Part 7

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I ran out of my room, super exited.
"Ah, sorry!"
I yelled accidentally tripping over my little sister.
"Hizashi!! You almost crushed me!"
"Sweetie hurry up, you don't want to be late."
"Right, sorry mom! You two little one. Sorry."
I said ruffling her hair.
"It's ok!"
She said with a giggle.
"Bye bye big brother!"
I ran out with my skateboard and headphones. I skated to school listening to music.
"Hey Hizashi!"
I looked up and saw some of my female classmates standing at the front of UA waving at me. I slowly stopped and picked up my skateboard.
"Hey~ ladies, what can I do for you loves?"
I said being flirtatious.
"Uh! I-I, just wanted to give you these! F-for helping me, a couple d-days ago!"
She stuttered out pushing chocolates to me.
"Oh, why thank you! There cute!"
I said picking them up and noticing the flower pattern on the chocolates.
"M-me too! These ones I s-stayed up all n-night making!"
I took the ones from her with a smile as well.
"Awe! How cute, thank you!"
They were little kitten paws. They giggled and soon ran off after saying goodbye. I placed the chocolates in my bag and walked to my locker.
"Hey Yamada!"
I looked over seeing one of my male classmates.
"What's up?!"
"Nothing much you?"
"Eh, the sky!"
I said laughing.
"Haha, very funny.. how many chocolates?!"
"You came to compete!? Well, not to brag but two girls approached me this morning!"
I said pushing my glasses with a smirk after opening my locker.
"... 5... I have five chocolates.."
"What!! No way.."
He laughed.
"Loser loser loser!"
"Shut it!"
I grabbed my things.
I saw three more girl walk over to us. They each gave me chocolates as I thank them. They then left as I made fun of Junpei.
"Shut up.. the day has only started Yamada!"
"So, We're equal now but I'll come out on top!"
"Oh yeah?!"
"Hizashi don't make yourself look all cool. In reality he's probably going to have 20 more than you.."
I dropped my head.
"Ya listen to the shorty!"
"I'm not short!"
"Sure, shorty.."
"Don't call him shorty.."
I said placing my hand on Shota's head and glaring at Junpei.
"Only I can call him that!"
I said with a smile before getting punched in the stomach. I bent over in pain.
"No one calls me that stupid."
"Haha!! I'll see you two later!"
He left as I put the rest of the chocolates in my locker in pain.
"That's was just plain mean Shota."
"Don't call me Shorty.."
"Whatever.. oh! I got you something!"
I reached into my bag and pulled out a bag of chocolates shaped like cats and a cat plushy.
"Here for you!"
I held them in front of him with a smiled.
"But why?"
"Why not?"
"Cause.. Anyways, thanks Hizashi. I got you something too. It's nothing special, it's just another stupid bag of chocolates.."
"That's thoughtful Shota not stupid!"
He gave them to me and I placed mine into my locker as he put his in his bag.
"Kids if you don't hurry your going to be late."
"Right sorry sir. Come on Hizashi."
I shut my locker and walked to class with him. We talked for a while even when we sat down I still talked to him.
"Listen blabber mouth!"
Someone slammed there hands on my desk as I jumped.
"Shut the fuck up.. do you know how annoying you sound?! Just shut your fucking mouth for one day! Or just take a swan dive off a roof of a building, than you'll put all of us out of our misery!"
"O-oh... my bad.."
"Your bad?! That's all you say?!"
"I'm so-"
"Oi! Fuck off! Get the fuck away from him and sit down. Your annoying everyone in the class too. Don't tell someone to kill theirselves either! That's fucked up! Sit your ass down and shut up before I make you.."
Shota said grabbing the kid by the collar of his shirt.
"Or what? Shorty.."
"You wouldn't like to know.."
"Oh I'm so scared~ your useless. I mean I don't know how you've even lasted this long. Your stupid, ugly, weak, useless... and there's something else, oh ya. Your a little runt. A complete waste of time."
Shota's grip loosened as I stood up pushed the guy.
"Oi. I don't care if you say that to me. But messing with my friends is on another level.."
"Isn't this supposed to be a great full and loving day?"
"Someone should get a teacher don't you think?"
Some kids started talking.
"Do it."
I pushed him once more.
"Don't call my friend a runt. Hide behind your words. Don't say anything if you can't even fight."
I heard Shota say. I ignored him and pushed the guy once more.
"It's stupid, you can say stuff but not fight. Is that how your going to be? A little attention attractor? Hm?"
"The hell you say?!"
"Attention attractor.. that's what you are."
He threw a punch at my hitting me in the head. It didn't hurt as much. I punched him in the face getting a direct hit.
"Hey hey hey! Someone stop them!"
People tried to get between us only to be pushed away by both of us. I soon was on top of him as he laid on the floor. I had my hand held back getting ready to punch him as he covered his face. Before I could punch him there was a firm grasp on my hand. I looked up getting ready to yell before seeing the teacher. No expression. Who's this? He looks emotionless.
"Enough. Stand up both of you."
He had a stern voice. We both did as he said as we were lead out of the classroom and into his office.
"Shun is the only one that was bleeding. It wasn't bad but it still an injury."
"No attitude Shun. Alright.. you two have explaining to do. Hizashi I want to hear your side of the story first."
After I finished mine the guy went saying everything completely different.
"You two are making this very difficult. I'll talk to your classmates. Hizashi. Your excused. Shun I'll give you a pass to see the nurse."
I stood up and left since I didn't bring anything. I realized it was lunch and I missed my first and second period. I went to walk to my first period to collect my bag. I rubbed the side of my head where I was mostly punched. Ouch...
I turned around and saw Shota.
"Oh hey."
"Y-Your bag.."
He held out my bag as I smiled and grabbed it from him.
"Thanks! Now come on, we should get to the cafeteria before we get in trouble."
We walked in silence. This is uncomfortable... don't be so awkward Hizashi!
"Why'd you do that? Now your in trouble.."
"Like I said, I don't care if he said all those things to me. But to you, that's a whole different story.. and I got pissed when he hit me too so I hit him back."
"But.. why? Like your such a... hothead!"
I laughed and stuck my hands in my pockets.
"Ya I guess you could say I'm a hothead. I have a short temper. Most of the time I'm able to clam myself or just hide it. But that.. that was different."
"Different? In what way?"
"Cause it was you.."
"Ya! Like.. how do I say this? I don't care what people have to say about me. Though, I know you do, no offense. So I get mad when that happens cause nothing they say is true. Ya know!"
I said smiling and turning to him. His head dropped as I looked at him I confusion. He ran off and into a bathroom nearby. I ran after him and knocked on the door he went in.
"Hey... you ok?"
"G-go away.."
"Did I say something wrong?"
"N-no.. just leave me alone.."
I tired to open the door shaking it.
I sat down and reached my hand underneath.
"Give me your hand."
I felt his hand touch mine slowly. I grabbed it and held it tightly.
"What a-are you doing?!"
"Holding your hand.. duh."
He tried to pull away as I held it tighter.
"If you want me to let go unlock this door."
The door didn't unlatch so we continued so sit there. I pulled out my food with one hand slowly and slid it under the door slowly.
"I know it's a bathroom. But you should eat."
"With one hand?"
I let go as I saw his hand reach for the bento. Before he could pick it up I put my hand on it so he couldn't pick it up.
"Unlock the door."
I heard it unlock as I removed my hand and opened the door. I saw him with tear stains on his face as he shoved the kitten paw shaped rice ball in his mouth. I smiled a bit as I got closer to him swiping away his tears.
"Don't cry.. there no need to cry~.. cause your in a beautiful world and your perfect. I'll be here to Protect you no matter what.. oh~ Shota, you'll be fine.."
I sang quietly.
"Sorry.. that's was a little cringy.."
"No, it was c-cute.."
I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. He then held a piece of rice ball to my mouth.
He shoved it in my mouth as I started laughing trying not to spit it out.
"Don't spit it out Hizashi~ don't do it~"
He said teasing me. I was trying so hard to not spit it out as I pushed him away. I tried swallowing it. Bad idea!! I got caught I'm my throat as I started coughing. He laughed loudly as I froze and stared at him. H-he's.. beautiful..
"Hizashi! Are you ok!"
I snapped out of my trance and went back to coughing. He laughed and patted my back kinda hardly. I was finally done chocking.
"That's why we don't shove food in people's mouth and try to get them to laugh. Shota.."
"Sorry! It was funny!"
He said giggling. I felt butterflies in my stomach.
"Your staring."
"It's just been a while since I've seen your perfect smile.."
"Blah! Don't say that..."
"Cause I don't have a perfect smile.."
"But you do! Look."
I pushed them ends of his mouth up with my fingers. He wouldn't smile.
"Smile for me."
"If you don't I'll kiss you."
"You won't."
I leaned forward stopping right close to his face. I smiled.
"It looks like your holding your breath.."
"Well I'm sorry I don't make out with my pillow every night!"
He said pushing me away. I laughed and thought once more.
"If that doesn't do it than..I'll tickle you!"
I started ticking him as he giggled and squirmed. I back away and saw him smiling. I enjoy his smile.
"Smile more often.."
"Your really pretty when you smile.."
Both of our faces went red.
"I-I mean!"
"Thanks.. I guess."
I calmed down.
"Ya.. your w-welcome.."
"Why do you like my smile so much anyways?"
"Cause I like everything about you.."
"I said cause I like the way it looks on you. Ya know since I don't see it often."
"Hizashi you see it more than anyone."
"Mhm, your one of the only people I'm choose to be myself around."
I hugged him. I feel special!
"Let go, I think the bells going to ring soon."
"Weird it didn't feel like I was in there for very long. Let's go~!"

~Time skip~
I looked up from my worksheet seeing the guy that stopped mine and Shun's fight.
"Come with me, bring your work as well."
I started to gather my things hearing people whisper.
"He fought Shun.. crazy right?"
"I heard he won."
"He did! It was insane.."
"Is he stronger than Shun?!"
Before I walked out Shota grabbed my hand.
"I'll wait for you.."
I nodded than followed the guy out.
"That your boyfriend?"
"Hm? Shota? No, he's just my best friend."
"Ya. Why?"
"No reason. Now come with me."
We got to his office as I walked in seeing my mom. I dropped my head and sat next to her.
"Mrs. Yamada. We have informed on very little about the situation. We have heard from all his classmates that he was only sticking up for a certain student. It's seems the other boy also hit your son first. So he will be in detention and maybe suspended for a couple days."
He looked over at me as I got a little nervous and played with my fingers.
"Though we also have to give your son a punishment as well. I would say detention for a week."
"That's alright, thank you sir."
"Of course. That will be all."
We both stood and started to walk out.
"Sorry mom."
"It's alright. You were protecting a classmate. You need to shape up though. Remember I let you go to UA cause you said you would stop causing trouble."
"I know.. I'm sorry."
We got to my locker as I grabbed some of my things out. We walked out as I saw Shota waiting there.
I ran over to him as we talked for a little before my mom caught up.
"Oh. Mrs. Yamada."
He bowed to her slightly as she did the same.
"Would you like a ride?"
"Oh no it's quite alright. I have to stop at the store. Thank you though."
"Sure. Come on Hizashi."
"Ok! Bye Shota!"
"Bye Hizashi.."
We walked to our car as he started walking away. I put my things in the back than sat in the front.
"That's our neighbor right?"
"He doesn't look very, um, cleaned up."
"Shota doesn't care much for his appearance. It's kinda funny."
"Funny? It's unnatural."
"Unnatural? What do you mean?"
"Just, I love your friend Nemuri. But that boy doesn't seem like us."
"Like us? Mom, he doesn't need to be like us. I like him that way he is."
"Like him? Hizashi, you don't 'like like' him do you?"
"Hm! N-no.. I mean I don't think so. I pretty s-sure I don't!"
"Good. That type of things are wrong. And a sin against God."
I dropped my head and pulled out my phone.
'Can I come over later tonight?'
'Sure.. just don't let Aito see you.'
'Ok, I won't.'
I turned on some music and pulled up my headphones. We got home as I just walked into my room. I through my bag down after I shut my door. I laid on my bed and blasted more Hollywood Undead and $uicideboy$. Soon my sister came into my room.
"Foods ready.. do you want to eat?"
"I will tomorrow. Thanks though."
She left as I got up and worked on my homework. After a while I checked the time. 11pm.. everyone should be asleep.. I opened my window slowly than jumped out with my phone and headphones. I slowly walked to Shota's window. I looked around as saw some small pebbles that wouldn't break the glass. I threw them at the window until I saw him. He opened his window as I smiled.
"Rapunzel Rapunzel, let down your hair~"
I said acting like the prince.
"As much as I would like to I don't like people pulling on my hair to much."
He said laughing.
"Well, tell me a way I could get in. Your pretty far up."
"No worries.. hold on."
He disappeared as I heard something behind me. I turned around quickly not seeing anything. Then the bushes were moving. I went over and moved them quickly. Oh it's a kitten. I picked it up as it pushed itself against my warmth.
I go back to his window to see him throw something out. I backed away quickly so it didn't hit me.
"Why the fuck do you just have a treehouse latter?"
"I sneak out a lot. Anyways hurry up."
I placed the cat in my shirt and climbed. I was pulled into the room by Shota than we both pulled up the latter.
"What ya got there Hizashi?"
"Oh, this little..guy..girl? I don't know but I saw them in the bushes and there cute."
"Here let's see."
I took it out of my shirt and passed it to Shota. He held it up than brought it to his chest.
"Female. I'll call you.. Trixie."
"That sound like a hookers name.."
"Only if you think it like that."
He turned away from me as I plopped on his bed.
"Something happen?"
"My mom and her religion shit.. I hate it."
He sat next to me holding the cat on his lap.
"What did she say this time?"
"Just stupid stuff about me liking someone.."
"No one."
I turned my back to him before he tapped my shoulder. I sat up and turned to him. He held the cat up to my face.
"Trixie won't judge you!"
He put the paws on my face as he smiled. I smiled back as he pulled her away.
"Thanks Shota. But this person is, how would you say it? Different, not in a bad way. To my mom they are."
"Be who you want. That's all I gotta say. You are you and no one I'll change that."
"Mhm! Hey wanna sleepover tonight?"
"Sure, do you have an extra blanket and pillow?"
"Why can't you just sleep on the bed? There's enough room.."
He said tilting his head.
"O-oh ok."

~𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤~ Erasermic storyWhere stories live. Discover now