said confused.
"Nope. Aki did. She wanted some so I made it."
Aki nodded as I shrugged.
"Well sorry.. want some of mine?"
"Neva! You just leave your coffee plain! Gross.."
Aki laughed and I smiled slightly.
"There ya go all done!!"
Hizashi held up his hands that had pink nail polish on his nails.
"You know. You could get a job at a nail salon. Those aren't to bad."
I said as she thought.
"Maybe I'll check it out!"
She got a call and stood up.
"That's Mahoro, ill be back!"
She ran upstairs as Hizashi looked at me confused.
"Do you think shes.. ya know."
I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Seriously Zashi?... shes dating a non-binary person. Obviously she's somewhere on the spectrum."
I said as he laughed a bit.
"Yeah I guess your right."
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I poured myself more coffee as I yawned. Arms wrapped around me as I felt Hizashis head rest on my shoulder.
"What are your plans today?"
I said before taking a sip of my coffee. He took it from my hands and walked to the fridge.
"For what exactly?"
"Oh yeah that's coming up huh.."
He poured creamer into the cup as I glared at him.
"You just ruined that."
He took a sip than handed it to me.
"Try it."
I looked at it skeptical than took a sip. I hurried and passed it to him.
"No.. too sweet."
He laughed and took it.
"So what you buying?"
He said sitting at the table as I sat next to him.
"It's a surprise, I can't tell you what I buy or else your going to spill it."
I said with a small smile as he rolled his eyes.
"I'm not that bad!"
"Well... Remember when-"
"Ok ok!"
He interrupted me as I laughed.
"What are you doing today?"
"I have to go pick up some things from my parents house."
He said rolling his eyes as I smiled.
"You poor thing."
We both laughed before getting ready for the day. Me and Nemuri went shopping as Hizashi went to his parents.
"What are you getting your amazing sister!?"
I said looking at her confused.
"Me of course!"
I rolled my eyes with a small smile.
"I guess I'll see.."
"Oh shut up."

~Hizashis POV~
I got to my parents and knocked on the door. The door opened seeing my step dad.
"Oh! Your here for the box of your thing correct?"
I nodded as he let me into the house.
"It should be it was right here two seconds ago?."
He said looking on the couch. Mother came into the room.
"Oh. I just put it back into your old room Hizashi.. sorry I didn't get a time you were coming."
"It's alright mother. I'll go get it.."
The two nodded as I headed upstairs and to my old room. I saw a box sitting on the desk in the room. There were a couple rings, notebooks, book, and old papers. Maybe notes. I picked it up want went to walk out of the room before hearing mother.
"He's still acts like the boy he was years ago.."
"He's in his 40's, Kibo. How is he not mature?"
"Adults can be immature. He is one."
"No.. he's not the one being immature you are."
"Oh please. Hizashi cares for no one but himself."
I left out a small sight and opened the door so it made a creek so they knew I was coming out of the room. I walked downstairs and put on a fake smile.
"Thanks, I'll have to go through this stuff tonight and see what I want to keep or not."
"I thinks it's all trash. Mostly school notes and things like that."
Mother said.
"I'll still look through it."
I said shrugging.
"I'll see you guys later than."
I said going to the door. Father helped me with the door as they said there goodbyes. I set the box in the passenger seat of the car before starting to drive. Once I pulled out of the driveway I let out a long sigh.
"Of course that's what she says.. am I surprised? No.. why would I be.."

~Authors Note~
Do you guys want any of your Oc's in the story? I'm going to put in one more of mine, but if you guys want your oc's in here all I need to know it Name, Age, Height, appearance, gender, quirk and personality. But they have to be students in UA and younger than ya know, Deku, Bakugou, Denki. Ya know to go with the story.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now