Part 13

699 27 17

(Age 31)
I yawned and sat back in my chair. New students, ugh! I went through there files on who I would be seeing in my class.
"I'm in my office!"
"Shut up you two!"
"Sup Aito!"
"Hello Hizashi."
He came into my office and sat down next to me.
"What ya doing?~"
"Looking at my students files, should you be doing that as well?"
"Already did! Come on man, be a little excited."
"No, I hate kids. Nemuri made me a UA teacher...and I hate it."
He laughed and looked at one of the kids' file.
"Tenya Ida. Hey it's baby Tenya!"
"It is. He looks like Tensei, a lot."
"Hopefully they act different though, Tensei was a, how would I say it?"
"An idiot.."
I laughed and put them down.
"I'm too lazy to go through the rest."
I stood up and stretched as Hizashi went to the kitchen.
I walked over to Aito's room and leaned onto his doorframe watching him workout.
"Who I supposed to hang out with while your teaching again~?!"
"I don't know, make friends or a girlfriend or boyfriend for once."
He threw his pillow at me as I caught it and threw it back. I walked into the kitchen and saw Hizashi eating some Cheez-its.
"Help yourself ya know."
I said laughing.
"Hey, I seem like the only one who likes these things anyways!"
"I guess so Huh."
I made some coffee and leaned against the counter.
"I can't believe you still have the piece of junk."
"This isn't not piece of junk! It's still in good shape!"
"But it's old."
I said looking at the headphones around his neck.
"I mean I gave you those things when we were 17 I think."
"Exactly! It's a gift, one of my favorites!"
I rolled my eyes and got myself some coffee.
"Plah! How to you drink that stuff!? No sugar?!"
"Clam down, I put some coffee creamer in it."
I pulled it out of the frigid and put a little in.
He took it from me along with my cup. He put some more in and took a small sip.
"See there!"
He passed it back to me as I put it back in the fridge. I took as sip. Not so bad actually..
"It's not that strong anymore though."
"Well it's good, and better then it pretty much plain right!?"
"Ya I guess."
He laughed and shook his head.
"Can you two just fucking make out! It's getting sad!"
"Shh, god you both are loud mouths."
"At least I don't get in people's business.."
"I can hear you Hizashi!"
We both laughed as he came into the kitchen.
"What were you saying?"
"That you two should just make out now, it's sad to watch you two flirt with each other."
"I wasn't flirting! I was helping him not die from strong ass coffee."
He laughed taking one of my protein drink from the fridge.
"Those are mine!"
"To late now."
He said taking a drink from it. I rolled my eyes and sat by Hizashi.
"I hate you."
"No ya don't!"
"Ya I kinda do."
We talked for a while before Hizashi went home.
"He likes you Shota."
"No he doesn't."
"He comes to see you everyday! And he keeps everything you give him."
"That's what best friends do, we've been friends for 16 years."
"Jesus, your making me feel old.."
"Your a year or two older than me, trust me your not super old."
He walked back to his room as I went went to mine upstairs. I pulled up old pictures me Hizashi, Nemuri, and Toshi took as kids. Fun times. Oh shit I have to meet up with Emi! I Hurried and got ready. I ran downstairs and saw Aito in the kitchen again.
"Where you going?"
"To the park in ****** I'm meeting Emi there! Remember she's a friend."
"Ok bye!"
I fling myself into the air and landed on a couple buildings before making it to the park. Am I early?
I waited for a moment seeing her come from a trail.
"Yo Shota!"
"Hey Emi!"
"Let walk?"
We walked down a trail as I looked up at the sky.
"I think it might rain later."
"Maybe, if it does we can go to the car café if you want."
"So why'd you want to talk to me?"
"Can't two friends hang out? Come on, it's been a moment since it was just us two right."
"Ya I guess it has."
After a while of walking and small talk we ended back at the park.
"Actually Shota, the actual reason I ask you to meet me here is cause, um I like you! Still.."
She said playing with her shirt.
"Y-you what?"
"I like you!"
I heard something behind me as I turned around there was just a rose, maybe it was just an animal. Than it started to sprinkle.
"Emi, I'm sorry I'm gay."
"Eh? Oh.... ok then! Sorry."
"You took that surprisingly well?"
"Well your gay, I can't force you to like me right? As hard as it's gonna be I'm going to force myself to lose feeling!"
"It's ok Shota, really. I'll see you later?"
"Uh ya see ya."
She walked off as I was at the park. I went over and picked up the rose. There were foot prints in the mud. Was someone watching us? Creepy. It started raining more as I watch the rose with the droplets on it. I decided to walk to the café to get myself something. I walked in a little wet.
"Hello what can I get you?"
"A black small coffee please."
She nodded and put in the the cash register.
"2.95 please."
I gave her the money and waited for the drink with the rose still in my hand. She called my name and smiled as I took it. I sat down and looked across the café. Hizashi... I smiled at him as he stood up and left. I hurried and went after him. It's raining really hard now..
"Hey Hizashi! What the hell?"
"Sorry Shota, I'm not in the mood right now."
"Hey what happened are you ok?"
I walked up to him seeing tear stains on his face.
He wiped his face and looked away from me.
"Just, I'm fine."
He ignored me and continued to walk.
"What happened?!"
"Nothing ok! I'm fine ok! Just drop it!"
I've never seen him so hurt... did I do something wrong?

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now