Part 56

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I woke up to my phone vibrating on the table. I groaned than picked it up not check who it was.
I said tiredly.
"Mic. One of your students wants to see you. It was her first words waking up this morning.."
"W-what? Noamasa I though-"
"She said it was important. I'll be there in an hour. Bring Eraser too. We need to discuss what she needs to say."
He hung up as I set my phone down and sighed. I looked down at Shota seeing his head on top of my chest. I played with his hair before moving him off of me and getting ready. I finished brushing my teeth and walked back into our room. Shota slowly sat up rubbing his eyes.
"Morning babe.."
I said walking over to him than kissing his head.
I than grabbed my phone and tried to call Noamasa again. If he doesn't answer.. It went to voicemail so I left one.
"If you leave me the address I could head down there easily. You know your making this harder on yourself.. and you couldn't tell me which kid? There were two Noamasa. You can't give me little detail and leave me to go on from there.."
I than pulled it away and hung up. I set the phone in my pocket as Shota looked at me confused.
"Noamasa is going to come in about an hour. He's going to pick up the both of us to disuse all that happened last night and today."
He nodded than started to get ready. I walked into Aki's room seeing she was still asleep. I walked downstairs and checked Hitoshi's room. Denki was getting dressed as Hitoshi was still asleep.
"Me and Shota are heading out soon. Can you guy watch Aki for us?"
He nodded as I shut the door than sat in the couch and waited. Finally there was a honk outside. Shota came down and we walked outside. I shut and locked the door behind me. I got in the front and Shota got in the back.
"You don't listen do you.."
I said crossing my arms.
"Neither do you."
He said looking at me from the corner of his eye before starting to drive.
"He deserved it."
I said calmly.
"You haven't explained?"
"Not much no.."
"Well explain later Shota. For now.. this kid wants to see Hizashi for some reason."
I said looking at him.
"Uraraka.. said something happened and she demanded she needed to see you. Than she wouldn't talk to anyone else. Not even the visitors in the room."
I thought. We finally got to the hospital than walked in. We got to Uraraka's room seeing Izuku and Tenya.
"You two need to leave for a moment."
Noamasa said as they nodded. They stepped out as I sat next her in confusion.
I said. She turned to look at me than Shota.
"H-he said.."
She stopped herself than looked at Noamasa.
"Step out for me."
I said looking at him. He shook his head walking out. She sat up than looked at the both of us.
"You guys aren't dead..."
She said letting out a sigh of relief.
"Why would we? What happened?"
She looked at the both of us than clenched her hands.
"The.. the guys.. they were after you.. they said they were going after you two next.. Me and Mina tried to keep them distracted.. we decided to run so I told her to go ahead so I could distract them..turned out they had more guys than we though.. and she got pretty far but I didn't know if she was even alive..a-and that guys quirk I-it's.."
Her face went pale as I stopped her.
"Uraraka... what was this guys quirk?"
"Altering reality..he turned mine and Mina's fears into reality and..and it all felt real.."
I looked at Shota in concern.
"What kind of memory did he bring to life for you?"
"A-at the moment.. my fear was losing... and that's what it was.. me and Mina gave up and th-they killed us than went after you two...I-I never found out w-what Mina's was cause we left quickly after...y-you guys are in danger! H-he'll come after you two next! T-that's what he said!"
She said becoming more scared. I nodded than stopped her.
"We're fine. You need to get some rest.. Thank you Uraraka for being concerned..but everything's alright."
She nodded slowly than we left the room. Izuku and Tenya than entered. We explained everything to Noamasa. He nodded than a doctor came up to us.
"Noamasa.. The other girl is now awake.."
"If you'll lead us to her, it would be greatly appreciated.."
The doctor nodded.
"Right this way.."
We got to her room and walked in.
"She's in critical condition. She's awake but she won't speak to us just like the other girl. If you find out what happened to her, please tell us it will be able to help us treat her wounds better."
The doctor said as We all nodded than he left. She had a blank look on her face as she came in. She looked tired and worn out. She had a oxygen mask over her mouth as well.
"Hey Mina.."
I said. She looked at me than at Shota. She had tubes in her arms that she looked at. We sat down as she stayed quite.
"Mina what-"
"It doesn't matter... I'm alive right? Yay.. the heroes win again.. you don't need to stay here.."
"We're here to check up on you kid."
Shota said.
"No your not.. your here to get information. Why would you need to be here for any other reason.."
We sat in silence.
"Silence cause you three know I'm right."
"That's not why!"
I said standing up.
"I don't want those guys going after anyone anymore. If you tell me what happened I'll be able to protect you and keep them away from everyone!"
She looked at me in shock than her face went back to no emotion. It was silent again. I sat back down and sighed.
"He nearly killed us.."
She said finally speaking up.
"I didn't know what else to do but protect Uraraka... I wasn't able to do much else. Half of my memory, of being there, was wiped.. the guy brought back a horrible memory I didn't want to remember. I tried to stay strong for Uraraka and try to get us out of here. But the memory cause me to go physically and mentally weak. So he took advantage of that as we tried running. They went after me first. Than went after Uraraka.."
She closed her eyes as my breath hitched.
"Who's this guy Mina."
Shota said. She looked at him than sat up.
"He went by Azrail... no one knew anyone else."
"Anyone? What do you mean by anyone?"
"There were some people there.. they all were only able to name one, and that was him.."
"What the guy look like?"
Noamasa said.
"Long black hair... two different colored eyes. Once blue and the other red."
Shota placed his hand over his mouth with a small gasp.
"Mina, how many people would you say were there?"
"Not many but enough.. they all work for him..."
I looked at Shota than we looked at Noamasa.
"Thank you Ashido. I must take these two down to the station. Get some rest and heal up."
Noamasa said standing.
"Get well Mina."
Me and Shota said standing up. Before we were able to walk out she said something.
"Be careful... they said they were trying to get to you.."
We both nodded than walked out. We got to the car and started driving. I noticed we were going the wrong way of the station.
"Oi, Noamasa, this isn't the way to the station.."
I said looking at him.
"I know. Your going home. I know I said last night was your last mission.. but I want to finish this one since this guy has such a connection with you two.."
"I feel like I'm missing a lot of information..."
"You are.. Hizashi, are you gonna explain?"
He said glaring at me.
"Ok ok~! Remember how I said Uraraka and Mina went missing? Well I was calling to help out in that. When we found them, Mina was barely breathing and Uraraka was very injured. We caught the guy and I saw it was the same guy that attacked you guys with my voice was healing. He started to taunt me with it so I punched him. Than he stabbed my leg so I went to punch him again and woods kept me I missing something?"
I said looking at Noamasa.
"Your ignorant.. if you punched him hard enough we wouldn't have been able to get anything out of him."
I shrugged than heard Shota chuckle.
"You punched him cause he was taunting you? That doesn't sound like Hizashi."
"Yeah I know! But my anger was already built up!"
They both laughed a bit as I smiled. We pulled into the house as me and Shota were getting out. I shut the door than looked back at Noamasa through the window.
"I'll be at the station tomorrow at 8pm?"
"Deal. Goodbye Hizashi."
"Bye Noamasa."
He started to drive away as me and Shota walked into the house. It's pretty quite.. I looked at Shota in confusion than checked in the kitchen. There was a note in the fridge.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now