Part 51

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I was angry. I couldn't move. Every time they'd walk in Shota would flinch. Every time they walked up to him he flinched. Every little thing they did, he always flinched and moved away. I sighed feeling tired. Three days without sleep.. three days trying to get out of this.. three days wasted.. I felt Shota kick my leg as I looked at him. He smiled at me sadly as I turned away and stared at the door. I should've gotten him out of there when I found out.. I knew I should have tried and go after him. Dammit.. I leaned my head on the wall than pulled down in the cuffs more. I've gotten them lose but never undone. Shota kicked my harder this time as I moved my leg in pain. I looked at him confused as he glared at me. My eyes went wide than softened. I shook my head and continued. I heard something break as I my eyes widened. I looked over at Shota with a grin but he stared at me with sadness. I looked at the chains and messed with them before it came undone. I smiled as my right hand was free. I reached my hand to Shotas face and cupped it. Than took off the thing over his mouth and the rope around his neck.
I shrugged than took off the thing around my mouth and neck.
"I'm fine."
I was able to stand and grabbed onto the chain. I set my foot in the wall and started pulling. It was easier with two hands. After a while it came undone. I smiled widely and looked at Shota.
"What if they come in Hizashi.."
"They won't."
I stood up and looked at the door. If I'm able to open it from the inside than there's a way I could lock it from the inside. I saw two hooks. One on the wall and one on the door. I looked around and saw a board. I slid the board on them so the door wasn't able to open.
"Idiot, how are we supposed to get out?"
"Through the door? We lock it for now just in case, than once I get you out of those things than we leave."
I walked over to him and grabbed on of the chains.
I said pulling on them.
"Stop it.."
I ignored him and kept pulling.
I stopped and looked at him in shock.
"Just leave without me.."
I chuckled to myself and kept pulling.
"The funny thing is... you actually think I'd leave the love of my life.. in this shit hole place."
I kept pulled and soon got it to break a little. I Un-linked the two rings as Shota moved his arm.
"Next one~!"
"Shut up!"
"My bad.."
I started pulling on the other one but heard the door handle move. My eyes went wide. I started pulling harder as my hands went red. There was a chuckle as I kept trying. Damn chain!!
"Where do you guys think your going to go?! This is the only way out!"
He said than laughed. I felt my anger build up as I pulled hard once more. It broke as I stumbled back a bit. I help Shota stand up than ran to the door. I listened closely before hearing steps away from the door. Than a yell.
"I'll be back~!"
Idiot left us. After a minute I opened the door than grabbed Shotas hand.
"Run. Run out. Don't look behind you just go."
"What are you-"
I cut him off and ran out of the room with him.
"Ha! Fell for it!"
I heard Emmet yell.
"That's what you think!"
I grabbed Shota by the waist still running.
He did as I said as I pushed him up more. I jumped too as an gun was shot underneath us. once we landed I grabbed his hand again and kept running. Soon we were outside of the place. I stopped to gain my breath as Shota turned to me.
"Come on! Let's go hurry!"
"Tsk tsk tsk tsk..leaving so soon."
We turned and saw Emmet. Shota stepped in front of me and eraser Emmets quirk. Once I regained my breath I held Shota ears than yelled. After a moment I ran off with Shota.
"We can't fight now. Just wait."
We kept running until we got into a dark Alley way.
"It's a dead end dumb ass.."
"Sorry! Just let me think!"
I looked around seeing a fire escape.
"Capture weapon around it and fling us up."
I said grabbing onto Shotas waist. He did as I said as we ran on the close buildings. He grabbed onto me.
"Hold on."
I wrapped my arms around his waist as he dropped us. He pushed us against the wall as we looked up. We saw them jump over us as I pulled Shota closer to me. After a while we couldn't hear anything. We looked at each other than back up. I leaned into his ear.
"Should we go to the station with Noamasa?"
I said quietly. Once I moved away from his ear he nodded. I looked down at what I was wearing.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now