Part 17

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Shota was taken away from me.... what's happening. I can't move. I can't think straight. Why is it so hard to smile?
I looked over to Nemuri seeing her crying.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying? For me?"
"Cause you could have died!"
"Ya but I didn't."
I said looking back down at my hands.
"It's not your fault Hizashi!"
"I should have got to him faster. I should have been stronger. I should have just been better."
"Hizashi, stop!"
Tensei said as I turned my head to his direction.
"W-why do you look empty?"
"Cause I pretty much am. The only feelings I feel right now is anger and guilt."
"Hizashi, please. Your ok, Shota is ok too."
"Is he awake?"
"Well not exactly..."
Toshi said.
"He's in a coma Hizashi."
"A coma? Like he's not waking up anytime soon."
They all nodded as tears flowed down my face. Dammit if only I was better!! If only I was fast enough! If only what? Your just going to sit here and blame yourself while your not there supporting your boyfriend?  Let me be. I'm just surprised we haven't killed ourself yet. What the hell?! Why the voices why now?!
"Hizashi! Calm down, it ok."
I rubbed my eyes and pulled my knees to my chest.
"Fuck... I'm sorry. I-I wasn't able to save him.. It's like I can't do anything right. All I wanted was to go patrolling with him. All I wanted was to hang out...I messed it up, I put him in danger. I hurt him and you guys. Maybe I wasn't cut out to be a hero..."
"Don't say that, your a great hero."
"Like all of you? Tsk, you guys have always been better then me. Just, can I be alone right now?"
"I don't think it's ok to leave you alone right now."
I rolled my eyes at Toshi's response.
"I think he'll be ok Toshi. Come on Nem."
The two walked out as she stood up.
"Don't blame yourself. You did what you could. No one blames you Hizashi."
"I do."
She said goodbye and walked out. So what are we gonna do now? Stop saying we! It's him! Stop make them stop!!! I gripped my head in pain as they got louder and louder.
I looked over and saw one of the doctors.
"Uh, yes that's me.."
I said wiping my tears.
"You were brought in with Aizawa correct?"
"Yes, is he ok?"
"He will be fine, do you mind if we bring him in here with you? I know you two are close."
"No I don't mind and thank you doctor."
"Of course I'll have some nurses bring him in."
I nodded at him as he left. They soon brought him and placed him on the bed next to me. Once they left I built up the strength to get up and walk. I sat in the chair next to him and grabbed his hand.
"Shota, please wake up. Wake up for me, for our friends. Please I can't lose you...I Love You."

Shota's POV

Why's it so dark? Why are my thoughts so loud?! I looked around seeing nothing but darkness.

"Please I can't lose you...I Love You."
"Hizashi? Hey where are you?!"
No reply. What the hell?
"He can't hear you.."
I turned around and saw a shadowy figure.
"Your in a coma."
"But I just hear Hizashi, who the hell are you?!"
"Oh you don't remember my friend?"
He stepped closer to me as I stepped back in fear. (He can be in your imagination..I don't have a good enough one to think of what he looks like)
"You don't remember your demon? The one-"
"The one I fought everyday..."
"Huh, so you do."
Why's he here? Am I stuck in my mind?
"Your hear because of your coma. Your the first person that this has actually happened to. How do you feel Shota? Dead? Weak?"
As soon as he said that my body felt heavier than a bolder.
"How about we look as some memories ya? Some old old ones...."
A screen came up next to us. It's huge! I turned to it as it was putting an image in the screen.

 It's huge! I turned to it as it was putting an image in the screen

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~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now