Part 73

121 6 4

We all stared at the tv before Aito turned it off.
"I'll go down to the station and help Noamasa, you guys can talk."
He left quickly. I noticed Hitoshi had a black eye so I looked at him confused.
"Hitoshi, what happened to your eye?"
He looked up at me than smiled slightly.
"I had a couple run ins with Alex and Marcus."
He said scratching the back of his neck. I looked at Hizashi concerned before going up to him seeing he had cuts and bruises all over his body.
"Oh Hitoshi.."
"I'm fine!"
He said as me and Hizashi sat next to him. He had a bandage around his arm as I took his arm into my hands. He cringed a bit.
"G-guess that ones going to hurt for a while.."
"What they do?"
Hizashi asked.
"It was my fault. I went patrolling alone. I saw them and, well they won. Didn't expect them to be so strong. Two against one isn't fair.."
He said looking at Hizashi as I unwrapped it slowly. There was a stitched up wound.
"Who did this?"
I asked confused since it was good but not the best.
I glared at him as he scratched the back of his neck.
"You didn't tell anyone this happened did you."
Hizashi said standing going to the kitchen and opening the freezer.
"Well no.."
"Why not?"
"Because, I didn't have a problem in doing it myself!"
"Why didn't you ask Denki to help?"
He said coming back with a rag and an ice pack. He dropped his head as we looked at each other confused than back at Hitoshi.
"What happened?"
I asked as Hizashi sat on the other side of him.
"We got into a fight. I wasn't listening and being stubborn. I snapped and told him to leave. I didn't mean it but I don't have the guts to face him again.."
Hizashi leaned back a bit before handing Hitoshi the ice pack.
"Well I think we all know that you two will be back together."
"You two were meant to happen, I'm sure he'll come back asking for your forgiveness. That's the type of person he is."
I said after Hizashi as he shrugged.
"Alright, get me a bandage Hizashi. You know you have to switch out the bandages right?"
I said glaring at Hitoshi once again as he chuckled a bit. Hizashi walked off as I poked at his arm asking if it hurt him or not. Once I got near the scar he said it hurt so I stopped. We wrapped his arm as he thanked us.
"Oh!! Didn't Aito say we needed to talk to him about something.."
Hizashi said starting to think back.
"Yeah I think he did.."
We both thought for a while before Hizashi snapped his fingers.
"Now I remember.."
He said his expression changing to a more sadder expression.
"Aito told us you were upset. Not about Denki but at something else, now want me to say or you?"
He said as Hitoshi let out a shaky sigh.
"I'm fine! You guys over react everything!"
He said scratching the back of his neck with a fake smile. I set my hand on his shoulder as he looked at my confused.
"You can talk to us Hitoshi, obviously I forgot and have no idea what your dads talking about, but please, if somethings wrong tell us."
"It's just-"
All of a sudden my phone started ringing. I saw it was Aito.
"We're talking about this later ok?"
I answered the phone hearing a panicked Aito on the other side.

Hitoshis POV
(Ok this might be confusing, Hitoshi calls Hizashi: /dad/ and Shota: /Dad/ the difference is the capital-😂)
I looked at dad confused as he looked back, confused.
"Whoah whoah whoah whoah! Slow down Aito I can't understand you.."
I heard yelling through the phone as Dad turned back to us quickly.
"Hizashi lock the doors and windows in the house. You too Hitoshi. Now."
Me and dad didn't question it and ran around making sure everything was locked. When we came back Dad was still on the phone.
"Thank you.. please be safe."
He hung up the phone and turned back to us. We stared at him confused as he took a deep breath.
"Alex and Marcus escaped, that was the reason for Al's death, Aito said he thinks it was poison. But we need to be careful-"
"Why don't we find them before they find us?"
I said interrupting him.
"No. Why would you say that? There powerful Hitoshi. There quirk-"
"I know, I've fought them before. They'd be outnumbered."
I said now interrupting dad this time.
"There's no way I'm putting you in danger with them again, after what they did to you."
Dad said as I sighed.
"But why let them just come to us? They know where we live."
I said looking between the two as they both crossed their arms.
"I'm going out, you two can stay but it would be better if we found them first."
I said going to my room and changing into my hero costume.

I grabbed my mask and walked out seeing the two talking.
"Guess I'll see you two later."
I looked at Dad confused.
"Let us get ready."
I smiled slightly as they walked off. After a while they came down in there hero costumes.
"Clean? I tried to make sure they weren't covered in blood."
I laughed a bit as they both smiled and rolled there eyes.
"Let's go than."
We left the house and walked around. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
"Do you think they went back to the place you guys were at?"
I asked after looking down an alley.
"No, what villain would go back to there crime scene of a home."
Dad said shrugging. I scratched the back of my neck trying to think. Dads phone went off as we all stopped.
"Where in our way, just stay where you are."
He hung up quickly as we looked at me and dad.
"There at Nemuri's.."
We ran off towards Nemuri's house. We were far but it still took a minute. We finally got there barging into the house. I was tackled to the floor by Alex. I punched his face causing him to black out. I stood up quickly looking around. I didn't see either of my dads or Aki and Auntie Nem. I walked around quietly before hearing a thump upstairs. I went to run up before being tripped.
"You've got a decent punch.."
Alex said. I went to stand up but felt something wrap around my hands to keep me there. He kicked my face but not as hard as I thought he was going to, but hard enough to make my nose bleed. Than there was a sound of glass shattering upstairs. I tried to move out of the tight bindings around my wrist.
"What was that?! Are they ok?!"
He didn't answer. I bit down on the inside of my cheek as I listen. Nothing..
"Let's actually fight. I'm sure this is boring for you.. how about a one on one. No quirk, no tricks."
He rolled his eyes as the bindings disappeared.
"No tricks, no quirk."
He said as I nodded. I stood up before he kicked me in my stomach as I flew into the wall.
"Than come on already! Let's see if I can get my 20th win against you!"

It didn't last long. We were now both outside in the middle of the road. Both out of breath and bleeding.
"Just give up and take your time in jail!"
"I don't think I will."
He pulled out a knife from his back pocket and walked closer to me.
"I thought I said not tricks!"
He shrugged and I gritted my teeth backing away.
"To think, I'm going to kill you, with the same blade Al used kill your father!"
I got annoyed and charged after him grabbing the hand that had the blade in it and bring it down to my knee. He punched the back of my head before kicking me to the floor.
I looked over at the house seeing the four standing there with an unconscious Marcus.
"Guess I better wrap this up huh."
I stood up and kicked his face than his stomach. I heard sirens in the distance.
"This isn't going to end well for you Hitoshi."
"Shut up."
I went back after him pulling his head down onto my knee than hurried and kicked his face again as I backed up. How is he still conscience.. I felt a sharp pain through my back as I gasped out. I looked down seeing a bullet wound through my chest. I looked up at Alex seeing him fade than I looked over at the four.
"A-an illusion..."
Aki came running towards me as I felt the tip of a gun push against the back of me head.
"N-no.. s-stop it.."
I tried to say to get her to turn around. Than it was black.

Hizashis POV
Police cars pulled up as Alex left. I dropped Marcus and ran to Hitoshi and Aki.
"H-His pulse! I can barely feel it!"
I panicked as Shota and Nemuri made there way over.
"Come on Hitoshi, wake up!"
I can't do CPR since the wound is over his chest.
"Everyone move!"
Paramedics rushed passed us as some forced us away. Me and Shota tried to push through them.
"The paramedics need there space! You need to calm down and back away!"
"That's my son!!"
I yelled as he looked at me with shock.
"Family or not you can't be over there."
One of the females said.
"That's our boy!! You can't-"
"We're sorry. We can't let you go near him right now."
"There right. We need to stand out of there way so they can save him."
Nemuri said setting her hand on mine and Shouta's shoulder.
"Come on, you guys have a couple cuts a bruises too."

~Authors Note~
Ahem.. 🥺thank you guys so much for 7k reads.. like- omg.. I cant even say how great full I am🥺

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