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Beam's P.O.V.

I have just finished my last test for this semester. Just one more year to go and I'll graduate. I sighed relieved that finally something was going my way.

"What should we do now? Let's celebrate!" I said excited and Phana and Kit laughed.

"Let's go to eat my treat." Said Phana and I looked at him confused for a second.

"Well I'm not going to say no to that." I replied with a shrug.

"If your paying then count me in. Also I'm bringing Ming." Said Kit and Phana nodded. We walked towards his car and he drove to a pretty expensive restaurant.

"I know you have money to waste! But seriously what's wrong with you today? You're usually cheap." I questioned Phana.

"I have an announcement to make." He said and both Kit and I just nodded following him inside. Soon Ming and Wayo arrived and we ordered.

"So what did you need to tell us?" I asked while enjoying the food. Phana seemed nervous which was so unlike him so it was weird.

"Well I kind of proposed to Wayo and we are getting married soon." Let out Phana and I choked because I was surprised.

"Sorry but congratulations! When's the wedding?" I asked after Ming and Kit congratulated them.

"It's in two weeks at one of Wayo's fathers resort."

"Wow that's soon." I said still surprised but they loved each other so it made sense. I was happy for them.

"There's something else we wanted to tell you Beam." Said Wayo after a pause and I looked at him confused already dreading what he was about to say. I hummed urging him to continue. "Well he's my cousin and Phanas friend so we had to invite Forth." He said I let out a dry laugh shutting my eyes tightly trying to stop my tears from falling at the mention of his name.

"Yeah thanks for telling me." I said after a while of silence when I felt like I could talk without my voice breaking. Of course he was going to be there. Even if we broke up he was still close to them I was the only one who had a problem with him.

"We'd completely understand if you don't want to go." Added Pha but he had a sad look on his face.

"It's one of my best friends wedding I wouldn't miss it for anything in this world. I'll be there don't worry." I said reassuringly and Phana smiled relieved.

"Thank you." He said and I just nodded. I lost my appetite so now I was just talking with everyone trying not to think about him. After diner was over they headed to the bar but I decided to go back to my dorm. I grabbed a beer and walked straight to my balcony. I sat down and gulped the contents of the Can in my hand already regretting only bringing one. I couldn't stop anymore the tears that were streaming down my face. It's been a year since I last saw him, a year since he broke my heart into a million pieces and left.

I still don't understand how I got to this point in my life. I never wanted to fall in love but I did even though I knew from the start that it was a bad idea. I was content with the way my life was. Just one night stands no feelings involved. I wasn't attached to anyone and I liked it that way. But then he came with all of this promises and never giving up until I finally fell hard. I had never taken anything more seriously than my relationship with him. I was loyal to him, I showered him with all of my love. Until he ruined everything and somehow it was still my fault. But I couldn't change the person I was before him. He knew me from the start before he approached me. I told him thousands of times and he said he didn't care. In the end I was the one who suffered, the one who was left broken hearted.

I should be thankful though he made me really happy for some time. I could actually see a future together with him. Like Ming and Kit or Phana and Wayo who loved each other unconditionally. If things had gone differently maybe we would've been the ones getting married. But life turned out this way huh.

The funny thing and the one that bothers me the most is the fact that I haven't been able to move on. Who knows if he already found someone new? Maybe he has a new life that I don't know about and I'm still stuck here missing him even though I don't want to. It should be the other way around. I should be the heartless one who has already moved on and have a life with someone else. Or maybe I should've gone back to my Casanova's life having girls every time I wanted with no strings attached. But I just can't bring myself to do it I don't want to not after what we had.

After all he did make me happy for a long time. What we had it's not something you find easily. He was my forever I really thought he will be the one. Hell I even dared to take him to meet my parents. My very old fashioned parents that almost disowned me for loving another man. But I didn't care because I had him. It was supposed to be us against the world nothing else mattered. How stupid and naive I was to believe that even for a second.

"I hate you Forth Jaturapoom." I screamed into the wind before wiping down my tears. I will not show him how much he broke me. I will attend this wedding and I'm gonna show him that he was wrong and he lost the best damn thing that will ever happen to him.


So as you can probably guess this one will be really angsty. Also this is something different because I mostly write about them falling in love it's the first time they are broken up. so let's see where this takes us since I don't have this one completely figured out.

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