You are mine (part 4)

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Beam's P.O.V.

For once I am waking up feeling rested. It's a great feeling it's been a while. I look at Forth who was cuddling me but I didn't even mind today I was in a good mood. I'll let this one pass since I was able to sleep here comfortably something that's hard to do even at my own home. Whatever I'm gonna just stop thinking about it I don't want to ruin this great day. I went to the bathroom that was connected to his room to do my business. After I was done I walked to the room and Forth was still sleeping. Carefully I got out of the room to make breakfast. I was wondering if he lived here alone since yesterday I didn't see anybody else. As I finished closing the door to Forth's room and turned around I heard the door beside open. I was awkwardly standing waiting for someone to come out. But what came next I wasn't expecting it.

"KIT?!?" I yelled surprised.

"BEAM?!?" Kit yelled too shocked to see me here as well.

"What are you doing here?" I asked my voice still loud since I was surprised. Kit instantly panicked trying to walk closer to shut me up. That's when I noticed he was walking weirdly. Oh shit did Kit had a threesome with Park and Lam? Those are Forth's friends who I'm guessing live here and they are always together. I think they are a couple they just don't want to make it oficial yet. So that means they invited Kit to have fun and he agreed! Maybe that's his urgent matter lately and why he's been avoiding us. Holy shit my mind is blown. "Wait don't answer that I think I know and I don't want to hear it." I said and suddenly Kit looked furious.

"Hey you don't have the right to judge me! Like you have slept with many people before so why can't I? It's a normal thing." He ranted and his face was all red because he was angry. I approached him grabbing his shoulder.

"What have you done to my innocent kitty?!? I mean damn here I though you were still a virgin and now you are telling me a threesome is normal moreover with two men. Wow I mean good for you but damn. I didn't know you had such a wild side I am definitely impressed." I said and he just looked at me confused.

"Beam Baramee what the hell are you talking about. Explain yourself before I start kicking your ass here right now." He said crossing his arms.

"Ugh do I really have to say it?" I whined but he just stayed silent looking at me sternly. "You are having a threesome with Forth's friends Park and Lam." I said and Kit just started hitting me.

"The fuck Beam! Are you serious! I am so going to kill you." He said still hitting me I stopped him grabbing his hands with mine.

"Hey I am not judging you can do whatever you like." I said laughing at the very angry Kit.

"What's taking you so long?" Said an unfamiliar voice coming out of the room. Soon a guy I've never seen before came out. My eyes instantly widened.

"IT WAS A FOURSOME?" I screamed surprised and Kit just about died in my arms.

"Beam Baramee I swear if you don't shut up right now I'll kill you for real." He said and I just raised my arms in surrender. Kit face palmed walking back to the man clearly embarrassed. "Beam this is Ming, my boyfriend, Ming this asshole right here is Beam one of my friends." Kit said coldly glaring at me.

"Ohhhhh that actually makes more sense." I said and Kit was about to come try to hit me again but Ming stopped him.

"I'm Ming I believe we haven't met before. I've heard a lot about you" He said offering his hand to shake which I gladly did.

"Nice to meet you I'm Beam." I said.

"Wait a minute! What are YOU doing here?" Said Kit looking at me suspiciously.

"Same as you but surprisingly all I did was just sleep. I can walk just fine thank you very much." I said and both Kit and Ming blushed while I just laughed.

"What's all the commotion here?" Said Forth walking out of the room.

"Sorry did we wake you?" I asked but he just smiled at me.

"It's ok I don't mind. Hey Ming, Kit. Why are you all standing here?" Forth said confused.

"So you knew about them? Am I the only one who didn't know?" I asked them feeling hurt.

"Nah they are keeping it a secret I just caught them too." Forth said and I nodded.

"Well we are leaving to have breakfast." Said Ming and they both left to have breakfast outside. I followed Forth to the kitchen.

"I'm going to make breakfast for us." He said and I nodded.

"Do you know why they are keeping it a secret?" I asked after a while of silence and he shook his head.

"No, I didn't want to meddle in their business so I never asked." He said putting a plate with food in front of me. We ate in silence and after I left to go to my dorm to change. Kit was still a bit mad at me for finding out about his secret but I promised not to tell anyone until he was ready. At lunch I was once again left alone.

"What are you doing here?" I asked once he was close enough.

"You forgot your wallet at my house." Forth's said handing me my wallet. I took it surprised I didn't even realize I had lost it.

"Thank you! Let me treat you to lunch for everything." I said standing up.

"You don't have to." He said but I shook my head.

"Just sit still l will bring us food." I said leaving him. I ordered Chinese for the both of us.

"Thank you." He said digging in. While I was eating I looked around and weirdly today I couldn't spot even one engineering student. This is so weird I though.

"Beam can I ask you a personal question?" Forth ask and I looked at him confused trying to figure out what he wanted to say but his expression didn't reveal anything.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Why do you have trouble sleeping?" He asked and I choked on my food.


This chapter was supposed to be longer but I am way too tired so sorry for any mistakes you might find too. I'm guessing there will be more than usual since I'm way too sleepy. But next update should come soon!

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