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Beam's P.O.V.

It was early in the morning I just come from Kits apartment. He just kicked me out because I told Ming we were boyfriends. I felt so hurt because he choose him over me. I just wanted what's best for him and for a second there I thought it could be me. Maybe Pha was right and I do have feelings for him. Right now I'm extremely hurt and all I want to do is forget the pain. Forget Kit and Pha and their stupid boyfriends. I walked in to the convenience store near my apartment. I walked towards the refrigerator and took two packs of beer. This will numb the pain for a while at least. As I was walking up to the cashier I saw Forth. I was about to turn around and pretend I didn't see him but he caught me.

"Beam it's that you?" He said. I sighed and turning around.

"Hey Forth" I greeted him.

"Woah are you ok?" He said coming closer to me.

"Yeah just going through some stuff but I'll be ok" I replied and he eyed me for a while before looking at my hands. There's no point in hiding the beer since he already saw them.

"Isn't it a little to early to get drunk?" He said raising an eyebrow. I just shrugged.

"Nobody cares anyway" I said

"I do! You're my friend. I can't just leave you to get wasted so early in the morning. You need someone to be there for you and I can be that person. Just leave that you're going on a road trip with me. You can tell me what's bothering you and we will figure out how to solve it. Getting wasted is not the answer" he said grabbing the two packs of beer from my hand and walking to return them. I sighed why can't he just let me be? On the other hand I didn't want to be alone anyways so might as well do what he says.

"Fine but you're gonna regret it" I said crossing my arms.

"I don't care, just wait for me outside if you want I'm gonna buy some snacks for the road" he said calmly. I just nodded and walked out. I sat on the chair in front of the store to wait for him. Five minutes later he came carrying two bags full of food. I raised an eyebrow.

"It's that too much?" I asked.

"Figured you need some comfort food, besides you can never have too much snacks. Come on let's go" he said and continued walking I got up and followed him. We walked towards a red Jeep.

"I thought you had a bike?" I asked confused.

"I do, but it's a long trip the Jeep it's more convenient. Plus I need to take it out for a ride since I don't use it much"

"Oh ok" I said before getting on the passenger seat.

We drove in silence for a while only the music playing softly. Forth was humming softly focusing on the road.

"I thought you were gonna ask me why I was buying beer at nine in the morning" I said looking at him.

"I figured you needed some time to think besides I don't want to pressure you into telling me anything I can just silently be there for you. But if you want to talk about it I'm all ears I've been told I give good advice." He said turning to look at me for a second before focusing back on the road. I contemplated it for a while and decided it was best to get it off my chest.

"I messed up Forth I probably don't have any friends by this time" I started telling him what happened.

"Why? What did you do?" He asked looking at me worriedly.

"I was at Kits house I stayed there yesterday since he had a fight with Ming who is courting him. I was there comforting him since he was sad. This morning at seven Ming showed up to Kits dorm. I noticed that even after being sad all night he was ready to forgive Ming. I got mad because Kit deserves someone who treats him better you know and for a second I thought hey that could be me. So I pulled Kit behind me and I told Ming to stay away because he was my boyfriend now. He pretended with me and Ming left really sad. After that Kit was doubting himself and was calling Ming and I told him not to do it. We had an argument and he ended throwing me out of his dorm and went crawling back to Ming and I'm just so mad that he's gonna get hurt" when I said all that out loud it hurt even more. A tear escaped my eye but I quickly whipped it.

"Beam do you like Kit more that a friend?" He asked.

"I-I d-don't know" I said getting frustrated. "I'm just so confused Forth I think I may have some feelings for him but I'm not sure. Why now all of a sudden I realize this? When he is seeing someone else. Fuck this is so messed up" I said rubbing my face with my hands.

"You need some time to clear your thoughts so that means this trip is perfect. You are going to spend some time away from all of them and hopefully this will help you organize your feelings for Kit and once your sure we can make a plan from there on. Because if you do have feeling for him we need to figure out if it's worth fighting for his love or if you should back off" he said

"You are right thanks for this Forth you didn't have to. You could've just let me get drunk and probably do something stupid. But instead here we are, you're a good friend Forth."

"Thanks what friends are for" he said turning to give me a smile for a second.

We changed the topic and continued talking. I hadn't realized this before but Forth its really funny and somehow in like an hour and a half that we'd been driving he managed to cheer me up a bit. I was getting tired since Kit kept me up whining about Ming then that idiot showed up at seven in the morning. I yawned and Forth laughed.

"Beam you're been yawning for a while now why don't you go ahead and sleep for a while. We still have like two more hours before we arrive"

"I don't want to leave you driving without company" I said.

"Don't worry about me I was coming alone anyway. Just rest for a while I'll wake you up when we get there." He said then gave me a smile to reassure me it was ok. I nodded at him before throwing the seat backwards. I got into a comfortable position and quickly drifted up to sleep. When he woke me up I was surprised to see where we were I was not expecting this.


So where do you think Forth took Beam? Sadly you're gonna have to wait a little bit to find out since I probably won't be able to update until next Saturday. I will try my best to get it done before that but I don't promise anything since I'm going to be really busy.

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