Part 24

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(Welcome back to the angst!😂)

"Alright I'm going out now, I'll see you later."
"Ok, love you bye."
I kissed him then left the dorms. I pulled up the location on my phone and tried to get there without being noticed by the people out. I got to a tall building. I sighed to myself and walked in. It's was dark. Like no one was there.
Something landed behind me as I turned quickly getting ready use my quirk.
"Oh Shota Baby, I didn't think you were going to come."
"Stop calling me that. What do you want?"
"Tsk, why am I here Kaori?"
"Cause if not your little boy toy will be sent to a hospital just like you brother. Maybe even worse..."
I went to throw a punch at him but he disappeared.
"Behind you~"
I sighed and turned around slowly.
Kaori ???
Quirk; Ghost
Able to teleport and go through walls like a ghost. He can also make himself like Mirio, but he doesn't go through the floor. He can also make himself invisible but it could cause much pain in his head.
~Back story~
During his childhood he would accidentally walk through walls. Once his mother was cooking when she saw Kaori walk through his room door causing his mother to call him a freak. He was bullied for not being able to control it. Some kids made him turn invisible just to see him in pain. He turned on everyone and became a villain at 10

"Don't hurt him."
"Then come with me, Shota baby."
I rolled my eyes and followed him into an elevator.
"I'll kill you."
"Oh baby. You won't even be able to touch me."
I clutched my hands and gritted my teeth. We got to the 6th floor as we stepped out. The league?!
"Hey! Look here."
"You brought a hero to our home? Your an idiot Kaori.."
Dabi jumped off from where he was and walked up to me. I looked away from him as he forced my face up with his hand.
"I don't like him."
"You don't like anyone Dabi, Come one isn't this Izuku's teacher?!"
⚠️Slight gore⚠️
I felt something sharp against my arm and I pulled away from the two.
"Enough you two."
"Why am I here? What do you guys have to do with anything?"
"Join us, Eraser."
"Tsk! What makes you think I will?!"
"Well your kids will be in danger including you boyfriend and brother."
A screen showed up with an image of Aito, Hizashi, Jiro, Hitoshi, and Aki.
"Why? Why do you need me?!"
"Cause, you have connections to UA."
"Who are you guys after?! All Might retired!"
"His successor."
"Successor? What are you talking about?!"
"Izuku Midoriya, he developed the power of All Might. We don't need another success of One For All. Shota Aizawa, we want to use you to kill Izuku Midoriya."
I looked over to see the mist guy.
"What do ya say Shota baby~?"
"No. I won't join you, harming others is wrong!"
"Oh well. Say goodbye to your precious Hitoshi."
I turned to the screen quickly seeing him in a coffee shop with Denki.
"Who's there? Who's going to try hurt Hitoshi!?"
They didn't answer. The person holding the camera got closer to them. Come on Hitoshi, come on Denki... Notice. Come on kids. Hold on. That's not Denki.. where's his binder? He's wearing a tink-top. This is fake... I looked back at Shigaraki.
"Your stupid!"
"Excuse me?"
"I know my students. Those aren't my students. Your stupid!"
"Smarter than I thought Shota."
"Don't call me that."
The screen blurred up then went to an image with Hitoshi. He was sitting in the dorms with Denki. He had a binder in this time.
"What if I just.."
He pushed a button as the thing on the screen broke the window. They two jumped up and faced the person with the camera.
"Who are you!?"
No answer. Shit.. Denki stood in front of Hitoshi and used his quirk. The camera went to static then came back on. Denki was short circuited as Hitoshi protected him. Come on Hitoshi yell for help... come on say something... don't just stand there.. they got closer to the kids as they backed away.
"Give in yet Aizawa?"
I didn't answer and continued watching. I noticed Hitoshi reach his hand behind his back. What are you planning kid? Be smart.. I heard a click of a button as the person pulled out a knife. His eyes went wide and backed up with Denki even more until they were against the wall. Dammit... come on..
The person turned and there was all the kids there. I smiled slightly. They were able to get him knocked out.
"Guys theres a camera.."
Midoriya picked it up and placed it on the table then backed away.
"I don't know who you are. But coming after my friends was your first mistake. Your other is, sending someone here to try and hurt us, we have each other. Lastly, this camera the police will be able to trace you or trace your fingerprints."
He walked back up to it and turned it off. I smiled and turned back to them.
"My students watch out for each other. Their smart and skill full."
I turned around to walk to the elevator before being stopped and have a knife held to my throat.
"Agree you dumb ass!"
Dabi said pushing me against the wall.
"Shota baby, we're not letting you leave."
"Listen Aizawa. Your family may be strong but that little girl won't be."
"Leave her out of this!"
"Then join us."
"Well, then Sorry Shota baby. Dabi."
"Got it."
He slit a small part of my throat and grabbed my left arm as Kaori took the other and started dragging me somewhere.
"This would be so much easier if you complied Aizawa."
I felt the warm blood drip down my neck to my chest.
"F-fuck you!"
Kaori laughed as we entered the elevator. I was losing conscious. I forced myself to stay awake.
We got to the 4th floor. They walked out I could see faint room numbers.
"Room 120."
They opened the door and threw me in.
"You'll stay in here until you comply or die."
"Bye Shota baby~!"
I heard the door shut as I passed out.

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now