I want you (part 2)

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Beam's P.O.V.

"Beam is it? That was certainly cute but I am not looking for a relationship in the moment." Said Forth walking towards me. He was smiling so that's a good sign.

"That's ok I can change your mind." I replied giving him a wink and he chuckled. "Could we at least start by being friends?" I asked hoping that he'll agree.

He looked at me for a second and shook his head smiling. "You know what I've never met someone like you. You seem like someone fun to be around. While I can't promise you I'll return your feelings you are more than welcome to be my friend if you want."

"Perfect" I said getting down from the table. "So can I have your number?" I asked once I had him in front of me. I noticed that he was hesitant. "Come on, don't you give your friends your number?" I said offering my phone. He finally gave in and took the phone. I saw him type his number and give the phone back to me. I saved it and dialed his number I heard his phone right.

"Now you have my number too. Feel free to call me whenever you'd like. I have to go but we will see each other soon." I said turning around and walking away. My heart was beating so fast I felt it was gonna burst out of my ribcage.

"Beam you are fucking crazy!" Said Pha.

"Yeah man that was awesome! I have it all recorded." Said Kit proudly waving his phone.

"Damn once I had said it I was so scared of his reaction." I said laughing.

"You had me and everyone else fooled though. It seemed like you were so confident I don't believe it." Said Kit.

"I wasn't going to show it. But hey I got his attention an even his number! I killed two birds with one stone. Phase one is already done." I said. They both shock their heads.

"You are crazy Beam Baramee. Thank God Forth is a nice person and handled it well. What would you have done if he rejected you completely or humiliated you." Said Pha scolding Beam.

"That's easy! Then he wouldn't have been the person I thought he was and I would've backed off. But I was right he is a good person. As you said he could've humiliated me in front of everybody but he didn't. He even gave me a chance to at least become friends and gave me his number." I said

"You know what on second thought I wish he would've rejected you instead. Because now you are invested in this whole bullshit plan and I'm afraid you are going to get hurt." Said Phana looking worried.

"Pha you don't have to worry about me ok? I know what I'm doing and I firmly believe he's not gonna hurt me. Don't ask me how I know this I just do ok?" I said looking at him in the eye and he sighed.

"Just be careful and if you need any help you know Kit and I will always be there for you." Said Pha sincerely.

"Hey you asshole you're talking like it's the end of the world. I think if anyone it's bound to get hurt it'll be Forth because of Beam's craziness. Beam you have my full support. Call me crazy but I actually think you two would make a great couple. If anyone can tame Beam it's Forth and viceversa." Said Kit finally joining in the conversation.

"Well I hope your right." Said Pha.

"That's why you're my favorite right now." I said looking at Kit from the rear view mirror.

"Hey I should always be your favorite! I'm more fun than Pha." He said pouting.

"You are both my favorite all the time I just like you a little bit more today." I said then laughed.

"You two are like little kids seriously you two are sucking the life out of me." Said Pha.

"Awww you know we love you!" Both me and Kit said at the same time.

After having lunch together we went back to our faculty. We didn't have anymore classes for the day so I just dropped Pha who was picking up his car. Kit left with me since we both lived in the same building. He's actually my neighbor. As soon as I was alone in my room I took out my phone. I was contemplating whether to send a message to Forth or not I didn't want to seem that desperate. In the end I just said fuck it and decide to send it anyway. There's no time to waste. As I was looking for his number I noticed the name he had put himself on my phone and I chuckled. Did he really just saved his name as Forth your crush he's really something.

Beam: -Hey Forth it's Beam we meet today at lunch.-

I pondered for a minute before I clicked send. If I think it too much I will end up doubting myself so I decided to get it over with. If he chooses not to respond then I guess he was just polite rejecting me. I waited patiently next to my phone wondering if he was going to answer. With every minute that passed my hope vanished. I decided to make some food for myself to kill the waiting time. I prepared a quick meal and when I sat down to eat I checked my phone. There still was nothing I sighed it's been an hour already he's probably not gonna answer. I started doing my homework when my phone rang. I picked it up excitedly and smiled.

Forth your crush: -Hi Beam! I remember you how could I forget after what you did. Sorry for not answering sooner. I was working on a project and my phone ran out of battery.-

Beam: -I am curious if you saved your name as Forth your crush on my phone. What did you sabe mine as?- I was curious to know if he just put my name or something else. He took a while to respond.

Forth your crush: -hahahaha well to be honest I was debating whether to tell you or not. But considering how brave you were at lunch I decided to tell you. I saved your number as brave your self for this! Beam future crush?- When I read that I laughed out loud. At least he's giving me a chance and it seems like he's not completely opposed to the idea of us being together.

Beam future crush?: -OMG I freaking died. You really are something too Forth Jaturapoom.-

Forth your crush: -Well what can I say hahaha I didn't thought you were going to ask me that.-

We kept talking and my homework was left untouched. I was feeling sleepy and when I checked the time I realized it was already 2am and we were still talking. I didn't want to stop talking to him but my sleepiness was taking over and before I realized I was already asleep.

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