Forth's P.O.V.
Earning Beam's trust hasn't been easy. He is stubborn and makes things difficult but I didn't expect any less from him. It's been a week and a half since everything happened and even though I'm sure he has forgiven me for what happened I don't think that if I ask him to be my boyfriend he would accept. I kept thinking on how he was supposed to be the one courting me but now I am the one trying to make him accept me. He surely does know how to keep me on my toes. Who would have though I would end up falling for the stupidly gorgeous guy who dared to confess his feelings for me by calling me out in front of everyone on my faculty. I shook my head smiling fondly.
I was waiting for him in front of his dorm building. We were going to watch a movie tonight. I was about to call him since he was taking way too much time when I saw him come out. I was completely mesmerized by him. He was just wearing some jeans and a t-shirt but somehow he looked like a model. He was just so alluring I didn't stand a chance. I should've know from the first time I saw him that I was doomed. He smiled at me when he noticed I was there and I loved how happy he looked to see me. I couldn't restrain myself and when he was close to me I hugged him which he responded.
"What's with you today?" He said pulling back a bit to look at me but he was still in my arms.
"I just missed you." I replied nuzzling my head between his shoulder and neck.
"We saw each other at lunch. Come on let's go we are going to be late for the movie." He replied but didn't pull back.
"Stupid movie should we skip it?" I said moving my head to leave light kisses on his neck to his jaw and finally finishing on his lips. We pulled back out of breath and when I went to kiss him again he stopped me.
"Forth our friends are waiting for us. Besides I told you I wasn't going to be one of your night stands so that means no sex until we are together." He said sternly to me and I pouted.
"Fine let's go." I said and he gave me a chaste kiss before putting on the helmet. I got on the bike and he did the same surrounding his arms around my waist. We made it just in time for the movies and the guys were waiting for us with the tickets and drinks.
"NOOOOOO!" Pha who was the first to see us screamed.
"You just had to come didn't you. Forth I am disappointed in you. We put our faith on you." Said Park pointing at himself and Pha. I looked at them confused and saw Kit and Lam celebrating for some reason. I turned towards Beam who seemed just as confused.
"What the fuck is happening here?" Questioned Beam.
"Well since you two were running late Park said that he bet you two were probably having sex and weren't going to come. Pha agreed that you Beam wouldn't be able to resist Forth and he too thought that you weren't coming. I disagreed saying that you told us you weren't going to have sex with him until you are official and Lam agreed that you wouldn't go back on your word. So we made a bet and now those two idiots have to pay for dinner after the movie for all of us." Explained Kit.
"Well it serves you right then and Pha I would be ordering the most expensive thing in the menu even if I don't like it just because you doubted my word." Stated Beam giving a cold look to Pha and even I was scared. Pha looked panicked for a second and quickly apologized. I just laughed seeing how Beam could intimidate him so easily.
After that we went to see the movie which was about to start since Beam and I got here late and then we were arguing outside. The movie was good but since I was tired I ended sleeping for half of it. When it was over Beam woke me up and we quickly left. As I was still a little bit sleepy I went to the bathroom before we left to eat. I splashed water on my face to wake up and then returned. As I walked towards the guys I noticed Beam wasn't there.

Forth Beam Short Stories
FanfictionA collection of Forth Beam short stories. Characters don't belong to me, only the plot.