Part 34

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(I'm not good at writing these kinds of things so sorry if it's bad😅)

We got to the restaurant and got seated. We sat by a window as I looked out.
"The city looks nice from here huh.."
I looked over at him and smiled.
"Yeah it does."
"Hello Sir's. I will be your waitress, so call me over when your ready.."
"Thank you."
She nodded and left. Me and Hizashi looked through the menu.
"What are you thinking Shota?"
"I don't know, maybe something not super expensive.."
I looked up at him as he smiled at me softly.
"Get whatever you want. Today is our day."
I shook my head and smiled.
"I'll try by best."
He laughed and went back to the menu. We ordered our food and started eating.
"So what's today about?"
"Us, mostly you."
"What do you mean why? I can't spend time with my boyfriend?"
"I didn't say you couldn't it's just, I don't know weird. Why'd we have to dress up with much?"
"Cause, it's a special day."
"I wouldn't say special. It's just a day we're going out."
He laughed and shook his head. His phone got a notification. He looked at it and smiled before texting back and putting it down.
"Who was it?"
"Jiro, she wanted to know why we weren't home."
"Oh, ok. Also hows Kaito?"
"He's doing good actually! He's changed from the last time you saw him."
"Really? Is he still tall?"
"Yeah! It's crazy! I thought he was going to be a basketball player. But he found out about me DJ'ing and asked to help me."
"Yeah me too."

~Time skip~
We walked out of the restaurant hand in hand.
"Thanks Hizashi."
"Your welcome Sho! Now~ your last surprise! I hope you like it.."
I chuckled a bit as we got to the car.
"Whatever it is I'm pretty sure I'm going to love if your there."
He opened the door for me as I kissed him before getting in. He walked to his side after shutting the door and got it. He started the car and pulled out his phone.
"So where is this place?"
"I don't know exactly but I have it on my maps!"
He started it as I took his phone.
"This is in the woods Hizashi?"
"I know."
I looked over at him as he started driving.
"We're going to the woods? With bugs~"
"Ew.. don't say that! I'm trying to get that out of my head so this can be a good date."
I laughed. We drove in peaceful silence with the quiet radio you could barely hear. We soon started driving through the trees. We drove down for a while till he turned. He parked the car and looked over at me. I looked at him and smiled.
"What's up Zashi?"
"I'm just nervous.."
"About what? Come on, it's just us!"
He leaned in for a kiss as I returned it. I heard his sigh.
"What wrong? What are you so nervous about?"
"That you won't like this.."
"Like I said before Zashi. I think I'll love it just because we're together. Now come on."
I smiled and opened my door. He got out as I shut my door. He came over and I held onto his arm.
"Yeah.. I am."
We started walking down a pathway as lights lit up next to us. I jumped into him at first not expecting it but than the others came on.

 I jumped into him at first not expecting it but than the others came on

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"Holly shit Zashi.. when'd you have time to do this?"
I said looking at him. He smiled and shrugged. The pathway got thinner. And we walked to an huge open field. There was a Gazebo like the one when we went to prom. He lead me over to it. As we walked things in the grass started to light up around us.
"What are those?"
"Fireflies, Love. Remember?"
I smiled softly at him as we continued walking.
"I do remember.."
We got to the Gazebo and There was a small box.
"Hizashi what is this all about?"
"Let me just enjoy this time with you.. please, Love.."
I smiled as he wrapped his hand around my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and stared into his eyes.
"You're cute Sho."
I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"Thanks Hizashi, you look nice too."
He smiled and leaned his head on mine.
"I'm in love with you.."
I laughed a bit.
"I love you too Hizashi."
He leaned back as I looked at him confused.
"You don't understand Shota. I'm crazy in love with you, I don't what what I would do without out you. Your the most perfect person. And I love everything about you! You make me the happiest man alive! I am absolutely in Love with you Shota Aizawa.."
My eyes went wide than softened.
"I love you too Zashi."
"I need to ask you something, but before I do. I want you to open this.."
He walked away and grabbed the box. He gave it to me as I looked at it confused. I slowly took of the top. I-.. Oboro's goggles?! My placed my hand over my mouth and looked at them.
I looked over at Hizashi.
"Do you remember your promise. This was a reminder that we will able to be us.. I guess what I'm trying to get to is.."
He not done on his knee as my eyes went wide.
"Shota Aizawa, will you marry me?"
I felt tears weld up in my eyes and fell to my knees too.
"Y-Yes! Hizashi yes!"
He pulled me in for a kiss as I kissed back. I let go of the box and wrapped my hands around his neck. We parted as I stared into his eyes. Than we both looked down at the ring. I gave him my hand as he put the ring on. I smiled and kissed him again.
"I love you Shota.."
"I love you too.."

~Small time skip~
I smiled as I walked into the house after unlocking it. When I opened the door I was greeted by everyone.
"Congrats Mr. and Mr. Yamada!!"
"Hey, who said we've already decided on Yamada?"
Hizashi said laughing. Nemuri walked up to us and stood in front of us.
"Hm. My boys are finally grown up!"
"Nemuri we've been grown up ever since we left UA."
I said chuckling. She pulled us into A tight hug.
"I'm happy for you two!"
We both hugged back as everyone else came and hugged us too.
"Here, she couldn't sleep."
I looked over at the stairs and saw Aito holding Aki's hand. She seemed tired. She held her stuffed animal in her hand and yawned. I smiled and walked over to her. I crouched in front of her as she clung to me. I smiled and picked her up as I nodded my head at Aito.
"Shota your such a softy!"
I turned to the group to see them staring at me in 'Awe'.
"She's my daughter. Leave me be."
I laughed as they did too.
"Thank you guys, really!"
We than all turned to Hizashi. Nemuri wrapped her arm around Hizashi shoulder.
"Come on Hizashi! Your both our friends were here to help!"
"Yeah! Kinda hard to leave cause you guys came early!"
Tensei said.
"Sorry, that's my bad."
Hizashi chuckled shyly. I looked at them confused. Aito put his hand on my shoulder as I turned to him.
"We help Hizashi. He wasn't able to do all that himself. Though, the present was all him. He knew how he wanted to tell you fr the start."
I looked back at Hizashi to see him laughing and talking to the group.
"Thanks Aito, really."
"Of course, Shota. Big brothers always look out for there younger brothers!"
He ruffled my hair as I pulled away from his and rolled my eyes.
"Your like, I don't know a year older than me."
"Still applies little bro."
We laughed as Aki moved her head a bit.
"Does this mean that Pops, is actually my other dad now?"
"Sweetie, Hizashi has always been your other dad. Even when we were just dating."
She hugged me tighter as she giggled a bit. I smiled.
"I'm going to put her to bed.."
I walked to her room and laid her on the bed.
"Tell me sweetie, why couldn't you sleep?"
"Cause, you and pops weren't home.."
I covered her with a blanket than sat down on the bed.
"Did it bother you?"
"I'm just use to having the comfort of you in the room next to me.."
I smiled and pushed the hair out of her face.
"I'll always be here to protect you Aki. Even if Im not exactly with you."
She smiled.
"Pops said you sing.. is that true?"
"Of course he did.. I use to sing quite a bit when I was younger. But as I got older I sorta gave up on that.."
"Can you sing a song for me?"
I thought for a moment and smiled.
"How about I sing you a song me and you dad use to sing to Jiro when she was younger?"
She nodded her head as I smiled.
"Ok than.. how does it go again...
You are my sunshine, My only sunshine..
You make me happy~ When sky's are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same"

She smiled as her eyes slowly closed.
"Night Aki.."
"Night night, dad.."
I left the room and shut the door behind me.
I jumped and swung my hand behind me. I turned around and saw Hizashi holding my hand.
"You were just going to punch me?"
"Sorry.. you scared me.."
We walked back downstairs as I looked around in confusion.
"They left, gave us our "time alone" I guess."
"And the kids?"
"They went to sleep."
I nodded and got a glass of water. His arms wrapped around me as I turned my head. He watched my hands as I placed a kiss to his cheek.
"What wrong?"
I said after taking a drink. He took my right hand in his and rubbed his finger over the ring.
"You don't understand how long I've waited for the day you said yes.."
I smiled as I put down my cup. I turned to him as he still had his arms wrapped around my waist. I placed my hands on his face and smiled.
"You don't know how long I've waited for you to ask."
He pulled me in for a kiss as I kissed back. We pulled away as I leaned my head on his.
"You still have your amazing voice.."
"You heard?"
"Yep, sing more often with the kids. I think Aki and Jiro would like it. I don't know about Hitoshi but maybe he would to."
I laughed a bit.
"I have something to ask you Hizashi.."
"What is it?"
"Hitoshi doesn't  think he can call you dad.. I don't want him to feel that way cause you took care of him too. Can you tell him that it's ok? Or something like that?"
"H-he wants to call me dad!?"
I laughed a bit and smiled.
"Yes, yes he does."
"Hell yeah then!"
I laughed.
"Thank you.."
I kissed him once more and than realized I was still in the tuxedo.
"We should change.."
"Yeah your right.."
We walked to our room and took a shower and changed. I plopped on the bed as Hizashi hovered over me.
"I love you.."
"Love you too Sho."
He laid down on top of me as we fell asleep. Best day ever..

(Best day ever for Sho, worst day ever for me😅 anyone can talk? I'm kind..yeah😂)

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