Babysitting (part 3)

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Forth's P.O.V.

I was with my friends heading to the bar. A few hours have passed since I left the house and I was somehow worried. I knew Beam was having trouble taking care of Tul. It's not that he's bad at it Tul just likes to mess with him a lot. In a way he's like a tiny Beam. Today marks a month since I've been living with Beam and now is that I have started to get to know him. He's mostly out with his friends so I started to do the same and we were almost never at the house at the same time. When we were one of us was in their room. But thanks to little Tul I had the opportunity to get to know him. I wonder what they are doing? Did Tul ate his dinner? Is he giving Beam a hard time?

"FORTH!" I heard someone scream and a hand in front of my face. I had zone out. I looked at Park and Lam.

"What?" I said confused.

"That's what I should be asking! You are lost in thought is something bothering you?" Asked Lam.

"I was just thinking about something it's not important let's go." I said getting on my back and Park did the same.

"Arthit and Kongpop just texted me. They can't make it to the bar either. They are still stuck in traffic apparently." Said Lam.

"Yeah right, they are probably just having sex at their apartment. They still think we haven't noticed they are together." Said Park rolling his eyes and we all laughed. I thought about it for a second.

"You know what I don't want to go to the bar either. I'm heading home." I said.

"Yeah? You always want to go to the bar. I'm starting to think you really have a problem." Said Lam looking worried.

"I don't I just have something better waiting for me at home." I said starting my bike.

"You're really leaving? To go home?" Asked Park dumbfounded.

I just drove away. They ask way too many questions. On my way home I stopped for some donuts. I didn't know what they liked so I brought half a dozen with different options. After that I headed home. They must be fine it's only been a couple of hours but I was still a little worried. I was surprised when I entered the house. It was messier than when I left. I put the donuts on the counter and headed to the living room fast since I heard some cries. There I found Beam lying on the floor hugging a crying Tul. Both of them were crying.

"Woah what happened here?" I asked concerned. Beam sat down still holding Tul. He looked at me but when he opened his mouth to talk he started crying instead.

"It's ok uncle, I'm ok." Said Tul between sobs. This was a mess I shouldn't have left.

"Tul come here." I said trying to pick him up but he was having none of it.

"No!" He screamed hugging Beam tighter.

"Beam you have to calm down so you can tell me what happened I said sitting down next to the rubbing circles on Beam's back to comfort him. After q while he calmed down and Tul did the same. I sighed relieved. "Can you tell me what happened?" I asked and Beam nodded.

"We were fine playing in the living room and time passed by so I was late for making dinner. Tul didn't want to stay in the kitchen so I brought him with me. He was running around opening the kitchen cabinets door and closing them. I was distracted with the food so I let him and then I guess he forgot to close one and hit himself with it. I went to check on him for a second and then the food started burning so I panicked and touched the pan handles which for some reason was really hot so I burned myself. I cursed loudly which scared Tul so he ran to the living room and fell again scratching his knee. I feel like such a bad person I can't take care of him well." Said Beam and his eyes started to tear up again.

"No no! Don't cry! Tul is ok! Look at him! You're ok right Tul." I asked inspecting him all over he just had a barely noticeable scratch on his left knee and a spot on his forehead was a little red but nothing really serious.

"I'm ok please stop crying Beam." Said Tul hugging him again.

"It's ok Beam you're both fine. Calm down even Tul told you he is ok." I said and he nodded. I looked at his hand that was not holding Tul which was red.

"Come on we have to treat your hand." I said and he stood up. We walked to the kitchen and put his hand under cold water.

"What should we do next?" I asked scratching the back on my head. Beam laughed a little.

"It's a minor burn nothing serious. I will just put it under water and put on some ointment after." He said and I nodded letting him do it. I looked at the burned food.

"I have an idea come on." I said taking the box of donuts on one hand and picking up Tul with the other. I started walking to my room and Beam followed me.

"Let's have a movie night. I brought donuts you can eat those while I order some food." I said putting little Tul on the bed and giving him a donut. "I will clean up a little and pick up some food you stay here with him and relax." I said leaving them and walking downstairs to the disaster. I ordered some pizza and started cleaning the kitchen. Just when I was done the pizza arrived. Guess I'll leave the rest for tomorrow. I grabbed some plates and headed upstairs. When I entered the room I saw Beam and Tul watching the new Tom and Jerry movie while eating the donuts it made me smile. I sat down with the pizza.

"Let's eat." I said and they both hurried towards the food. I wasn't hungry but still picked up a slice.

"Your room is bigger and cooler than mine." Complained Beam and I laughed.

"This is the master bedroom so yeah it's a little bigger." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Why did you buy such a big bed?" He asked confused.

"I like to be comfortable. It came in handy anyway we wouldn't fit in your bed. Your room is boring." I answered.

"It is not! I just have what's necessary." He complained.

"Well then it's not my fault you have a boring room." I said. After we finished eating I took the trash out.

"Want to play some video games?" I asked the little guy when I returned and he nodded excited. I connect my old wii to the tv on the wall and grabbed three controls.

"You playing?" I asked Beam handing him a controller.

"You are so childish." He said grabbing it nonetheless.

"It's an old console I mostly play on my computer these days. But this is gold my friend." I said putting Mario Kart on the tv.

"It's been years since I played." Said Beam.

"Me too I found it while moving and brought it because my mom wanted to get rid of it." I said.

I spent the next half out teaching both Beam and Tul how to play. Little Tul seemed to get the hang of it way faster than Beam. We spent a few hours playing. We were so engrossed in the game we didn't notice the time. I only realized when I noticed Tul kart going in circles. I looked at Tul who had fallen asleep playing Beam who was really into it noticed it too.

"Oh he fell asleep." Said Beam amused. I checked the time.

"Shit of course he fell asleep it's three in the morning." I whispered surprised and Beam's eyes widened.

"Let's go to sleep too." I said turning everything off before returning to bed.

"I should go to my room he's already asleep." Said Beam but I stopped him.

"Just stay here with us. I mean in case he wakes up he will look for you." I said quickly.

"I guess, then you don't mind right?" Asked Beam again.

"Not at all." I said and he got in bed again,

"Goodnight Forth." He said getting comfortable .

"Night." I replied before drifting off to sleep.

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