Part 77

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"In all honesty brother.."
"It was a surprise. Mother ruined it I guess.. the reason I didn't tell you right away is because I booked a flight to come down there with Momo and surprise you and Shota.."
"A surprise?"
"Yeah, sorry brother.. I really wanted it to be a surprise. I can't believe she did that. For what? To get under our skin?.. how annoying."
I smiled slightly.
"Would you like me to keep it a secret from Shota?"
"Yes please~, I can only stand one secret ruined! I still can surprise him and the group!"
"Ok, I'll keep it a secret until..."
"The seventh! Not so far away!"
I realized it was the first.
"Alright, I guess I'll see you soon than."
"Bye bye!"
I hung up hearing Shota clear his throat. I turned quickly seeing him crossing his arms.
"How long have you been standing there?!"
"Long enough to hear someone wants to keep something a secret from me?"
He said setting his hand on his chest as if he was hurt.
"Geez, and you didn't think to say Something?"
"Nope, so what's this secret?"
"A secret~! I can't tell you a secret that isn't mine!"
I said walking over to him.
"I mean you could.."
"But it wouldn't be very nice to the people telling you right?"
I said pushing up his bangs before kissing his forehead.
He shrugged as I smiled.
"How about we get ready and go to a coffee shop?!"
I said as he thought about it for a moment.

We got ready and walked to a near coffee shop. We talked about random things. We finally got there ordering than sitting down.
"Ya know, we should come here more often, they got pretty good drinks."
I said with a smile.
"Maybe, depends. Oh, are you going to continue working at UA? I already told Nezu I would, if you are I suggest you call him."
"Most likely. I'll have to give him a call tonight or tomorrow."
I said shrugging.
"Your drinks!"
A boy set our drinks down in front of us as I smiled at him.
"Thank you sir."
"Hm? Oh, I'm not a male."
She said with a smile before walking away.
"Is it just me or did she look exactly like you?.."
Shota said as I looked back at her. She had black and blonde hair with a wide smile. She had red glasses and green eyes.
I said looking back at Shota taking a drink.
"Liar~! Do you have a child I don't know about."
He said placing his hand on his chest with a fake gasp.
"Ah yes, because I would so do that."
I said sarcastically as we both laughed. We left and decided to go home until tonight.
"Oh, Aki is staying over at Mirios, she said all her friends were crashing there."
"And that's ok with Mirio?"
I shrugged.
"She said it was ok with him."
His hand reached from mine as he smiled.
"Guess it's just us tonight than."
I smiled took and held his hand.
"Guess so.."

We finally left as he rolled his eyes.
"Ya know when you said we'll go later tonight I didn't think you meant at 9.."
"Well it has to be later at night."
I said while driving with a smile.
"When will we be home do you think?"
"Don't know, depends on when you want.."
"Is it a public place?"
"Sorta, but no ever goes to the specific spot I'm taking you too."
I said shrugging. He shrugged as well and scratched at the scar underneath his eye. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine as I continued to drive. Why do I always take his hand into mine when he looks at his scars? Because he overthinks them, think about what he could have done at that time to stop himself from getting the scar.

We finally got to the place as he looked at me confused.
"Zash'i this is the woods?"
We both got out as I lead him to a skinny trail.
"I can barely see anything!"
He said stumbling. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flash light and looked at him.
He nodded as I smiled as I pulled him further into the forest.
"Hizashi, explain to me why your dragging me into the forest? Do you plan on killing me?"
He said as I laughed finally getting there. I turned off the light as he looked at me confused.
"I'm guessing you've forgotten.."
I said with a soft smile as he looked around. I let go of his hand and walked into the tall grass as fireflies lit up and flew around me. I looked down and smiled.

Shota's POV.
He pulled away from me as I looked back at him. He walked into the waist high grass. Fireflies surrounded him as he smiled. The only bug he'll never be afraid of. I thought with a smile as his eyes sparkled with the fireflies.
"I remember.."
I said under my breath looking over seeing a gazebo. I felt his hands grab mine as I looked over at him.
"Remember now?"
I nodded and kissed his cheek.
"Your such a goof.."
I said laughing slightly.
"Yeah I know."
He said laughing before letting go of my hands.
"Now let's go running through the grass so we can see the fireflies!"
"Your such a child.."
"I know!"
I laughed before he grabbed my waist and pulled me into the grass. As soon as we went in there were immediately hundreds around us. I smiled and pushed him away from me. As they flew up again. He spun around as walked off more I laughed at him. I followed him before seeing him fall. I went over to where he fell not seeing him.
I looked around until seeing hundreds surround me. I was immediately picked up and spun around. We both laughed before he set me down. We went to the gazebo watching the stars. He was hugging me from behind as his chin rested on my shoulder. He hummed a soft song as I listened with a smile. I saw a shooting stare go buy as I smiled and closed my eyes.
"You going to make a wish?"
He whispered.
"What more could I wish for?"
"I would wish for everything to stay as it is.."
I nodded and opened my eyes again.
"That's a pretty good wish.."
He kissed my cheek softly before going back to humming. We swayed slightly as we continued to watched the stars.

After a while his phone rang. He picked it up and sighed.
"It's Jiro, hold on."
He backed away as I turned around and watched him. I heard her yell through the phone as my eyes went wide. He pulled the phone away from his ear with an annoying look. I laughed a bit before kissing his cheek.
"I'll see you in the car."
He nodded as I walked back to the car with the keys in hand.

Hizashi's POV.
She finally went quiet as I put the phone to my ear.
"Well to bad. Now tell me what's wrong without yelling.."
I said sighing.
"I don't have anything to wear~!"
"The wedding dumb ass!"
"Oh, what do you want to wear?"
"I don't know!!"
"Are you coming here for the wedding?"
"Yeah! It's our home town we have to!!"
"Ok, well when you get here me and Shota, or just me, can go find you something. Yeah?"
She said as I smiled.
"Yeah I promise."
"Yes!! Ok I won't stress about it much than!! Thank you brother!!"
"Yeah your welcome, I'll see you soon."
She hung up as I put my phone into my pocket. I looked off the gazebo once more before walking back to the car. Shota sat on his phone with the car on. I got in as he set his phone down.
"What did she need?"
"Just help on what to wear for~..."
I stopped myself and thought.
"A date with Momo."
I said quickly after as he looked at me confused.
"Mhm.. doubt she'd call her brother, screaming through the phone might I add, just to ask what to wear."
I laughed and started to drive.
"Well she was running late and forgot."
He laughed and shook his head.
"Yeah that sounds like her.."

We finally got home and changed. We sat on the couch in our pajamas with a blanket wrapped around us. We ate popcorn as we tried to decide on a movie.
"This one has cats!!"
"We've seen it.."
"Well I don't remember.. so let's watch it again!"
"We can't watch every cat movie on here.."
"Can to!"
"How about a scary movie!"
"You suck.."
I said leaning my head on his shoulder as he tried to find another movie. I closed my eyes and waited.
He said as I opened my eyes.
He pressed play as I sat up. He snatched the popcorn from me as I looked at my hands than back at him.
"You ate half the fucking bag."
"... true."

~Authors note~
Here another part for you guys😌🖐 Also If you watch marvel please contact me.. we need to be friend right away. But, you can't favor DC over Marvel-

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now