Periods Suck - Fluff

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Hey! Thanks you for checking out my One Shot book, just wanted to let you know that these first chapters aren't my best work because they're from when I first started writing. As you get deeper into the book, however, the one shots become better in terms of grammar, overall storytelling and format. Thanks again for reading!

Toni's first time being around Cheryl's while she's on her period

Cheryl and Toni were laying in bed watching "Atypical" when she got up to go the the bathroom.
"Oh shit"
She whispered to herself looking at the blood in her underwear. She called out for Toni who had already been changing the sheets
"I need.."
She was embarrassed, she didn't want Toni seeing her like this.
How could she not have felt the blood coming out of her?
"Can you-"
She was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?, I have your underwear"
She answered back embarrassed.
Toni opened the door slowly with her hand over her eyes, she quickly handed her the underwear and walked back to Cheryl's bed room.
Cheryl cleaned herself up quickly but carefully and walked out of the bathroom. She made a stop by the kitchen to grab some chocolate that she was sure she'd need later.
Cheryl wasn't surprised that Toni knew where to get her underwear, they'd been friends long before lovers and were VERY comfortable with each other. Although they'd never done the deed they'd changed in front of each other no problem. Cheryl had some insecurities planted on her by her mother but Toni helped her get over them tremendously.
She walked back to the room to find Toni in the bed with fresh sheets scrolling through Instagram.
"Hey pretty lady" She smiled at the clearly annoyed girl who walked into the room.
Cheryl wasn't annoyed at TT but more the fact that her period came 5 days early and in the middle of the day.
She sighed, walked over and got into her bed.
"Feel anything yet?"
Toni asked
"Not yet, I can only hope it will stay that way."
After about 2 episodes had passed Cheryl started to move around. Not wanting to draw attention to herself and her current "situation". She hated being seen as vulnerable even though Toni always made her feel that way.
"Are you okay darling?"
Toni asked
Cheryl had been trying for the past 20 minutes to hold in the gasps and resisting the urge to scream. But as soon as she heard the sincerity in Toni's voice she couldn't help but let a tear slip and a gasp escape her mouth.
She let out a chocked up
" Y-yes Toni I'm-"
She was cut off by a scream silenced by her bitting her lower lip.
As soon as Toni heard that she turned around to spoon her girlfriend.
Tonis embrace alone made Cheryl completely melt and finally let out a loud gasp.
Toni slipped her hands under Cheryls shirt attempting to massage her lower stomach but was quickly stopped by Cheryl.
"Please don't touch me TT"
"Why not?"
Instead of responding Cheryl pushed her butt out trying to push Toni away.
"Please baby."
Toni said closing the gap between them
"I just want to be here for you"
Toni always knew what to say to make Cheryl turn into a baby.
She whimpered
"It hurts... sooo bad"
"I know baby"
"I can't- owww!"
Toni started to inch her hands back to Cheryl's stomach but was stopped again.
"DONT touch my stomach"
"What's the problem?"
"I don't- it's stupid"
"Please talk to me baby"
"I don't feel hot right now, I've been gaining weight and I don't feel comfortable having your hands under my shirt!"
She said accidentally raising her voice.
Toni walked out of the room.
"Way to go Cheryl" she thought to herself as she watched the only good thing in her life leave her.

But she came back, with medicine, a glass of water, a hot rag and a heating pad. Knowing Toni cared about her so much brought the girl immediately back to tears this time of joy.
"I'm sorry I triggered you I was just trying to help. But... I disagree" she said placing the rag on her forehead.
"Cheryl I wish you could see what I see, your body is beautiful, hell your body is perfection. I don't care if you gain weight you will always be perfect in my eyes. I hope I can help you see how beautiful you really are."
Cheryl couldn't help but try to reach out to kiss Toni. But Toni, not seeing her, turned around to plug in the heating pad.
Cheryl took this action to heart immediately thinking that she was gross and throwing out the window everything her girlfriend had said before. Before she knew it she was filled with emotion. Frustration?
"Wow Toni, am I that disgusting that you won't even kiss me!?"
"What are you talking about babe?"
"You just blocked my kiss"
She pouted.
" No I plugged in your heating pad."
"And no I don't think you or the fact that you're on your period is disgusting. We both get them, and I want you to know that no matter what I'll be here for you. If you need a shoulder to cry on, a hand to squeeze or just someone to complain to. I will be here."
"Toni Topaz I really don't deserve you."
Toni blushed in response and handed her the meds and water. Causing the girl to sit up.
"Oh one more thing"
Cheryl asked thinking she could see another blood stain on the sheets but before she could turn around she was met with a kiss. On her forehead, lips, neck and back to her lips again for a passionate kiss. They both blushed in response Cheryl knew she had love for TT but was too afraid to say those 3 words. A couple weeks is wayyy too soon for an "I love you"
Toni went back to lay down beside her spooning her and massaging her stomach.
"Yes my love"
"I.. I- I.. I love you"
"Damn it Toni, I wanted to say it first."
"But I do love you. I love the way you hold me, care for me, go out of your way to see and check on me. I love the way you put my needs before your own, I love how you put on this big bad gang member act but you're really just a big softie."
The room went silent. That silence was quickly broken by a sniffle. Toni was crying.
They both started to laugh and bawl their eyes out at the same time. Before they knew it they had cried themselves off to sleep

There they laid happily in love.
Idk who will see this but this was my first time writing on Wattpad for now I'm just gonna do one shots lemme know if you liked this one. 👀
1115 words

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