Part 32

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I sat up and yawned. I went to go get dressed before being pulled back on to the bed.
"Zashi. I gotta get ready..."
"Too bad~"
He's still half asleep.. he pulled me closer to him.
"Baby doll.. stay in bed I'm sleepy. Just let me cuddle you."
B-baby doll? He usually never calls me that.. I froze for a second as my face went red. Then accepted it and wrapped my hands around his neck. He hasn't even opened his eyes!!
"Wake up~"
I placed a kiss to his lips. He then pulled me closer to him.
"This is not what I meant for you to do."
"To bad.."
"Zashi... we need to get ready for the day.."
"I know.."
"So lets go then. I have to make breakfast for the kids."
I slid out of his grip and went to the window. I opened it then walked to our closet. I was picking out what to wear before having arms wrapped around me.
"Baby, lets just sleep in."
"And the kids?"
"There old enough to fend for themselves."
I laughed and grabbed a shirt.
"No, I'm getting ready. You should too."
I kissed him on the check then went to take a shower. When I came out he was sitting on the bed with a red beanie, white turtleneck sweater, and black jeans. His tongue stuck out as he tried to braid a small part of his hair. I smiled and sat next to him.
"Need some help?"
I braided the small piece of hair on his right. Once I was done I kissed him on the cheek then left the room. I went downstairs and started some coffee. I decided on some eggs and bacon for breakfast. Soon all the kids came into the kitchen pretty much in a line. I smiled as they sat down.
"Who wants food?"
They all said in unison as I laughed.
"Alright. It's bacon and eggs this morning."
Soon Hizashi came down and sat next to the kids.
"Morning pops."
"Morning Bro.."
"Morning you guys, this is why you should have gone to sleep cause now your all tired."
He laughed and came over to me.
"Smells good."
"Eggs and bacon. It was the first thing that came to my mind this morning."
"Eggs and bacon it is then!"
"Shh.. it's still early.."
"You kids are lazy~ it's 9am."
"Still early.."
I laughed and put the eggs on a plate. I put them in the middle of the table as Hitoshi went to reach his hand out. I smacked his hand with mine than turned away.
"Get a plate Hitoshi. Don't grab it with your hands."
"Ok, MoM~!"
He said jokingly.
"Oi. I'm no female."
"Female or not you act like a mom."
"Whatever. Aki your seeing your siblings today. Do you have everything you want?"
"Alright I'll drop you off after breakfast."
"Oh, I'm going patrolling with Momo later."
"That's fine, what about you Hitoshi?"
"I'm going to find a job. I think there's a café down the road that's hiring."
"My kids are growing up.."
I said as I pulled out the bacon. They all laughed as Hizashi grabbed the plates and forks. I finished up and made sure everything was there.
"Oh! Drinks! What do you guys want? Almond milk or orange juice?"
"Orange juice!"
I laughed to myself and brought the jug over to the table. We all sat down and ate. The kids goofed around as me and Hizashi watched.
"What about that time you snuck out and Jiro shut and locked your window on purpose so you called me and told me to come let you in quietly?! Hmm!!"
I looked over at Hizashi then back at Hitoshi.
"You did what?"
Jiro and Aki laughed as he dropped his head.
"I snuck out..."
"I don't know, a couple weeks ago."
"Cause... um.. I wanted to go to Denki's house.."
I sighed as Hizashi laughed.
"Are you laughing?!"
He hid his face.
"He is, he totally is!"
He soon was laughing really hard. I smacked him in the back of his head.
"Oi! I'm only laughing cause that wasn't that's not the best reason to sneak out!"
"Oh really? You did the same thing.. climbing through my window.."
"You did?!"
"Oooo!!! Story time!!"
I smiled at Hizashi as he pouted.
"Well. It happens a lot. We were neighbors and he would always text me around 12am asking me if I was awake. If I was and I said ya and he wouldn't reply. Than after a while of waiting there would be a knock on my window. When I go to open it he would be hanging out of my window barely holding on. Or he would throw pebbles at the window."
"Awe! So like Tangled!"
"Oh ya! I remember catching him leaving the house once!"
Jiro said.
"What about the dorms?"
"I was in the dorm right above him. So I would always just jump down to his balcony. Then knock on his door. A couple times he would just flip me off and shut the blinds."
"Do you blame me?"
They all laughed as I picked up our plates and going to wash them.
"Alright, no more story time. Aki go get ready."
She ran off as Jiro and Hitoshi left too.
"You had to bring that up?"
"You had to agree with our kids?"
He laughed and came over to me and helped with the dishes.
"So what?"
"What are we going to do today?"
"You hardly woke up this morning. What make you think your going to get up next time?"
"I'm not that's the thing."
I smiled as we finished the dishes. I walked to Aki's room and peeked in.
"Ready Aki?"
"Mhm! I'll be down in a second!"
I walked downstairs and put on my shoes and jacket. I went over to Hizashi on the couch and kissed him.
"I'll be back."
Aki soon came down as I drove her to her fathers house. After I dropped her off I headed home. I yawned as I walked through the door taking off my shoes and jacket.
Nothing. Maybe he went to sleep? I placed the keys on the table and walked upstairs. I walked into our room seeing him watching tv.
"Oh hey. Your home!"
"You didn't hear me calling your name?"
I smiled and rolled my eyes. I shut the door and went to lay down with him.
"What you watching?"
"I don't know. It's some kind of crime show. It's all fake but I think it's cool."
"Of course you and your murder mysteries."
I laughed as he pulled me in between his legs. His head rested on mine. He slipped his hands under my shirt and held me. I froze for a second trying to process it. He then started kissing at my neck.
He nibbled a small part of my neck than started sucking. Memories of Kaori flashed through my head.
I pulled away as tears formed in my eyes.
"S-Shota... I'm sorry.. I-I didn't mean too-."
I stopped and looked at him as he had a look of panic and regret on his face.
"I s-should have done that... s-sorry.."
He hugged me tightly as I hugged him weakly. Soon my sacredness went away as I remember Hizashi wouldn't do anything like that. This is Hizashi.. not Kaori.. this is my Hizashi.. the caring one.. the one who wouldn't push me to do anything... the one that loves me..
"Z-Zashi.. it's ok.."
He let go and placed his hand on my face.
"I shouldn't have done that.. I'm sorry.. I knew I wouldn't have b-but... I-... I do-"
I pulled him into a kiss than pulled away.
"Its ok.. I know its you, and not him.."
I took his hands in mine and leaned my head on his. We sat in silence as the tv played in the background.
"Spencer you dumb piece of shit..."
I heard Hizashi laughed a bit then stop.
"Sorry. This isn't funny its just thats is what is going through my mind right now."
I smiled a bit and kissed him once more.
"A-Are you scared of m-me now?"
"What? No Hizashi... I'm not scared of you, Why would you say that?"
"It just l-looked like it...I guess."
"I just have PTSD about it... I'm sorry."
"No! I mean, no don't be sorry. Its not your fault.."
"No but's mr... No need to be sorry."
He said in a stupid voice as I giggled.
"There's my Sho."
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we both laid down. I laid onto of him as he played with my hair.
"You hair is still some how soft as ever.." "Whats that supposed to mean?"
"Like I said many years ago my love, your hair looks like a rats nest.."
I laughed and slowly feel asleep.

(Sorry this part is a little short and that updates are slow. I've got a bird to take care of now and idk how😂 umm yeah she can't fly but I think I'm going to stick with the name Storm, idk)

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now