The Bet (part 14)

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Just to give you a heads up there's a P.O.V. change from Lam to Park very quickly so be aware in case you get confused.

Lam's P.O.V.

Once Beam literally close the door on my face I started to panic. Is today the day were I finally let out my feelings for Park? Beam better be prepared, if he thinks that I was joking then he is in for quite a surprise. Because if Park rejects me he will have to deal with me until I mend my broken heart. After all he is the one who forced me to confess so it will be his fault. I was ok with what we had even if it was not enough at least it was something. I walked down feeling conflicted. A part of me was hoping that he had already left while the other part of me wanted him to be waiting for me. As I reached the first floor I looked around scared to my surprise there he was standing next to his bike. He looked up when he noticed I was close and I could tell he was surprised.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you gonna stay." He asked surprise.

"No, why would I?" I asked him.

"I don't know. You are spending a lot of time with Beam lately." He shrugged.

"Yeah he's my friend." I said.

"Yeah if you say so. Hop on I will give you lift." He said handing me the helmet he bought for me. He did it because I was always with him. Maybe some day he will give it to someone else I thought sadly before putting it on. I got in behind him wrapping my arms around him. All the way over I was thinking whether I should tell him and be over with it or not. In the end when we arrived I was still questioning my decision so I just got off and looked at him.

"I will see you tomorrow?" Said Park and I nodded. I turned around and walked away feeling miserable. When I was in my apartment I leaned myself against the door. Beam is right things are already bad. Whatever we had going on its fading away. He would usually pester me all day, took me out to eat or insist on hanging out at my place and now he just leaves. I felt the tears starting  to well up in my eyes Park just turned me into a cry baby. I grabbed my phone to call Park, Beam is right I should end this today. Before I could press the call button I heard a knock on my door.

Park's P.O.V.

I dropped off Lam at his dorm. I was confused when I saw him walk out of Beam's building. Is he giving up on his love? He must have a crush on Beam I'm sure of it. Since the beginning he was against the bet because Beam could get hurt. He used this opportunity to get close to Beam because over night suddenly they are really close and acting like best friends. He is not like that it took me a lot of effort to get him to be my friend and get close to me. But with him he's even the one always showing up at Beams dorm and invading his personal space. It breaks my heart. At first I tried to stop my feelings for him I even went out with some girls. The only thing I wanted was not to mess up our friendship which I did. Lam seems to be distancing himself from me. I haven't said anything but I noticed him sneaking out just so I can later find out he was with Beam. I was about to leave getting on in my bike but I couldn't move. I need to put a stop to this so I just walked up to Lams apartment and knocked before I chickened out. He took a while to answer the door and I was surprised to see his teary eyes.

"What happened who hurt you?" I asked him worried.

"You didn't left!" He said sounding surprised before coming to hug me. I hugged him back tightly. "I need to tell you something." He mumbled against my chest and I felt hurt. Is he going to tell me he's jealous because Beam is with Forth? Because I don't want to hear that.

"I need to tell you something first." I said and he looked up at me. I wiped his tears with my thumb. This is it there's no going back. I made some distance between us. I rubbed my palms on my jeans. "Just promise me you won't hate me after this and we could still be friends." I said and he nodded wiping the last of his tears before looking at me with a serious face.

"Of course I promise." He said.

"I didn't intend to tell you this way, hell I didn't intend for any of this to happen. I tried really hard for this not to get this messy. I just... I wanted... I... fuck I don't even know what to say!" I was running my hands through my hair feeling stressed. I looked him in the eyes and he was just silently watching me. His eyes still teary and he was just waiting for I was going to say. "Fuck it I am in love with you! I am so head over heels for you I can't even believe it. Since the first time we met I felt this connection with you and I tried to deny it. But the fact is that I love you! I have loved you for a really long time! I tried showing it to you everyday in my own way. Maybe for you it was all friendship but you for me it was not. Spending as much time as I could, getting to know you better than any other person in this world, sharing a meal with you, or just even hearing you laugh. I didn't even need to have a physical connection with you to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You came into my life and you made it better and I don't know. The only thing I'm sure of is that I fell deeply mad in love with you and I am so freaking jealous of you and Beam and I don't know what to do anymore." I said finally letting all the feelings I've been bottling up out in the open. I could tell Lam was shocked because he wasn't saying anything.

"Come on Lam. At least say something." I said but no words came out of his mouth. I sighed feeling devastated. "I'll be going then." I said walking to the door but he didn't let me leave back hugging me when I was about to open it.

"No wait I was just trying to process everything you said." He said and I sighed. If he was going to reject me he should've just let me leave. "I like you too no I don't like you I love you. I was just too scared to say anything that why I was hiding at Beam's all the time." He said and I could feel my heart beating really fast.

"Come on Lam don't play with me like that I wasn't expecting you to return my feelings. Just give me some time." I said not believing him.

"Dammit Park don't say that!" He said resting his forehead on my back. "I'm not good at showing my feelings! I was hiding them as best as I could. Then when you were talking about the bet and you didn't even care that Beam was close to us you just agreed with Forth about it and I thought damn maybe he'd do the same thing to me. Then my feelings were starting to become too much and Beam noticed and he was just trying to help. Actually you can ask him, he kicked me out of his apartment and told me not to come back until I had confessed that I love you. So don't you dare even think for a second that I am faking this. I am in love with you too." He said and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I turned around and before I could say anything Lam crashed his lips with mine.

This just feels so right I thought pulling him closer by the waist. We separated when we were out of breath.

"Damn I wanted to do that for a long time." I said smiling happily.

"Me too." He said hiding his face on my chest and I smiled hugging him closer.

"You better know that you are mine now. We are going to growl old together. You're it for me! You are the one I want to spend my whole life with." I said.

"Well you better mean that! Because I didn't want to fall in love with anyone and then you came and turned my whole world upside down." He said and I smiled.

"God I am so happy." I said.

After that we just spend the rest of the night cuddled up in the couch stealing kisses every once in a while. I didn't think this day could end up so perfectly. Never in a million years would I though this would end up this way. I never considered that he would love me back. But now I know and we are happy. This couldn't have been better even if I tried. I finally have my man and I don't plan on ever letting him go.


Well Park and Lam are finally together. Now there's just Forth and Beam but will it be this easy? We will see in the next chapter. Tomorrow I don't think I'll be able to update but I will try.

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