The Bet (part 21) the end

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Beam's P.O.V.

We got into the car and Forth was in the drivers seat. But instead of driving he seem lost in thought which was weird. I looked at him concerned.

"Hey, is there something wrong?" I asked and he was startled.

"Yeah I was just thinking about something." He said a little bit distracted.

"It's ok, do you want to talk about it?" I asked grabbing his hand to show him that everything was ok.

"Before we do anything I want to show you something can I?" He said and I nodded feeling confused and a little bit scared.

"Yeah sure I don't mind." I said and he smiled.

"I'm not saying anything else because is a surprise. I really hope you will enjoy it tho." He said and I nodded again.

"I'm sure I will." I said but still I felt really confused. We were driving for a while before we stopped in front of an unfamiliar house.

"It's here, come on." He said getting out and I followed him not knowing anything about this. He took out a key and opened the door and I was even more confused this isn't his dorm.

"Forth." I said confused and he just smiled sheepishly before motioning me to come in. I did and he followed behind. I looked around at the beautiful house which seemed like nobody lived here.

"Wow this is beautiful." I said.

"You like it?" He said and I nodded. "Come on let me show you the rest." He said dragging me upstairs where two rooms were located. The house was fully furnished but everything was too perfect like nobody lived here. I looked at Forth confused.

"What is this?" I said and he scratched the back of his neck. He took my hand leading me to a couch where we both sat down.

"Well I feel kind of awkward now. But just listen to me first ok?" He said and I nodded for the thousand time today. "When I first got into college my parents bought me this house as a present for getting in. I was supposed to move here and they did everything as you could see. They decorated it and fully furnished it. At the time I didn't want to live here alone I wanted to be in the dorm close to my friends. So they agreed to let me move into the dorm but still the house was mine if I wanted to move in at any point. They said that if I got into a relationship it would be a great place for me and my future partner until we finished studying. I never thought about using it since my dorm is closer and I could meet with my friends and I wasn't planning on falling in love. But since you came into my life I've been thinking that I want to be with you and share this with you. I know this may be too fast maybe but would you want to move in with me?" He said and I was shocked trying to process everything. Before I could say anything he kept talking. "I mean it doesn't have to be now you know. I can wait I just wanted you to know we have this option. We can redecorate it too so that it would feel more like us." He kept on rambling and I stopped him.

"Forth." I said and he stayed quiet looking at me nervously. "Of course I want to move in with you." I said and he smiled happily and started kissing me all over my face.

"I love you! You know that right!" He said and I smiled.

"I love you too." I replied.

"There's only one thing left to do." Said Forth and I just waited for him to continue. "Beam Baramee will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and I felt my face heating up.

"Of course! I just agreed to move in with you. I already considered you my boyfriend!" I said feeling a little embarrassed.

"Just wanted to make it official." He said and I laughed.

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